Hai Phong spent 2.7 billion VND to reward students and teachers who won international awards

Mai Chi |

Hai Phong City spent more than 2.7 billion VND to reward 4 students who won international and regional Olympic medals along with teachers and schools whose students won awards.

On the afternoon of July 31, Hai Phong City People's Committee organized a celebration and reward for students and teachers who achieved high achievements in regional and international Olympic exams in 2024.

Secretary of Hai Phong City Party Committee Le Tien Chau attended and praised and rewarded students and teachers.

This year, Hai Phong has 4 students winning medals in international Olympic competitions. All 4 students are students at Tran Phu High School for the Gifted, of which, Nguyen Si Hieu, a 12th grade student specializing in Biology, won the Gold Medal in the International Olympic Competition in Biology; Nguyen Thanh Duy, a 12th grade student specializing in Physics, won a silver medal in the International Olympics in Physics and a bronze medal in the Asian Physics Olympiad; Grade 12 math major Tran Minh Duc won an international Olympic bronze medal in mathematics; Nguyen Tung Lam, a 12th grade IT student, won the Asian Olympic silver medal in Informatics

According to the Resolution of the People's Council of Hai Phong City, students who win an international gold medal will be awarded 500 million VND by the city, a silver medal of 400 million VND, and a bronze medal of 300 million VND. The reward levels for regional and national medals are lower. Teachers who directly teach and guide students will receive a bonus equivalent to 50% of the student's bonus. The collective of teachers teaching students receives 20% of the student bonus; The school board of directors is awarded a reward corresponding to 10% of the students' rewards.

Hai Phong City leaders rewarded 4 teachers whose students won international awards. Photo: Thanh Nga
Hai Phong City leaders rewarded 4 teachers whose students won international awards. Photo: Thanh Nga

At the reward ceremony on the afternoon of July 31, 4 students who won international Olympic prizes and their teachers directly received certificates of merit and bonuses from the People's Committee of Hai Phong City, totaling more than 2.7 billion VND.

According to the Hai Phong Department of Education and Training, in the 2023-2024 school year, Hai Phong has 116 students participating in the national exam to select excellent students in 12 teams. As a result, Hai Phong City won 98 prizes (an increase of 22 prizes compared to the previous school year), ranking 3rd nationwide after Hanoi (184 prizes) and Ho Chi Minh City (110 prizes).

After that, the Ministry of Education and Training selected 8 students from Hai Phong to participate in the International Olympic Team Selection Exam. As a result, all 4 students brought home medals for the country.

The board of directors and teachers of Tran Phu High School for the Gifted were rewarded. Photo: Thanh Nga
The board of directors and teachers of Tran Phu High School for the Gifted were rewarded. Photo: Thanh Nga

Speaking at the Conference, Secretary of Hai Phong City Party Committee Le Tien Chau praised the achievements that teachers and students of Tran Phu High School for the Gifted have achieved, as well as the results of the education sector in the past school year.

According to the Secretary of the Hai Phong City Party Committee, the city is very proud to have such excellent students. To achieve such results, it takes the tireless study and training of the students, the efforts and dedication of the teachers, and the solid support from the family. achieve results like today.

“This is a milestone in their lives, a preparation for them to enter a new stage. I believe, you will be steadfast on the next journey of life" - Secretary Le Tien Chau said.

The Secretary of the Hai Phong City Party Committee hopes that after studying successfully, students will return to build their homeland, and affirmed that the city is always ready to provide opportunities and environments for students to develop their talents. his force. “These are the red seeds of the city. I hope you will spread the spirit of love of learning to students throughout the city, and at the same time spread the spirit of curiosity to all of us adults, working together to make the city more and more developed." - Secretary of Hai Phong City Party Committee said.

Mai Chi

Bổ nhiệm Giám đốc Bệnh viện Phổi Hải Phòng

Hoàng Khôi |

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Mai Chi |

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Việt Dũng |

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Mai Chi |

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