Petition for more rights to protect teachers

Vân Trang |

The third draft of the Teachers Law provides a series of rights to protect teachers.

The Draft Law on Teachers is being drafted by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET).

The draft Law on Teachers consists of 9 chapters and 71 articles, stipulating basic contents to specify 05 policies in the proposal to develop the Law approved by the Government in Resolution No. 95/NQ-CP dated July 7, 2023 of the Government, including: Identification of teachers; standards and titles of teachers; recruitment, use and working regime of teachers; training, fostering, treatment and honoring of teachers; State management of teachers.

According to Chapter II, Article 10, there are 12 expected rights of teachers such as: To receive salary, allowances, benefits and other regimes appropriate to the job position and title of teacher; To engage in teaching and education activities in accordance with the training major; To be provided with conditions to work in a safe environment; To have summer vacation and other holidays according to regulations...

Regarding the above proposals of the Ministry of Education and Training, in the past, during the process of collecting opinions, many comments from localities and ministries and branches were received in the direction of support.

According to the summary of explanations and comments on the draft Law on Teachers, at the working session with the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education, many opinions suggested that it is necessary to add: The right to reserve and respect the opinions of teachers in their professional fields.

"For students of teacher training who have met the standards of teachers, do they have to be arranged jobs? Therefore, the right to be arranged jobs must be included in the Law. If this content is included, training at teacher training schools will be similar to police training schools" - comments at the working session with the National Assembly's Culture and Education Committee.

Some comments from localities suggest that it is necessary to add: Enjoying allowances and benefits when suffering from serious illness or permanent disability while working;

Propose to add 1 clause: "Educational institutions are allowed to organize periodic health check-ups once a year" (to comply with Clause 2, Article 41 on teacher support policy).

Adding more rights for teachers, not only preferential services and benefits but also forms of psychological support for teachers, the right to information protection for teachers.

The Central Pedagogical College again proposed increasing funding for scientific research and technology transfer activities.

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs proposes to supplement the rights of teachers:

Signing a work contract with the educational institution where they are working. This is to help solve current problems, allowing educational institutions to sign work contracts with teachers in schools in cases where teachers have completed the teaching hour norms and overtime hours as prescribed in the working regime; have the need and appropriate capacity to sign a work contract with the school. At the same time, it also contributes to implementing the principle of Ensuring autonomy associated with accountability of educational institutions in Clause 2, Article 6 of the draft Law on Principles of Teacher Management and Development.

Vocational training facilities arrange time for internships at enterprises because the nature of vocational training requires teachers with practical skills and professional qualifications.

Vân Trang

Bốc thăm môn thi thứ 3 vào lớp 10 là không khoa học

Vân Trang |

Có ý kiến giáo viên cho rằng, việc bốc thăm môn thi thứ 3 vào lớp 10 là không khoa học, gây áp lực cho học sinh.

Bộ GDĐT giải đáp điều kiện bằng cấp để thi tuyển giáo viên

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Dự kiến quy định mới về chế độ làm việc của nhà giáo

Vân Trang |

Trong dự thảo Luật Nhà giáo lần 3 do Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo đưa ra lấy ý kiến có một số quy định mới về chế độ làm việc của nhà giáo.

Sửa Luật Công đoàn phải phù hợp với thể chế chính trị

Bảo Hân - Hải Nguyễn |

Chiều 8.10, Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam tổ chức tham vấn ý kiến các đồng chí nguyên lãnh đạo Tổng Liên đoàn về dự thảo Luật Công đoàn (sửa đổi).

Lật xe khách ở Nghệ An, 2 người phụ nữ tử vong


Nghệ An - Đang lưu thông trên Quốc lộ 7C, xe khách mất lái lao xuống ruộng làm 2 người tử vong.

Sinh viên "tố" phải ăn cơm thừa canh cặn, ĐH Bách khoa Hà Nội nói gì?

Tường Vân |

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Bò thả rông, rượt nhau giữa đường phố ở Đà Nẵng

Trần Thi |

Dù đã được kiến nghị nhiều năm nay nhưng tình trạng bò thả rông tại một số tuyến đường ở TP Đà Nẵng vẫn xảy ra, gây nguy hiểm cho người tham gia giao thông.

Em họ Trương Mỹ Lan giúp chị gái chiếm đoạt hơn 26.000 tỉ

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Trong phần tranh luận tại phiên tòa ngày 8.10, em họ Trương Mỹ Lan - Trương Vincent Kinh hối hận khi giúp sức chị gái chiếm đoạt hơn 26.000 tỉ đồng.

Drawing lots for the third exam subject for grade 10 is unscientific

Vân Trang |

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Ministry of Education and Training answers the requirements for qualifications to take the teacher recruitment exam

Vân Trang |

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Expected new regulations on working regime of teachers

Vân Trang |

In the third draft of the Teachers Law released by the Ministry of Education and Training for comments, there are a number of new regulations on the working regime of teachers.