Bac Lieu still does not have local education books


In the new school year, Bac Lieu province has not yet printed local educational books for teaching.

Recognizing the difficulties, in the new school year 2024 - 2025, the Department of Education and Training of Bac Lieu province is frank: The progress of compiling local educational documents of the province is slow compared to the roadmap for implementing the Education Program. General Education 2018 by the Ministry of Education and Training. Up to now, Bac Lieu province has not been able to print and distribute local educational materials but must use PDF files for teaching.

The main reason is due to difficulties and problems related to legal procedures. The Ministry of Education and Training has not issued documents detailing the process of organizing printing and distribution.

Previously, Lao Dong informed that Bac Lieu province teaches local education programs using unpublished and unprinted books. In many places, black and white photocopying is required, making it difficult for both teachers and students, especially in the subjects of geography, history, etc., mainly in the illustrations.

Local education books in Bac Lieu have not yet been published for the new school year. Photo: Nhat Ho
Local education books in Bac Lieu have not yet been published for the new school year. Photo: Nhat Ho

Regarding the lack of more than 1,200 teachers at the beginning of the new school year, the Department of Education and Training of Bac Lieu province recognizes that the recruitment of public employees in general and teachers in particular cannot be implemented according to plans and principles. The main reason is due to having to wait for the Provincial People's Committee to amend and supplement Decision No. 24/2021/QD-UBND dated July 15, 2021.

To ensure human resources to perform teaching tasks, educational institutions must assign teachers to teach extra hours or guest teachers outside the school. However, the estimate for additional understaffing is calculated based on the starting salary with a coefficient of 2.34, but in reality, the cost of paying overtime and guest lectures is much higher than the starting salary. Therefore, the additional allocation budget is not enough to pay teachers. In particular, for schools in remote and disadvantaged areas, the annual operating budget cannot ensure compensation for the unit's extra hours and guest lectures.


Bạc Liêu thiếu hơn 1.200 giáo viên đầu năm học mới


Dù đã tuyển bổ sung 144 chỉ tiêu, nhưng tỉnh Bạc Liêu vẫn thiếu 1.244 giáo viên ở các cấp học.

Dạy sách Chương trình giáo dục địa phương chưa xuất bản, chuyện không chỉ có ở Bạc Liêu


Không riêng gì Bạc Liêu, các tỉnh trong khu vực ĐBSCL hiện cũng không có sách dạy chương trình giáo dục địa phương. Giáo viên và học sinh học chay, việc biên soạn đã lâu nhưng chưa xuất bản khiến ngay cả tác giả viết sách cũng… buồn.

Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo tỉnh Bạc Liêu chỉ đạo dạy sách chưa xuất bản


Toàn bộ Chương trình giáo dục địa phương thuộc chương trình lớp 10, lớp 11 tại tỉnh Bạc Liêu chưa có sách. Gần hết học kỳ 2 của năm học 2023-2024, Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo tỉnh Bạc Liêu chỉ đạo các trường dạy cấp tốc cho kịp số tiết bằng tài liệu lưu hành nội bộ dưới dạng file PDF.

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