Not yet enrolled, students, parents have thoroughly searched for a rental room

Chân Phúc |

In HCMC, the room for rent market is "heating up" gradually as many new students and parents are frantically searching for a room for rent despite not having enrolled yet.

According to the plan of the Ministry of Education and Training, from August 17 to before 5:00 PM on August 19, universities and colleges will announce the admission results. At this time, many students and parents have already planned to find a place to stay in advance.

Sister Nguyen Thi Hang (Binh Tan District) said that for over a week now, she has contacted 4-5 rental points to inquire and prepare a place to stay for her younger brother who will study in HCMC in the near future. "The number of vacant rooms is currently high, but the rent is quite high, with rooms ranging from 12-20m2 being quoted at 3-4 million VND. Below that price, there are also cases of rooms in poor condition, inadequate security, or located far from the university" - Sister Hang shared.

Similarly, Mr. Nguyen Cong Hung (Binh Duong) said that his daughter plans to study at the University of Saigon (District 5), as the distance from home to the university is approximately 50km, he decided to rent a room for his daughter to stay in during the study period. "In the past few days, I have had some free time, so I have been inquiring about which places still have vacant rooms and then visiting them in person. I have also selected 2-3 places, but I have not yet deposited the rent. I plan to finalize the arrangement next week when my daughter receives the official admission results, as I fear that the rent will increase significantly if I delay" - Mr. Hung said.

Ms. Minh Tam - the owner of a house with a rental room in Phu Nhuan District - said that her house has a total of 5 rental rooms, but 2 rooms are still vacant due to students who have just graduated and moved out. Ms. Tam said: "Over the past few days, I have received some phone calls to schedule a viewing, but no one has finalized the rental. At my place, if you rent, you need to deposit 1 month's rent and commit to staying for at least 6 months".

According to Dr. Pham Thai Son - Director of the Admissions and Communications Center of the University of Commerce and Industry, HCMC, the need for rental accommodation is a crucial issue for new students. Understanding this, there is always a situation where new students are scammed while searching for a place to rent.

"There are many cases where new students are required to deposit a certain amount of money to secure a room, but the landlord then disappears or refuses to return the deposit. Therefore, students should not send money to secure a room before visiting the rental property in person. If they must secure a room, they should verify the landlord's credibility through reliable sources such as the university's student union, clubs, or teams responsible for finding accommodation for new students, as universities usually assign teams to support new students during their first days of enrollment" - Dr. Son said.

In addition, students and parents should not rely too heavily on flyers or advertisements. When renting a room, they should visit the property in person, inspect the room's size, amenities, cleanliness, and security. Many rental properties advertise attractive images, spacious rooms, and cleanliness, but the reality is different. This can cause disappointment and difficulties for students who have already signed a rental agreement.

Students should carefully review the rental agreement, read the contract carefully, especially the terms related to the deposit, rent, rental period, and other regulations. It is recommended to seek advice from someone with experience. Some rental agreements may have unfavorable terms for the tenant, such as requiring payment for multiple months in advance or not refunding the deposit even if...

“Students should choose rental properties in safe areas with streetlights, near amenities such as markets, supermarkets, hospitals. It is recommended to choose areas near the university or the city center, as the security will be better and it will be more convenient for travel” - Dr. Pham Thai Son advised.

Chân Phúc

Mòn mỏi tìm phòng trọ dưới 2 triệu đồng/tháng ở Hà Nội

Nhật Minh |

Hà Nội - Nhiều sinh viên loay hoay tìm phòng mới khi các phòng trọ trên địa bàn TP Hà Nội đồng loạt tăng giá.

Giá thuê phòng trọ tăng sốc khiến khách thuê khổ sở

Minh Hạnh |

Hà Nội - Sau khi cải tạo hệ thống phòng cháy chữa cháy (PCCC), giá thuê phòng trọ tăng cao đột ngột đã gây áp lực lớn đến người thuê.

Người dân Hà Nội chen chân trên phố Hàng Mã chơi Trung thu


Tối 16.9 (tức 14.8 Âm lịch), hàng ngàn người dân đổ về khu vực phố Hàng Mã (Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội) để vui chơi Trung thu khiến tuyến phố trở nên ùn tắc.

Kịch bản đường đi khi áp thấp nhiệt đới mạnh lên bão số 4


Đại diện cơ quan khí tượng nhận định áp thấp nhiệt đới có thể mạnh thành bão số 4 và khả năng tác động đất liền nước ta.

Tạm giữ lái xe ô tô cán học sinh tử vong trong sân trường


Đắk Lắk - Cơ quan chức năng đã tạm giữ hình sự người lái xe ô tô bán tải cán tử vong em học sinh lớp 2 ngay trong sân trường.

Lô đất trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở Hà Nội bị bỏ cọc


Dù đã hết thời gian nộp tiền nhưng đến nay lô đất có giá trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở huyện Thanh Oai (Hà Nội) vẫn chưa đóng tiền.

Hà Nội tắc đường cả cây số, người dân ì ạch di chuyển

Nhóm PV |

Tối 16.9, nhiều tuyến đường tại Hà Nội tắc cứng do giờ tan tầm và lượng người đổ ra đường đi chơi Trung thu.

Nga dồn ép quân Ukraina khỏi Kursk theo nhiều hướng

Song Minh |

Lực lượng Ukraina ngày càng bị đẩy lùi khỏi nhiều khu định cư ở tỉnh Kursk của Nga.