Many industries have a graduate employment rate of nearly 100%

Phương Anh |

Although the labor market has many difficulties, reports from many universities show that many majors have 100% of students having jobs after graduation.

According to a survey of some universities, many majors have 100% of students having jobs right from the first year of graduation. Among 50 universities and academies nationwide that Lao Dong reporters surveyed and compiled, schools training in economics have a much higher rate of students having jobs.

For example, Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics announced the results of a survey of employed students in 2023. The school's survey results showed that 96.04% of graduates had jobs within 12 months of graduation (out of a total of 4,044 students).

Of which, 5 training majors have a 100% employment rate for graduates including Business Commerce, Public Management, Software Engineering, English Language and Economic Statistics.

At the National Economics University, the report on the employment situation of graduates in 2023 shows that the rate of graduates with jobs ranges from 80 - 100%.

Ti le sinh vien ra truong co viec lam cua mot so truong dai hoc. Bieu do: Phuong Anh
The employment rate of graduates of some universities was compiled by Lao Dong Newspaper from reports and enrollment plans of universities. Chart: Phuong Anh

According to the latest report of the University of Commerce on the employment situation of graduates in 2022, the average employment rate of students is 98.90%. In particular, the training majors in which 100% of students have jobs after graduation are E-commerce, Management Information Systems, Tourism and Travel Services Management, and Hotel Management.

Co 4 nganh dao tao cua Truong Dai hoc Thuong Mai 100% sinh vien co viec lam tren tong so sinh vien phan hoi. Anh: Chup man hinh
There are 4 training majors of the University of Commerce with 100% of students having jobs out of the total number of students responding.

At Foreign Trade University, the survey results of the rate of graduates having jobs within 12 months after graduation in 2022 is 98.79% (out of a total of 3,657 students).

According to this survey, 4 training majors with 100% employment rate of graduates include English, French, Chinese, and Japanese.

In addition, some majors have relatively high employment rates after graduation such as Business Administration (99.15%), Economics (99.01%), Law (98.72%)...

Ket qua khao sat (nam 2023) sinh vien tot nghiep nam 2022 Truong Dai hoc Ngoai thuong co viec lam. Anh: Chup man hinh
Survey results (2023) of 2022 graduates of Foreign Trade University having jobs.

For the Academy of Finance, the employment rate of graduates is 98.13% (the number of graduates is 4,394). Of which, students majoring in Management Information Systems in the field of Business and Management have the highest employment rate after graduation, at 98.74%.

Ket qua khao sat sinh vien co viec lam trong khoang thoi gian 12 thang ke tu khi duoc cong nhan tot nghiep Hoc vien Tai chinh nam 2022. Anh: Chup man hinh.
Survey results of students employed within 12 months of being recognized as graduates of the Academy of Finance in 2022.
Phương Anh

98,3% sinh viên Bách Khoa Đà Nẵng có việc làm sau tốt nghiệp

Nguyễn Linh |

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Đồng Nai - Hàng trăm người dân đổ xô xuống đập tràn của hồ Thủy điện Trị An để bắt cá khủng, kiếm tiền triệu.

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Tô Công |

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Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

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