Continue to issue many policies to treat teachers

Vân Trang |

In the coming time, the Ministry of Education and Training will continue to improve the system of policies and laws to enhance the status of teachers , including the Law on Teachers.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), the country currently has about 1.6 million teachers. In the 2023-2024 school year, the entire sector recruited 19,474 teachers, however, the number of students is constantly increasing, leading to an increase in the number of classes.

In the 2023-2024 school year, the number of junior high school classes increased by 7,198 classes (equivalent to an increase of 13,676 teachers), the number of high school classes increased by 1,213 classes (equivalent to an increase of 2,729 teachers) compared to the 2022-2023 school year, leading to a large shortage of teachers in most localities.

According to preliminary reports from localities, in the 2024-2025 school year, the number of teachers still lacking compared to the 2023-2024 school year increased by 19,856 teachers (the number of preschool teachers still lacking increased by 6,000 people, the number of general education teachers still lacking increased by 13,856 people).

According to the Ministry of Education and Training, the main reason is that the number of students continues to increase, leading to an increase in the number of classes. For example, preschools have increased by 2,327 classes, and general education has increased by 7,150 classes. The Ministry of Education and Training has directed localities to recruit all quotas and place orders for teacher training; universities actively organize training related to new subjects, ethnic language teachers, etc.

Regarding solutions to overcome the shortage of teachers, Minister Nguyen Kim Son said that the Ministry of Education and Training will continue to improve the system of policies and laws to enhance the status of teachers; including the Law on Teachers which will be submitted to the National Assembly to create a legal corridor for the promulgation of policies on remuneration, recruitment, use, management, honor, reward... and empower the education sector to take the initiative in recruiting, mobilizing and arranging teachers.

At the same time, coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs to advise competent authorities to allocate the remaining staff quotas according to Decision 72 of the Central Government; resolutely urge localities to recruit all staff assigned from previous years and assign additional positions. At the same time, direct localities within their authority and specific socio-economic conditions to have appropriate support policies for local teaching staff, creating trust and peace of mind for teachers during their work.

"In recent times, preferential policies for teacher training students, changes in basic salaries... have had a positive impact on students' choice to study teacher training; many localities have issued and implemented specific mechanisms and policies to create motivation to attract and "retain" teachers; the Law on Teachers is being developed based on practical requirements... All of this shows that there have been important movements to solve the difficulties posed by the issue of staff" - the Minister informed.

Regarding the progress of the development and promulgation of the Law on Teachers, Minister Nguyen Kim Son said that on August 27, the draft Law on Teachers was commented on by the Government at the Special Session on Law Development to complete and submit to the National Assembly Standing Committee as prescribed. According to the plan, the draft Law on Teachers will be submitted to the National Assembly for consideration and initial comments at the 8th session (October 2024) and considered and approved at the 9th session (May 2025).

Vân Trang

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