Ha Dinh social housing project is behind schedule, but land brokers are still selling it aggressively

Nhóm phóng viên |

Hanoi - The social housing project in Ha Dinh urban area has been behind schedule for many years, but land brokers are still advertising it on social networks.

Pay a fee of 600 million VND to choose a social housing apartment

As Lao Dong reported in the previous article, the new urban area of ​​Ha Dinh was conceived more than 20 years ago, but until now only villas have "sprouted up" without any social infrastructure. Meanwhile, according to the planning from 2004, the urban area includes social housing N01, kindergarten, and medical examination area.

Although the social housing project is still an empty lot surrounded by corrugated iron, land brokers are currently bustling with sales of the NO1 Ha Dinh Social Housing Project (commercial name is UDIC Eco Tower) in lane 214 Nguyen Xien, Hanoi.

Video: Reporter group.

Some accounts are “subtle” by offering profile consultation. There are also public accounts selling apartments at 214 Nguyen Xien for only 19 million VND/m2.

An account named L.D.H (phone number 036522XXX) publicly posted that from only 1.9 billion VND, you can choose a satisfactory apartment, area 70 - 77m2, right next to the walking street 214 Nguyen Xien.

Nha o xa hoi NO1 Ha Dinh - UDIC Eco Tower duoc rao ban tran lan tren cac website bat dong san. Anh chup man hinh.

Social housing NO1 Ha Dinh - UDIC Eco Tower is being advertised for sale on many real estate websites. Photo: PV

Calling the phone number this person provided, the reporter was introduced: This is social housing so you need to complete the application and the application must meet the requirements to be eligible for the lucky draw.

However, this person confidently introduced, "We are currently processing applications and getting specific apartments. The fee is 600 million VND/70 m2 apartment."

When asked to come in person, this person gave the reporter the address of the adjacent house 8-30 Van Khe urban area, Ha Dong.

Co dat ngang nhien rao gia chenh 600 trieu dong.

"Land brokers" brazenly advertised a price difference of up to 600 million VND for apartments at the NO1 Ha Dinh Social Housing Project - UDIC Eco Tower.

Near the destination, the reporter received a call from a strange phone number, calling himself C, "the boss of L.D.H". Then, following the address this person gave, the reporter went to the address with the sign of Tan Nhat Phat Investment and Development Joint Stock Company.

Meeting us, a man named C boasted: "We have diplomatic funds, which means we can choose one of these apartments."

Regarding paperwork, this person advises customers to do it early and only need to submit ID card and residential address, the rest they will make a complete set of all forms, residence confirmation, residence conditions, no house...

Cong ty co phan dau tu va phat trien Tan Nhat Phat tai khu do thi Van Khe, Ha Dong. Anh: Phong vien
Tan Nhat Phat Investment and Development Joint Stock Company in Van Khe urban area, Ha Dong. Photo: Reporter

According to the business announcement, Tan Nhat Phat Investment and Development Joint Stock Company was established on August 7, 2023. The legal representatives are Pham Thi Huyen Sam - Deputy Director; Pham Hong Phuong - General Director. The charter capital is 10 billion VND.

The company's founding shareholders include the following: Truong Van Dang, with 16% of shares; Pham Thi Huong, with 15% of shares; Pham Hong Phuong, with 28% of shares; Pham Thi Huyen Sam, with 26%; Vu Trung Truong, with 15%.

The project is still a wasteland.

According to the reporter of Lao Dong Newspaper at the NO1 Ha Dinh Social Housing Project - UDIC Eco Tower in lane 214 Nguyen Xien, Hanoi at the time of September 2024, the land for housing construction is still a vacant lot. There are no signs of construction on the land.

Khu dat duoc ky vong xay dung nha o xa hoi moi chi la bai dat trong menh mong duoc quay ton kin xung quanh. Anh: PV
The land expected to be used for building new social housing is just a vast empty lot surrounded by corrugated iron. Photo: PV
Theo thong tin cua chu dau tu: Du an nha o xa hoi tai o dat NO1 co quy mo su dung dat 9.305m2 thuoc Khu do thi moi Ha Dinh. Du an duoc trien khai xay dung voi 440 can ho. Anh: PV
According to the investor: The social housing project at land plot NO1 has a land use scale of 9,305m2 in Ha Dinh New Urban Area. The project is being implemented with 440 apartments. Photo: PV

According to information from the investor, the social housing project at plot NO1 in Ha Dinh New Urban Area was assigned by the Hanoi People's Committee to the consortium of Hanoi Electricity and Water Construction Joint Stock Company - Haweicco, Urban Infrastructure Development Investment Corporation UDIC - One Member Limited Liability Company and DAC Hanoi Construction and Housing Development Joint Stock Company as the investor in Decision No. 2784/QD-UBND dated June 26, 2020 with the project implementation progress including:

Investment preparation phase from quarter III/2020 to quarter II/2021; investment implementation phase from quarter III/2021 to quarter III/2022; investment completion phase, putting into operation and use from quarter III/2022.

According to the agreement of the parties in the consortium, UDIC Corporation (a 100% state-owned enterprise) is the representative of the consortium.

After being handed over to the investor, this project missed the deadline. Then on November 1, 2022, the Hanoi People's Committee issued Decision No. 4185/QD-UBND on approving the adjustment of the investment policy of the social housing project at plot NO1 of the Ha Dinh New Urban Area Construction Investment Project. The project will start construction in the fourth quarter of 2022 and be completed in the third quarter of 2024.

However, this social housing project, after being extended, still did not reach the finish line on time and was fined by the Department of Construction Inspectorate.

The project's delay for many years has caused a waste of land resources, while the real demand for housing of the people is very large, especially low-cost housing. Not to mention, "brokers" have taken advantage of this project to advertise apartments in the project and many people have "fallen into the trap".

Talking to Lao Dong about the conditions for selling social housing, Lawyer Nguyen Tinh - Deputy Head of Tinh Hoa Viet Law Office - said that according to the provisions of the Housing Law 2023, social housing is housing with State support for beneficiaries of housing support policies according to the provisions of the Law.

The sale and lease-purchase of future social housing must comply with a number of conditions such as completing the construction of the foundation of the house according to the provisions of the law on construction and completing the investment in the construction of the traffic system, water supply, drainage, domestic electricity, public lighting of the residential area for sale or lease-purchase according to the detailed construction plan, design documents and progress of the approved project.

If the conditions are not met as prescribed, the investor will not be allowed to sell the apartment. People who give money to brokers will have the potential risk of even losing everything.

Nhóm phóng viên

Khu đô thị mới Hạ Đình chỉ có biệt thự, chưa có hạ tầng xã hội

Nhóm phóng viên |

Hà Nội - Khu đô thị mới Hạ Đình sau 20 năm khởi động nhưng đến nay chỉ có biệt thự "mọc lên", chưa có các hạ tầng xã hội như công bố.

Công bố danh sách cá nhân được mua, thuê mua nhà ở xã hội


UBND các tỉnh, thành phố trực thuộc trung ương có trách nhiệm hàng năm thực hiện công bố danh sách người được mua, thuê mua nhà ở xã hội trên địa bàn.

Giá nhà ở xã hội tăng gấp 2-3 lần so với thời điểm mở bán

Thạch Lam |

Nguồn cung nhà ở giá rẻ khan hiếm kéo theo giá nhà ở xã hội cũ tăng gấp 2-3 lần so với mức giá thời điểm mở bán.

Đề xuất nghỉ học thứ Bảy: Liệu có giảm áp lực?


Nhiều địa phương đã triển khai hoặc lấy ý kiến việc cho học sinh nghỉ học thứ Bảy, tức chỉ học 5 ngày/tuần.

Xuất hiện hố sâu 2m trên QL18 đoạn qua Bắc Ninh

Vân Trường |

Bắc Ninh - Khoảng 20h ngày 27.9, tại QL18 đoạn xã Châu Phong, thị xã Quế Võ bất ngờ xuất hiện một hố sâu khiến giao thông bị ách tắc.

Thời gian xuất hiện không khí lạnh, xua tan nắng nóng


Đại diện cơ quan khí tượng cho biết, dự báo không khí lạnh sẽ khiến nền nhiệt trong những ngày đầu tháng 10 giảm nhanh.

Tỷ giá đồng Yên đột ngột giảm sau khi tăng chạm đỉnh

Huyền Mai |

Sau khi cựu Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng Shigeru Ishiba giành chiến thắng trong cuộc bầu chọn Thủ tướng Nhật Bản, tỷ giá đồng Yên bất ngờ sụt giảm.

Giá vàng hôm nay 28.9: Vàng nhẫn tăng bất chấp

Khương Duy |

Giá vàng hôm nay 28.9: Sau nhiều phiên tăng phi mã, vàng thế giới đã quay đầu sụt giảm. Giá vàng nhẫn tròn trơn trong nước duy trì vững chắc đà tăng.

Khu đô thị mới Hạ Đình chỉ có biệt thự, chưa có hạ tầng xã hội

Nhóm phóng viên |

Hà Nội - Khu đô thị mới Hạ Đình sau 20 năm khởi động nhưng đến nay chỉ có biệt thự "mọc lên", chưa có các hạ tầng xã hội như công bố.

Announcement of list of individuals eligible to buy or lease-purchase social housing


The People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities are responsible for annually publishing the list of people eligible to buy or rent-purchase social housing in their localities.

Social housing prices increased 2-3 times compared to the time of opening for sale

Thạch Lam |

The scarcity of affordable housing supply has led to the price of old social housing increasing 2-3 times compared to the price at the time of opening for sale.