The Ministry of Education explains why 9.5 points/subject still fails university admission

Vân Trang |

This year, the benchmark scores for many majors and universities based on high school graduation exam scores are very high, candidates with 9.5 points per subject are not admitted.

As of August 19, more than 150 universities have announced the benchmark scores for 2024. Based on high school graduation exam scores, the benchmark scores for many majors and universities are very high. In some majors, candidates with 9.5 points/subject also have no chance of being admitted.

For example, at Hanoi University of Education, Literature and History Pedagogy majored with a score of 29.3 (block C00). This is also the highest standard score in the country until now. That means, on average, candidates must score nearly 9.77 points/subject to be admitted.

Next is the Geography Education major with the standard score of block C00 being 29.05 points. The fields of History and Geography Pedagogy, Political Education, Citizenship Education... also have benchmark scores close to the 29 mark. That means each subject must average over 9.67 points.

Explaining the reason why benchmark scores according to the method of reviewing high school graduation exam results of many schools have increased, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Hoang Minh Son said that currently, information about industries and schools is increasingly increasing. transparent, clear. Therefore, schools with good training quality and high demand for human resources will be of interest to many candidates.

Regarding the high standard score of block C00, candidates scored 9.5 points but were not admitted to many majors, Mr. Son said, the Ministry of Education and Training also made an assessment and prediction from the beginning when comparing the score spectrum of the past 2 years and found there is an upswing. With prestigious, quality schools, competition is even more evident.

“Some industries don't have many targets, but even large concentrated areas can push the benchmark up. In addition, this also depends on ensuring fairness between admission methods. If the admission methods are fair and the exam questions are clearly differentiated, high benchmark scores are not unusual. But if fairness is not guaranteed, candidates will enter through some easier method, about this the Ministry needs to have a careful analysis" - Deputy Minister Son said.

Regarding the benchmark scores of pedagogical schools, Deputy Minister Son said that this is a good sign, showing clearly the social needs for teachers and high school teachers, especially in some subjects such as History. History, Geography.

According to Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of the Department of Higher Education, in recent years, early admission has been given a relatively large number of targets, thus also affecting the number of targets according to the method used. Using high school graduation exam results. This is also one of the reasons why benchmark scores have increased in the past few years.

The university benchmark scores of many majors and schools according to high school graduation exam scores are sky-high. Candidates who score 9.5 points/subject still fail. Photo: Van Trang
The university benchmark scores of many majors and schools according to high school graduation exam scores are sky-high. Candidates who score 9.5 points/subject still fail. Photo: Van Trang

Ms. Thuy said that, with university autonomy, schools have autonomy over admission methods and are responsible for clarifying the use of admission methods to ensure fairness among target groups.

However, with such a trend, adjustments are needed for schools to create fairness for candidates when participating in different admission methods. This is also an important point in adjusting the upcoming admission regulations.

Vân Trang

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