Vietnamese young people create a technology playground for international friends

Vân Hoa |

High school students from Vietnam and internationally collaborated to organize a mini artificial intelligence and machine learning technology summer camp for students in grades 8 to 11.

With the increasingly important role of artificial intelligence in life, understanding information about artificial intelligence and more specifically small machine learning is increasingly urgent. Therefore, high school students from Vietnam and internationally cooperated to organize a small artificial intelligence and machine learning training camp with the desire to impart experiences in research and algorithm building. and develop applications for daily life. This summer camp is held in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, creating convenience in expanding the network connecting students with similar passions and interests. 15 students in grades 8 to 11, selected from 40 registered students, were guided and trained by students in grades 11 - 12.

Participating in the summer camp were Vietnamese students and some international students from the US and Türkiye. The summer camp receives instruction from experienced counselors from around the world, including Professors. Do Dinh Thuan is teaching and researching Computer Engineering and Electronics Engineering at Mount Union University, Ohio, USA; GS. Houbing Herbert Song from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and Professor. Chad Korach is teaching at Mount Union University, Ohio, USA.

Vu Anh Duc, student of class 12A3 CLC - Natural Science High School for the Gifted, head of the admissions committee shared: "Our goal is to help you have more opportunities to approach and get acquainted with AI and Machine Learning through basic applications on the Arduino Sense BLE 33 Lite kit.

Through practical projects, Vietnamese students have the opportunity to practice programming and data processing skills. Applying theory to practice helps students grasp knowledge faster and more deeply, thereby loving applying artificial intelligence technology to common applications in daily life, transforming devices. normally into smart products.

Nguyen Lan Bao, a 10th grade student at Delta Global school, Hanoi shared: "I feel that artificial intelligence applications are very close, for example, I find it interesting to practice the number recognition application. written in the air".

After the first summer camp, teacher Do Dinh Thuan commented: "Students in grades 8 to 10 in Vietnam learn new knowledge very quickly in a very new way of training from their own students in grades 11 and 12. Simple and easy-to-understand sample programming exercises. To be visually vivid, the summer camp also helps you understand the applications of artificial intelligence by running applications on hardware devices I brought from the US myself. about".

Do Phuc Tin, a 10th grade student at Hoover School, North Canton City, Ohio, USA - head of the international publishing and publication department - believes that: "Some results from summer camp cooperation can be published. Published into scientific articles or book chapters to help promote Vietnamese research results to the world." This helps ensure that, wherever they are, anyone interested in learning about artificial intelligence and machine learning has access to quality courses.

Vân Hoa

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