100% of Business Administration students have jobs after graduation

Phương Anh |

According to reports from many universities, up to 100% of Business Administration students have jobs after graduation.

According to the 2023 enrollment results of the Ministry of Education and Training, the Business and Management field accounts for the highest percentage of enrolled candidates with 23.57%. Previously in 2022, this was also the field that attracted the most candidates with 24.54%.

According to a survey at some universities, the rate of students who have jobs right after graduation in Business Administration is quite high. There are schools where 100% of students who study this major have jobs after graduation.

Ti le sinh vien nganh Quan tri Kinh doanh ra truong co viec lam cua mot so truong dai hoc do Bao Lao Dong tong hop tu bao cao, de an tuyen sinh cua cac truong dai hoc. Bieu do: Phuong Anh
The employment rate of Business Administration graduates of some universities was compiled by Lao Dong Newspaper from reports and enrollment plans of universities. Chart: Phuong Anh

According to the latest report of the Academy of Finance on the employment situation of graduates in 2022, the average employment rate of students is 98.13% (the number of graduates is 4,394). Particularly for the Business Administration major, up to 98.19% of students have jobs after graduation.

Ket qua khao sat sinh vien co viec lam trong khoang thoi gian 12 thang ke tu khi duoc cong nhan tot nghiep Hoc vien Tai chinh nam 2022. Anh: Chup man hinh
Survey results of students employed within 12 months of being recognized as graduates of the Academy of Finance in 2022. Photo: Screenshot

For the National Economics University, the report on the employment situation of graduates in 2023 shows that the rate of graduates who have jobs ranges from 80 - 100%. Accordingly, 95.67% of graduates majoring in Business Administration at the school have jobs after graduation.

Ket qua khao sat ti le sinh vien tot nghiep nam 2023 Truong Dai hoc Kinh te Quoc dan co viec lam. Anh: Chup man hinh
Survey results of the employment rate of 2023 graduates of the National Economics University. Photo: Screenshot

At Hanoi Capital University, according to the survey results of students with jobs in 2023, the employment rate of Business Administration graduates is 100%.

Meanwhile, the employment rate of students after graduation in some majors in the field of Educational Science and Teacher Training such as Educational Management is 75%; Civic Education 77.78%; Preschool Education 88.89%...

Khao sat ti le sinh vien tot nghiep nam 2023 Truong Dai hoc Thu do Ha Noi co viec lam. Anh: Chup man hinh
Employment rate of graduates of Hanoi Capital University in 2023. Photo: Screenshot

Foreign Trade University, the survey results of the rate of graduates having jobs within 12 months after graduation in 2022 is 98.79% (out of a total of 3,657 students). Of which, up to 99.15% of Business Administration graduates have jobs after graduation.

According to the report on employment of graduates of Nam Dinh University of Technical Education, the employment rate of Business Administration students after graduation is 100%.

Ti le sinh vien ra truong co viec lam cua Truong Dai hoc Thu do Ha Noi nam 2023. Anh: Chup man hinh
The employment rate of graduates of Nam Dinh University of Technical Education in 2023. Photo: Screenshot

For the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications (Northern campus), the employment rate of 2022 graduates (surveyed in 2023) ranges from 81.3% to 96.53%. Of which, 81.3% of graduates from the Business Administration major have jobs.

Phương Anh

Tỉ lệ sinh viên tốt nghiệp có việc làm gần 100%: Có đúng thực tế?

Nhóm PV |

Nhiều sinh viên cho rằng, tỉ lệ sinh viên tốt nghiệp có việc làm theo khảo sát của các trường gần như không đáng tin cậy.

Nhiều ngành tỉ lệ sinh viên tốt nghiệp có việc làm gần 100%

Phương Anh |

Dù thị trường lao động có nhiều khó khăn, nhưng báo cáo tại nhiều trường đại học cho thấy, không ít ngành học 100% sinh viên có việc làm sau khi tốt nghiệp.

Ngành học hot, trên 98% sinh viên ra trường có việc làm

Vân Trang |

Tỉ lệ sinh viên chương trình DDP (Mỗi bên cấp Một Bằng Cử nhân tại Viện Đào tạo Quốc tế – Học viện Tài chính) tốt nghiệp có việc làm đạt trên 98%.

Bí thư huyện bức xúc về việc 300 sổ đỏ của dân bị thu hồi

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Về việc tham mưu UBND huyện thu hồi 300 sổ đỏ của người dân, Bí thư Huyện ủy Phù Mỹ cho rằng, đây là vấn đề gây bất ổn trong xã hội.

Khởi tố, bắt tạm giam người cha bạo hành con trai 6 tuổi

Tâm Tú |

Ngày 4.10, Công an Quận 8 (TPHCM) đã khởi tố vụ án, khởi tố bị can và lệnh bắt tạm giam người cha trong vụ bé trai 6 tuổi nghi bị bạo hành.

Xét tặng danh hiệu Anh hùng Lao động cho ông Mai Đức Chung


Bộ Nội vụ tiến hành lấy ý kiến nhân dân đề nghị tặng danh hiệu “Anh hùng Lao động” đối với ông Mai Đức Chung.

Dự báo vùng ảnh hưởng của cơn bão mới mạnh ngang Helene

Thanh Hà |

Tin bão mới nhất cho hay, bão Kirk mạnh lên thành bão cấp 4 ngày 3.10, trở thành bão mạnh thứ 3 trong mùa bão 2024 sau siêu bão Beryl và Helene.

Bất ngờ lý do không đội mũ bảo hiểm của nam sinh lớp 9

Tô Thế |

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The employment rate of graduates is nearly 100%: Is it true?

Nhóm PV |

Many students believe that the employment rate of graduates according to surveys by schools is almost unreliable.

Many industries have a graduate employment rate of nearly 100%

Phương Anh |

Although the labor market has many difficulties, reports from many universities show that many majors have 100% of students having jobs after graduation.

Hot major, over 98% of graduates have jobs

Vân Trang |

The employment rate of DDP program students (Each party grants a Bachelor's Degree at the International Training Institute - Academy of Finance) is over 98%.