When are benchmark scores for police schools announced?

Vân Trang |

Below is the schedule for announcing benchmark scores for universities and people's public security academies in 2024.

According to the expected plan of the Ministry of Public Security, on August 20, on the basis of data exchange from the Ministry of Education and Training (GDĐT), academies and universities of the People's Public Security will announce admission benchmarks.

The recruitment and admission procedures for successful candidates take place between September 23 and 27.

Previously, the Ministry of Public Security announced the scores of the assessment test for separate admission to universities and people's police academies in 2024 on July 20.

In 2024, the Ministry of Public Security assigns 2,150 new regular university-level police recruitment targets to schools.

The Ministry of Public Security has announced the time to announce admission standards for police schools in 2024. Photo: Van Trang
The Ministry of Public Security has announced the time to announce admission standards for police schools in 2024. Photo: Van Trang

The Ministry of Public Security maintains three stable enrollment methods as follows:

Method 1 is direct admission, priority admission according to the current admission regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and regulations of the Ministry of Public Security.

Method 2 is to enroll candidates with international foreign language certificates.

Method 3 is admission combining the results of the high school graduation exam of the Ministry of Education and Training with the admission assessment test of the Ministry of Public Security.

The scoring formula is the total score of 3 subjects in the Ministry of Education and Training's high school graduation exam under the admission combination (40% rate) and the score of the Ministry of Public Security's assessment test (60% rate).

The 2024 Ministry of Public Security assessment exam takes place on July 7 with the participation of nearly 18,000 candidates. This is the third year the exam has been organized by the Ministry of Public Security to serve as a basis for admission to people's police academies and schools.

Candidates can track their scores for admission to police schools in 2024 HERE .

Vân Trang

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