Naval Officer School Standard Score 2024


The Naval Officer School has announced the standard admission method using high school graduation exam scores in 2024.

Compared to last year's standard score, this year's school's standard score for Northern male candidates increased by nearly 1 point, from 23.7 points (in 2023) to 24.21 points. This score applies to the admission combination A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry) and A01 (Math, Physics, English).

Meanwhile, the school's benchmark scores for Southern male candidates decreased. In 2023, the standard university entrance score according to the high school graduation exam admission method for southern male candidates is 24.1 points. This year the benchmark score dropped to 20.6 points.

Naval Academy Benchmarks 2024. Screenshot
Naval Academy Benchmarks 2024. Screenshot

This year, the total number of targets for military schools and academies this year is 5,212, of which 2,191 candidates are admitted early.

This is the first year that military schools organize early admission methods, including reviewing transcripts and reviewing test scores to assess competency. However, only about 950 candidates are eligible for admission. The remaining quotas are reserved for the admission method based on high school graduation exam scores in 2024.

Students and parents can see the benchmark scores of all universities across the country updated by Lao Dong HERE.

No later than 5:00 p.m. on August 19, universities and colleges must complete the announcement of benchmark scores and first round admission results.

Before 5:00 p.m. on August 27, candidates confirm admission online for phase 1.

From August 28, schools will announce additional enrollment. From September to December 2024, schools will conduct admission for the next batches and update the list of successful candidates and enroll in accordance with regulations.


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Điểm chuẩn Trường Sĩ quan Chính trị năm 2024


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