Mistakes to avoid when registering for admission in 2024

Vân Trang |

Below are mistakes candidates need to avoid when registering for admission to avoid failing university.

Missed important milestones

According to the admission plan of the Ministry of Education and Training (GDĐT), from July 18 to 5:00 p.m. on July 30, candidates can register, adjust, and supplement their admission wishes an unlimited number of times.

After registering, adjusting and adding wishes, from July 31 to 5:00 pm on August 6, candidates pay the admission fee according to the number of wishes online.

From July 22 to 5:00 p.m. on July 31, successful candidates who are eligible for direct admission can confirm their admission on the system.

Before 5:00 p.m. on August 19, schools announced candidates who passed the first round of admission.

Portal to register for admission in 2024
Portal interface for registering admission requirements in 2024

No later than 5:00 p.m. on August 27, all admitted candidates must complete the first online admission confirmation on the system.

Candidates must closely follow the admission process and not miss important milestones announced in the general admission plan.

Log out of the system without completing your registration

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy - Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training) said that the entire admission process, from registering for admission, registering wishes, changing wishes, paying admission fees and Admission confirmation is all done online.

All candidates' wishes, whether admitted early or after having high school graduation exam scores, must be registered on the General Admission Support System of the Ministry of Education and Training (system).

If candidates do not enter their wishes into the system, they will not be recorded.

According to Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy, these regulations are not old, but in fact, many students still make mistakes when registering for admission.

First, there is a technical error. That is, candidates forgot to finish the adjustment process, leading to the system not recording their registration wishes.

The second mistake is that sometimes candidates hear in the media and are mistaken that, once they have been admitted to an early admission request of a certain school, they are required to set choice 1.

Ms. Thuy emphasized that no school is allowed to require students to set their wish for early admission as wish 1. Which wish do they really like and want to be admitted the most no matter what method they use? , put it first.

When entering wishes into the system, candidates need to arrange them in order of priority from wish 1 (the highest wish) then to the next wish. The system allows candidates to register an unlimited number of wishes.

Candidates should set their favorite aspirations, seeing themselves as having the ability, strengths and passions in the upper position.

This ensures the interests of candidates. Students will be admitted with the highest and best possible choice among all the wishes for which they are eligible to be admitted.

Vân Trang

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Vân Trang |

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Vân Trang |

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Deadline to register for university admission in 2024

Vân Trang |

Candidates who do not register their university admission wishes in the system of the Ministry of Education and Training within the prescribed time will lose their chance to be admitted.