Hot major, over 98% of graduates have jobs

Vân Trang |

The employment rate of DDP program students (Each party grants a Bachelor's Degree at the International Training Institute - Academy of Finance) is over 98%.

Of which, about 10% work in state agencies, 35% of you work at Big4 accounting - auditing, if including Big4 banks and corporations, this number is up to 65%.

The above information was given by Dr. Trinh Thanh Huyen - Director of Institute of International Training, Academy of Finance at the Career Orientation Day "Career Day 2024 - Free Your Sparkle" on September 28.

The program is organized to create a space to directly connect leading businesses in the fields of Finance, Banking, Accounting, Auditing and Recruitment with DDP program students.

Trinh Duc Huy - a first-year student, DDT program, Academy of Finance also attended the program with the desire to better understand the profession, field of study as well as future career opportunities.

"I want to hear from seniors to understand the requirements that the recruiting unit needs, thereby expanding job opportunities for myself" - Duc Huy shared.

Ngay tai Ngay hoi tuyen dung, sinh vien DDP tham gia ung tuyen vao doanh nghiep. Anh: Minh Phong
Over 98% of DDP graduates have jobs. Photo: Minh Phong

Sharing at the Career Orientation Day, Mr. Nguyen Duy Toan - senior recruitment consultant at HR1Vietnam Holdings shared that there are 3 things students need to pay attention to in order to impress employers:

First, when texting or sending emails, you need to be modest, polite and receptive.

Second, your CV should be impressive and concise to show the employer that you are a good fit for the company.

Third, take advantage of the opportunity to capture the heart of the employer.

In addition to the above 3 factors, according to Mr. Nguyen Duy Toan, the secret to conquering the employer is understanding. To do so, you need to read the job description carefully, understand the skills and knowledge required for the position being recruited. At the same time, understand the skills and knowledge you have for the position you are interested in.

Sharing about his entrepreneurial journey, Mr. La Duc Thinh - Director of Vo Vi Investment Joint Stock Company, a former student of the 4th course of the DDT Program, advised students to make the most of available resources, definitely not to use money if not really necessary and to put pressure on themselves when starting a business.

Anh La Duc Thinh chia se tai Ngay hoi tuyen dung. Anh: Minh Phong
Mr. La Duc Thinh shares at the Career Orientation Day. Photo: Minh Phong

“Starting a business is not about making a lot of money, but about creating a lot of value” - Mr. La Duc Thinh shared, at the same time advising young people not to be afraid of difficulties and hardships, and to do what they dream of, ready to face risks.

DDP (Dual Degree Programme) is a 4-year full-time undergraduate training program of the Academy of Finance in association with the University of Greenwich (UK) with each side granting a bachelor's degree. Graduates are awarded 2 regular degrees: Bachelor's Degree in Finance - Banking granted by the Academy of Finance and Bachelor's Degree in Financial Accounting granted by the University of Greenwich.

Over 9 training courses, the program has enrolled a total of more than 900 students, nearly 400 of whom have graduated, including graduates from the UK and the Academy.

Vân Trang

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