Improving financial education for students

Bình Ánh |

On October 1-2, 2024, Banking Academy coordinated with the Communications Department of The State Bank of Vietnam to organize a series of financial education events.

Nghi thuc khai mac chuoi su kien giao duc tai chinh “Dong tien thong thai”. Anh: BTC.
Opening ceremony of the financial education event series “Smart Money”. Photo: Organizing Committee.

With the theme "Smart Money", the series of events is organized to implement the National Financial Inclusion Strategy and the Government's Projects (Project to improve access to banking services for the economy, Project to develop non-cash payments in Vietnam for the period 2021-2025 and Project to promote bank payments for public services).

With many useful and attractive activities, on the afternoon of October 2, 2024, many programs took place. Notably, the talk show "Understanding Vietnamese currency" created an opportunity for students to explore the history of Vietnamese currency, from the first coins to the coins in circulation. The program also helps young people understand more deeply the cultural and spiritual values ​​of the national currency.

In addition, through the program "Financial Education for Students", young people have had access to consumer credit, cashless payments and notes to protect themselves from risks when using financial products and services.

Cac ban sinh vien co co hoi giao luu, tro chuyen voi cac dien gia tai chuong trinh toa dam voi chu de “Giao duc tai chinh cho sinh vien”. Anh: BTC.
Students have the opportunity to interact and talk with speakers at the talk show with the topic "Financial education for students". Photo: Organizing Committee.

In addition, with the participation of 4 best teams from leading universities in the Northern region (Banking Academy, University of Economics - Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Trade Union University, Water Resources University), the Financial Knowledge competition helped young people accumulate a lot of useful knowledge about banking and finance.

In particular, in order to further spread and develop reading culture among young people, the event series also brings you a book supermarket area with many impressive promotional programs from Kim Dong Publishing House and Tan Viet Book Company.

Khu vuc sieu thi sach thu hut su quan tam cua nhieu sinh vien. Anh: BTC.
The student supermarket area attracts the attention of many young people. Photo: Organizing Committee.

Within the framework of the opening ceremony, this year's series of events also included many activities to spread the spirit of "mutual love", "the rich help the poor", especially donating 300 million VND to the Tam Long Viet Fund of Vietnam Television to support the recovery of damage caused by storm No. 3 in Lang Nu village, Phuc Khanh commune, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province.

huoi su kien Giao duc tai chinh 2024 trao 300 trieu dong cho Quy Tam long Viet cua Dai Truyen hinh Viet Nam de ung ho khac phuc thiet hai do con bao so 3 gay ra tai thon Lang Nu, xa Phuc Khanh, huyen Bao Yen, tinh Lao Cai. Anh: BTC.
The Financial Education 2024 event series donated VND300 million to the Tam Long Viet Fund of Vietnam Television to support the recovery of damage caused by storm No. 3 in Lang Nu village, Phuc Khanh commune, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province. Photo: Organizing Committee.

At the end of the event series, students were immersed in the atmosphere of a grand music festival with the presence of famous singers, artists, and MCs, contributing to creating a highlight for this year's event series.

Bình Ánh

BIDV đồng hành với chương trình giáo dục tài chính cá nhân cho sinh viên

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BIDV accompanies personal finance education program for students

Thạch Lam |

With the responsibility of a large financial institution in implementing the National Financial Inclusion Strategy, BIDV has become a strategic companion of The Moneyverse.