BIDV accompanies personal finance education program for students

Thạch Lam |

With the responsibility of a large financial institution in implementing the National Financial Inclusion Strategy, BIDV has become a strategic companion of The Moneyverse.

On September 29, 2024, a pioneering project, a unique playground combining textbook knowledge and vivid practical experience about personal finance for the young generation called "The Moneyverse" was broadcast on VTV3.

Pioneer in disseminating banking and financial knowledge

In recent years, in addition to directly sponsoring the education sector to build schools, donate learning equipment and scholarships to students..., BIDV has been interested in another aspect of education: Disseminating financial and banking knowledge to the general public, focusing on young people.

We can mention the programs that BIDV has participated in with the banking industry since 2018 such as Smart Money, Smart Money, Key Treasurer, Understanding Finance... as well as communication programs on digital transformation in the banking industry, security and currency security... for students.

In the journey to implement the national comprehensive financial strategy, BIDV has become a strategic partner of the Universe of Money Program implemented by VTV Times - Vietnam Television. This is a series of experiential journeys combining entertainment, education and technology games to provide the audience with knowledge and skills in personal financial management, as well as further understanding of related legal, economic and social issues.

Starting from the end of September, for the first time in Vietnam, a game show combined with reality TV with the direct participation of talented students from 27 universities nationwide will officially be broadcast on VTV3 at 2:00 p.m. every Sunday and rebroadcast at 2:00 p.m. the following Saturday.

At the press conference to launch the program, Dr. Nguyen Viet Ha - BIDV Brand Communications Director said: The Money Universe program is a new and interesting version of popularizing personal financial education knowledge for young people. It makes dry financial terms easier to understand, more familiar, and easier to absorb.

Tien si Nguyen Viet Ha - Giam doc Truyen thong Thuong hieu BIDV chia se tai su kien. Anh: BIDV
Dr. Nguyen Viet Ha - BIDV Brand Communications Director shared at the event. Photo: BIDV

The purpose of the program is in line with BIDV's mission and social responsibility activities. That is why the bank has decided to extensively accompany the program and hopes to bring valuable financial knowledge to young people, especially students - those who hold the fate of the country's financial future.

Committed to professional support and attractive recruitment policies

Right from the launch of the Money Universe project, BIDV has accompanied the program. With a long history and experience of a leading financial institution in credit activities, financial investment and development of digital banking services, BIDV has sent a team of experienced experts, including Chief Economist, Dr. Can Van Luc, along with Directors, Deputy Directors, leaders of BIDV Headquarters and branches nationwide to be ready to support, provide professional advice, and impart practical business experience to the program in the roles of: Judge, coach, content consultant. Especially the role of "Financial Doctor" specializing in "examining" and consulting on "cases" of financial difficulties that students encounter.

In addition, with a network of more than 1,100 branches and transaction offices nationwide and an ecosystem of diverse banking products and services, leading the market in retail banking and digital banking products, BIDV is ready to become a place for young people to experience practical knowledge of banking and finance.

In addition, BIDV also committed to providing scholarships, internships and recruitment invitations to the program's champions. In the school-level qualifying round (casting), BIDV also awarded 120 scholarships with a total value of 360 million VND to talented students.

Dr. Can Van Luc, Chief Economist of BIDV, advisor to the program, commented: The benefit of the program lies in the great influence of the student force. Because in addition to being energetic, enthusiastic, and pioneering, they are also the force that quickly approaches new technology, new products, and has high replication capacity on social platforms.

“In addition, with its creativity and suitability for young people, the program has received enthusiastic response and participation from universities and student groups, thereby spreading the spirit of knowledge sharing, multiplying the values ​​that schools and young people are aiming for. Finally, the trend of digital transformation, green transformation, and green finance is taking place strongly. With the characteristics and methods of the program, the ability to contribute to spreading the spirit of greening and digitalization is very high” - Dr. Can Van Luc shared.

In October 2024, The Moneyverse will continue to "land" at 10 major universities nationwide with a series of 10 UniTour events. Each event will feature BIDV Legacy, a secret room model with virtual interactive games and real-life experiential activities for young people to both challenge themselves and gain more useful financial knowledge.

The first international debit card product for students

This is the initial result of cooperation between BIDV and The Moneyverse project so that students can experience and practice the knowledge of "earning - spending - accumulating - preserving - investing", knowing how to appreciate and manage financial resources well when they are still students.

BIDV Mastercard Moneyverse is designed specifically for young people, exuding a fresh, dynamic and creative look, integrated with many incentives including unlimited points accumulation policy for all spending, exclusive incentives from leading brands, completely free domestic services and especially cross-border payment solutions.

The Moneyverse program as well as the new international debit card line exclusively for students continue to affirm BIDV's commitment to accompany the young generation of Vietnam on the journey to implement the National Comprehensive Financial Strategy, mastering finance, mastering the future.

Thạch Lam

BIDV cung cấp tính năng mới “Ủng hộ đồng bào vùng lũ”

Thạch Lam |

Để đồng hành cùng người dân khắp cả nước chung tay ủng hộ đồng bào tại khu vực ảnh hưởng nặng nề do bão lũ, BIDV đã cung cấp tính năng mới hoàn toàn miễn phí “Ủng hộ đồng bào vùng lũ” giúp khách hàng thực hiện chuyển tiền ủng hộ trực tiếp tới Ủy ban Trung ương Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam ngay trên ứng dụng BIDV SmartBanking.

BIDV huy động thành công 5.000 tỉ đồng Tiền gửi xanh

Thạch Lam |

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BIDV dành 10.000 tỉ đồng tài trợ các dự án “Công trình Xanh”

Hồng Hạnh |

Chương trình này được Ngân hàng TMCP Đầu tư và Phát triển Việt Nam (BIDV) triển khai từ nay đến 31.12.2025 và áp dụng cho các doanh nghiệp đầu tư dự án “Công trình Xanh”.

Thông tin bán nhà ở xã hội Hạ Đình là lừa đảo

Nhóm phóng viên |

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Ai đã dựng lên hình ảnh “Út Khờ” trong sáng cho Negav?

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Cứu nhân viên nhà nghỉ ở Hải Phòng mắc kẹt trong thang máy

Hoàng Khôi |

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Cách tất cả chức vụ 1 Chủ tịch Hội Nông dân xã ở Hải Dương

Công Hòa |

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Ukraina kiệt sức, thất thủ trước Nga ở thành trì quan trọng

Ngọc Vân |

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BIDV provides new feature "Support for flood victims"

Thạch Lam |

To join hands with people across the country to support compatriots in areas heavily affected by storms and floods, BIDV has provided a completely free new feature "Supporting compatriots in flood areas" to help customers transfer money directly to the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front right on the BIDV SmartBanking application.

BIDV successfully mobilized 5,000 billion VND in Green Deposits

Thạch Lam |

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BIDV spends 10,000 billion VND to sponsor "Green Building" projects

Hồng Hạnh |

This program is implemented by the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam ( BIDV ) from now until December 31, 2025 and applies to businesses investing in "Green Building" projects.