Da Nang spends hundreds of billions of dong investing in school infrastructure

Nguyễn Linh |

In 2024, Da Nang City approved many projects to renovate and build new schools with a total investment of hundreds of billions of VND.

Renovating old classrooms

The People's Committee of Da Nang City has just issued an investment policy for the Nguyen Binh Khiem Secondary School Project (phase 2) in Hoa Minh Ward, Lien Chieu District with a total investment of 36 billion VND, to be implemented from 2024 - 2027.

Nguyen Binh Khiem Secondary School Project (Phase 2) aims to continue upgrading the degraded school facilities, ensuring the safety and teaching environment of the school, in sync with the newly built buildings replacing the buildings in Phase 1.

At the same time, ensure material facilities and improve the quality of education to meet the needs of students in Lien Chieu district and neighboring areas.

According to the People's Committee of Lien Chieu District, in the 2024-2025 school year, the City People's Committee will invest in the construction of new classrooms and functional rooms at Vo Thi Sau Primary School with a total cost of 25.8 billion VND.

The project has now been completed and put into use for the new school year. With 8 newly built classrooms, the school ensures that 100% of students study 2 sessions/day.

Hong Quang Primary School received investment from the city to build new classrooms and functional rooms with a total cost of 25.5 billion VND. Thanks to that, the school ensures that 100% of students study 2 sessions/day.

During the inspection of preparations for the new school year on August 27, Mr. Nguyen Ha Bac, Secretary of the Lien Chieu District Party Committee, noted that the construction unit as well as the school actively coordinated to put the project into use in the most effective way.

Investing hundreds of billions of dong to build new level C dangerous schools

In Hai Chau district, Phu Dong Primary School was built in 1890. Up to now, it has been used for more than 100 years, so many construction items have degraded.

According to the People's Committee of Da Nang City, the inspection of the current quality of the building showed that the old classroom building was at level C danger level, the load-bearing capacity of a structural part could not meet the requirements of normal use.

Mr. Le Thanh Dung, a security guard at Phu Dong Primary School, said: “Because it was built a long time ago, the yard is low-lying, so it cannot drain water during the rainy season. This often leads to flooding, and many times the school has to let students stay home.”

At the 17th session (special session), the People's Council of Da Nang City, term X, 2021-2026, agreed to invest 109 billion VND to build Phu Dong Primary School (facility 1).

Truong tieu hoc Phu Dong (duong Yen Bai, quan Hai Chau, TP Da Nang) xay dung duoc hon 100 nam den nay da xuong cap nghiem trong. Anh: Nguyen Linh
Phu Dong Primary School (Yen Bai Street, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City) was built more than 100 years ago and is now seriously degraded. Photo: Nguyen Linh

Next, Phan Thanh Tai High School located in Hoa Chau Commune, Hoa Vang District, Da Nang City was established in 2002 with 4 2-storey buildings. Currently, the assessment results of the danger level of these school buildings are at level C danger level.

According to Mr. Ngo Tat Hieu, an employee of Phan Thanh Tai High School, after more than 21 years of use, the 2-storey buildings have shown signs of serious deterioration, are unsafe and cause many problems in teaching and learning.

“The school was built more than 20 years ago, so many items have deteriorated. Sometimes large pieces of cement fall off unexpectedly, which is very dangerous,” said Mr. Ngo Tat Hieu.

According to the People's Committee of Da Nang City, the current status of the construction blocks shows many cracks distributed in the columns, beams, floors, and walls running around the construction. The construction blocks have degraded a lot, the steel has signs of corrosion from the inside. Most of the walls are moldy, the mortar is peeling off, exposing the bricks. Other items such as electrical outlets are also severely damaged.

The Da Nang City People's Committee said that the investment project aims to upgrade the facilities of Phan Thanh Tai High School to strengthen flood prevention measures, ensure safety and the school's teaching environment.

The project has a total investment capital of more than 118 billion VND from the city budget.

Nguyễn Linh

Đà Nẵng chuẩn bị sẵn sàng cho ngày khai giảng năm học mới

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