Criteria for teachers to receive certificates of merit from the Prime Minister

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Below is the answer from the Ministry of Home Affairs about whether teachers need to consider initiatives to be considered for a Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister?

Ms. Truong Thi Kim Anh received a certificate of merit from the Provincial People's Committee in 2017. From 2017 to 2024, Ms. Kim Anh won the title of Emulation Fighter at the grassroots level 3 times (school years 2018-2019, 2020-2021 and 2023-2024), 2 years of completing tasks well, 5 years of completing tasks excellently.

Ms. Kim Anh asked: "Am I eligible to be considered for a Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister? Is it necessary to consider initiatives when considering a Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister?"

Regarding Ms. Kim Anh's question, the Ministry of Home Affairs responded to this issue on the Government Electronic Information Portal as follows:

Regarding the criteria for proposing to award the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit, Point b Clause 1 Article 73 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation stipulates one of the criteria for awarding or posthumously awarding the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit to individuals as follows:

"Has been awarded a certificate of merit by the Ministry, department, branch, province and has been continuously for 05 years or more up to the time of requesting recognition for completing tasks well or better, during which time has been awarded the title of "Basic Emulation Fighter" 03 times".

Compared with the above regulations, in the case of Ms. Truong Thi Kim Anh, who was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Provincial People's Committee for her achievements in 2017 and then from 2017 to 2024, she was continuously recognized for completing her tasks well or better (2 years of completing her tasks well, 5 years of completing her tasks excellently), during which time she achieved the title of Emulation Fighter at the grassroots level 3 times (school years 2018-2019, 2020-2021 and 2023-2024), she is eligible to be considered for a Certificate of Merit by the Prime Minister.

Regarding the consideration of awarding the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit, is it necessary to consider initiatives? According to the provisions of Clause 1, Clause 2 and Clause 3, Article 73 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation, initiatives are one of the criteria applied to consider awarding the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit to workers.

This is not only the question of Ms. Kim Anh, but also of many teachers working in the education sector. Because receiving a certificate of merit from the Prime Minister is a source of pride and motivation for each teacher to continue working. With the information provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs, it can be understood that teachers also need to meet the above criteria to be considered for a certificate of merit from the Prime Minister.

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