Many teachers have their allowances recovered due to incorrect spending in Dak Lak


Currently, many localities in Dak Lak province are collecting back the allowances that were wrongly paid to teachers. It is right to collect back the wrongly paid money. However, some people think that the authorities should not rush to collect back the money, which will affect the lives and psychology of teachers because many of them have difficult lives...

Many localities collect back the wrongly spent allowances. The Central agencies have provided guidance for the period from May 2021 onwards, Dak Lak province has 184 communes, wards and towns in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. From June 4, 2021 onwards, according to Decision No. 861, period 2021 - 2025, Dak Lak province has 130/184 communes in ethnic minority and mountainous areas (reduced by 54 communes). For example, in Buon Ho town, 8/12 communes are in ethnic minority and mountainous areas (reduced by 4 communes). However, in reality, from June 2021 to December 31, 2023, the People's Committee of Buon Ho town still paid preferential allowances at the level in mountainous areas to all teachers teaching at schools located in the area, which is not in accordance with regulations. The incorrect payment caused a loss of more than 5.6 billion VND to the state budget.

In addition to Buon Ho town, through a survey at some district-level units, the payment of allowances at the preferential level for mountainous areas to all teachers teaching at schools is not in accordance with regulations.

From there, the Dak Lak Provincial Inspectorate reported and requested the Chairman of the Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee to agree to recover the amount of money spent incorrectly in localities to submit to the State budget. Currently, many localities in Dak Lak province have developed plans to recover the amount of money spent incorrectly. In M'Drak district, there are 4 communes and towns that must collect preferential allowances. In Ea Kar district, the Finance - Planning Department has also requested schools in 4 communes and towns to estimate the recovery...

Need for a harmonious collection plan

In the context of rising prices, the increase in basic salary from July 1, 2024 has helped teachers in Dak Lak province feel excited because they have more income to cover their living expenses. However, the joy of salary increase has just come, many teachers in this locality are having to accept the sadness of having their previously received preferential allowances revoked.

Specifically, at the end of August 2024, many authorities in Dak Lak province issued notices to collect the incorrect payment of preferential allowances for teachers. The period of incorrect payment to be recovered is from the effective date of Decision (No. 861/QD-TTg) dated June 4, 2021 of the Prime Minister until August 2024.

Ms. Thuy (character's name has been changed), a teacher working at a kindergarten in a remote area of ​​Krong Nang district. In previous years, when working in the education sector, Ms. Thuy received regional preferential allowances. According to Ms. Thuy, in early July 2024, Ms. Thuy, like many other teachers, was happy to receive a salary increase, with a total income of more than 10 million VND/month. But the joy did not last long, as in early September, Ms. Thuy had nearly 1 million VND deducted from the preferential allowances she received in previous years.

“This collection process will last until all the allowances are deducted. Previously, I thought the allowances were mine so I spent them all to take care of my life. Who would have thought that today, I would have to collect the income that I was receiving. This has affected the calculations in life that my family had planned. The person who made the wrong payment needs to be held responsible,” said Ms. Thuy.

The principal of the school where Ms. Thuy works is also being charged the above amount. The highest deduction is up to 1.8 million VND/month, this amount is deducted from the actual salary.

Similarly, Ms. Dung (name changed), a primary school teacher in Krong Pak district, has been teaching for nearly 20 years. Although she completed her degree in 2012, she still receives an intermediate salary, so her monthly income is only over 9 million VND. With this salary, Ms. Dung can only cover her family's daily expenses and has no surplus. After the news of her allowance being withdrawn, Ms. Dung and her husband were worried about where to get the money to pay while the cost of living is getting more and more expensive, and the family had already spent the money they received for previous wrongful payments on their daily expenses.

Mr. Tran Vo Toan - Head of the Department of Education and Training of Krong Nang district - shared: “The district has a total of 4 communes with teachers who are subject to the collection of allowances. Personally, I see many people in difficult circumstances, remote areas, difficult to travel, mainly living on salary, without additional income. The lowest-ranking teacher is also subject to collection of about 30 million VND received from 2021 to 2023. Considering that, the Department of Education and Training and the People's Committee of Dak Lak province need to have a roadmap and plan to collect the wrongly spent allowances in a harmonious and reasonable manner so that teachers have the conditions to balance their finances and spending. Because if the authorities collect in a hurry, it will be very difficult for many cases to cope because their families are in difficulty and lacking in all aspects."


Nhiều giáo viên ở Đắk Lắk bất ngờ bị truy thu tiền phụ cấp


Hàng loạt giáo viên ở địa bàn tỉnh Đắk Lắk đang hết sức lo lắng khi hay tin sẽ bị cơ quan chức năng truy thu tiền phụ cấp đã nhận cách đây nhiều năm.

Xuất hiện clip đánh, đá trẻ tại nhà trẻ, công an vào cuộc

Phan Thành |

Bình Thuận - Từ hình ảnh bảo mẫu đánh bầm tím trẻ nhỏ và đoạn camera cảnh đánh, đá trẻ nhỏ tại nhà trẻ, công an vào cuộc làm rõ.

Dự báo tác động nguy hiểm của áp thấp nhiệt đới đến đất liền


Đại diện cơ quan khí tượng cảnh báo mưa lớn do áp thấp nhiệt đới có thể gây lũ quét, sạt lở ở một số khu vực vùng núi Trung Bộ.

Sạt lở rình rập, nhiều người Yên Bái chưa thể về nhà

Trần Bùi - Vũ Bảo |

Do ảnh hưởng của hoàn lưu của cơn bão số 3, trên địa bàn thành phố Yên Bái xuất hiện hàng trăm điểm sạt lở, đe dọa tính mạng và tài sản của người dân.

Áp thấp nhiệt đới sắp mạnh thành bão, gây mưa to khu vực nào?


Đại diện cơ quan khí tượng đã cảnh báo tác động trên biển và trên đất liền của áp thấp nhiệt đới sắp mạnh thành bão.

Hàng chục nhà dân ở Hà Nội nứt toác nghi do khai thác cát

Đền Phú - Trần Tuấn |

Hàng chục ngôi nhà ở xóm Bãi, thôn Vân Hội, xã Phong Vân (Ba Vì, Hà Nội) bị nứt toác nghi do ảnh hưởng bởi hoạt động khai thác cát giáp ranh tỉnh Phú Thọ.

Tạm ngừng thanh tra, kiểm toán tại các địa phương


Thanh tra Chính phủ, các bộ ngành tạm ngừng hoạt động thanh tra, kiểm tra tại các địa phương để các địa phương tập trung khắc phục hậu quả bão lũ.

Tuyên Quang chịu nhiều thiệt hại sau vụ vỡ đập bùn thải ở Bắc Kạn

Việt Bắc |

Vụ vỡ đập bùn thải ở huyện Chợ Đồn, Bắc Kạn đã khiến lượng lớn chất thải tràn theo dòng suối về tỉnh Tuyên Quang, gây thiệt hại cho sản xuất, chăn nuôi.

Many teachers in Dak Lak unexpectedly had their allowances collected


Many teachers in Dak Lak province are extremely worried after hearing that authorities will reclaim allowances they received many years ago.