Temporarily suspend inspection and audit in localities


Government Inspectorate and ministries temporarily suspend inspection and examination activities in localities so that localities can focus on overcoming the consequences of storms and floods.

On September 18, the Office of the Government announced that the Government has just issued Resolution No. 143/NQ-CP on key tasks and solutions to urgently overcome the consequences of storm No. 3 (Yagi), quickly stabilize the people's situation, promote the recovery of production and business, actively promote economic growth, and control inflation well.

According to the resolution, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security, and local authorities at all levels must mobilize all forces to search for missing people; increase the deployment of forces and vehicles to patrol, relocate, and evacuate people from high-risk areas, and transport aid and supplies to people.

Ministry of Finance and localities ensure state budget funds to implement policies to directly support burials for the deceased, families with deceased, missing or injured people hospitalized due to the impact of storm No. 3; resolve and pay fully and promptly regimes and policies for relatives of the deceased.

Use state budget reserves and other legal sources to urgently relocate households and residential areas in areas at high risk of landslides, to be completed before September 30, 2024.

Increase support levels for poor households, near-poor households, and households in difficult circumstances whose houses have collapsed, are completely damaged and need to be rebuilt, or are severely damaged and need to be repaired and relocated.

Ministry of Education and Training and localities will exempt and reduce tuition fees for students affected by storm No. 3 in the 2024-2025 school year.

The Ministry of Public Security strengthens the work of ensuring security, order and social safety, especially in areas affected by storms and floods; directs the grassroots police force to proactively advise local Party committees and authorities to strengthen coordination and participate in ensuring social security and public safety.

The Ministry of Finance urgently and effectively implements policies on exemption, reduction, and extension of taxes, fees, charges, land rents, water surface rents, etc. for those affected or damaged by storms, floods, landslides, and landslides in accordance with the law.

Direct insurance companies to urgently review and pay insurance benefits to affected customers according to regulations. Immediately make advance compensation to customers according to regulations.

Quickly and effectively implement current emergency support policies for poor households, near-poor households, and households in difficult circumstances to repair severely damaged houses, relocate houses, etc., following the motto "determine the extent of damage, provide timely support".

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is studying the application of electricity prices for tourist accommodation establishments equal to the electricity prices for production.

Government Inspectorate, ministries and branches temporarily suspend inspection and examination activities in localities so that localities can focus on overcoming the consequences of natural disasters and floods.

The Government proposes that the State Audit and the National Assembly Committees consider temporarily suspending audits and supervision in localities according to the State Audit's audit plan, supervision activities according to the supervision program... so that localities can focus on overcoming the consequences of natural disasters and floods.

Vietnam Social Security is studying the extension of social insurance payment for tourism businesses damaged by storm No. 3.


Thủ tướng không hài lòng với một số ngành, địa phương


Thủ tướng Chính phủ bày tỏ sự không hài lòng đối với một số ngành, địa phương trả lại vốn đầu tư công, yêu cầu chấn chỉnh lại công việc.

Thủ tướng nêu 6 nhiệm vụ cấp bách khắc phục hậu quả bão lũ


Thủ tướng Chính phủ nhiều lần nghẹn giọng, bật khóc khi đề cập tới sự tàn phá, hậu quả nặng nề và những mất mát, thiệt hại của người dân, của đất nước.

Thanh tra cơ sở khám bệnh bảo hiểm y tế không điều chỉnh giá


Phó Thủ tướng yêu cầu ngăn chặn tình trạng lạm dụng, trục lợi quỹ bảo hiểm y tế; thanh tra, các cơ sở khám chữa bệnh bảo hiểm y tế không điều chỉnh giá.

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