Clarifying the case of the principal transferring schools in Kien Giang


Public opinion raised the issue of the principal of a school in Kien Giang arbitrarily transferring the school to a new school location without official written instructions from superiors.

On August 23, the People's Committee of Vinh Thuan district (Kien Giang) informed the press about the incident of the Principal of Thi Tran Secondary School transferring the school and equipping its facilities from the location of Vinh Dong 1 neighborhood to Vinh Phuoc 2 neighborhood, Thi Tran town. Vinh Thuan town (old Vinh Thuan town primary and secondary school).

Regarding public opinion raising the issue of transferring facilities to a new school without official written instructions from superiors, Mr. Huynh Ngoc Nguyen - Vice Chairman of Vinh Thuan District People's Committee - affirmed that the incident is counterintuitive. The above reflection is correct, the district does not have an official document yet.

Regarding the issue of the principal transferring facilities and equipment (from the school site as mentioned above), Mr. Nguyen said that previously, the district Department of Education and Training had a draft plan to collect opinions on the transfer of facilities. facilities. As stated in the press and public opinion, the district also correctly reported that there was no document yet.

However, the District Party Committee has a policy of implementation, but in this process it is slow and lacking in promulgating documents. Partly due to the principal's eagerness to move the facilities to a new place so that the students can catch up with the new school year and have adequate physical equipment for learning.

Vice Chairman of the District People's Committee affirmed: "During the implementation process, there are shortcomings, we acknowledge the feedback of people and parents and affirm that wherever there is a mistake, we will correct it there and handle the violation publicly." Transparent, not evasive. After the district works again with relevant units, it will provide more information to the press and, depending on the severity of the violation, there will be appropriate handling."

Vice Chairman of Vinh Thuan District People's Committee Pham Anh Nguyen informed the press. Photo: Nguyen Anh
Mr. Pham Ngoc Nguyen - Vice Chairman of Vinh Thuan District People's Committee (Kien Giang Province) - informed the press. Photo: Nguyen Anh

Previously, according to people's feedback, the school principal moved the school's facilities to another school without any notice or document, causing many parents to be confused because the new school year was approaching but they didn't know yet. Which school does my child study at?

On August 19, 2024, the District People's Committee chaired a meeting to listen to the Department of Education and Training's report on moving Town Secondary School from the location of Vinh Dong 1 neighborhood to Vinh Phuoc 2 neighborhood, Vinh Thuan town (Primary & Secondary School). old Vinh Thuan town).

The district People's Committee said that delegates basically agreed to relocate the school, but there were still concerns about traffic and implementation steps. The District People's Committee concluded and directed to review the steps to comply with regulations. On August 20, 2024, the district People's Committee leaders continued to direct the Department of Education and Training to inspect and carry out the transfer of the facilities of Town Secondary School to the new location.

The district also explained that because the time to prepare for the new school year is near, the facilities of Thi Tran Secondary School located in Vinh Dong 1 neighborhood are seriously degraded, not guaranteed for the new school year 2024-2025, and need to be repaired. Moved facilities to Vinh Phuoc 2 neighborhood school (former Vinh Thuan Town Primary and Secondary School).

According to the report of the Department of Education and Training and the school principal, if you do not change schools from now on, preparations for the opening of the new school year will be difficult. Meanwhile, the Department of Education and Training's plan was issued slowly, making it difficult for the school to implement. Currently, part of the facilities and equipment has moved to a new location.

In addition, through actual surveys, Vinh Thuan Town Secondary School and Vinh Thuan High School are located along National Highway 63 with crowded traffic, causing a potential risk of traffic accidents. The District People's Committee is preparing a proposal to submit to the Department of Transport of Kien Giang province and the Provincial Traffic Safety Committee to support the installation of speed breakers (placed in 2 locations at the gate area) and install 2 yellow lights (signaling to reduce speed). ), when completed, will contribute to ensuring traffic safety for people.


Dự án bờ kè 80 tỉ đồng sạt lở, Kiên Giang xử lý ra sao


Chủ đầu tư, đơn vị thi công, đơn vị giám sát đã ghi nhận hiện trường bờ kè sạt lở (huyện Giang Thành, Kiên Giang) cảnh báo nguy hiểm, dựng hàng rào chắn.

Công đoàn Kiên Giang góp hơn 9,2 tỉ đồng vào các công trình


Các cấp Công đoàn Kiên Giang đăng ký thực hiện 85 công trình, 33 mô hình, sản phẩm, phần việc với tổng trị giá trên 9,2 tỉ đồng.

Bí thư Huyện ủy làm Giám đốc Sở Tài chính Kiên Giang


Ông Nguyễn Thống Nhất - Bí thư Huyện ủy Kiên Lương - được bổ nhiệm làm Giám đốc Sở Tài chính tỉnh Kiên Giang.

Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Chính phủ Nguyễn Hòa Bình được phân công là Tổ trưởng Tổ công tác cải cách thủ tục hành chính của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.

Còn vướng mắc thi hành 3 luật mới về thị trường bất động sản

Thạch Lam |

Mặc dù hàng loạt nghị định, thông tư hướng dẫn được ban hành nhưng việc thi hành 3 luật về thị trường bất động sản vẫn còn những khó khăn nhất định.

2 công ty gạch ở Đồng Nai nợ lương khoảng 200 công nhân


Đồng Nai - Khoảng 200 công nhân Công ty TNHH Sản xuất gạch men King Minh và Công ty TNHH Gạch Granite Đồng Nai bị nợ lương và bảo hiểm xã hội nhiều tháng.

Cận cảnh trung tâm nông nghiệp phớt lờ lệnh trả đất

Lam Thanh |

Dù bị yêu cầu di chuyển tài sản, bàn giao đất trong tháng 8.2024 nhưng đến nay chủ đầu tư Dự án Trung tâm Nông nghiệp ứng dụng công nghệ cao tại TP Thái Nguyên vẫn chưa thực hiện.

Bác tin "lái đò Chùa Hương bị cắt suất sau khi đi hỗ trợ bão lũ"


Mạng xã hội hiện đang lan truyền thông tin nhiều lái đò Chùa Hương (Mỹ Đức, Hà Nội) sau khi chuyển đò đi cứu trợ vùng lũ bị cắt suất, không cho chèo đò phục vụ khách.