Hue University of Education considers additional admission from 19 points

Vân Trang |

Hue University of Education announces additional enrollment in 2024 for a number of training majors.

The Hue University Admissions Council has just announced to candidates the additional admission round 1 for full-time university admission in 2024. Methods: admission using high school academic results (report card scores); admission using the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam; admission using report card scores combined with aptitude test scores; admission based on test scores combined with aptitude test results; admission according to the training units' own methods and using the results of the competency assessment exam.

A total of 2,203 enrollment quotas were added by Hue University in this period, at 11 member schools and affiliated faculties.

The University of Education recruits 110 additional students by 3 methods: considering academic transcripts, 2024 high school graduation exam scores, and using competency assessment test results.

Accordingly, with the method of considering high school graduation exam scores, the school recruits 68 students, with the minimum score ranging from 19 to 27.37 points. Technology Education has the lowest minimum score; History - Geography Education has the highest minimum score. Details are as follows:

Floor score for receiving additional admission applications of Hue University of Education.
Floor score for receiving additional admission applications of Hue University of Education.

Foreign Language University recruits 127 additional positions in 3 methods: considering academic transcripts, high school graduation exam scores in 2024 and by separate methods.

Nong Lam University recruits 909 additional positions in 19 training majors.

University of Science recruits 542 additional positions in 23 training majors.

Additional admission criteria for University of Science - Hue University
Additional admission criteria for University of Science - Hue University

University of Arts recruits 69 additional positions.

The School of Tourism recruits 80 additional positions. The University of Economics recruits 90 additional positions by considering the 2024 high school graduation exam scores.

Additional admission criteria for University of Economics - Hue University in 2024
Additional admission criteria for University of Economics - Hue University in 2024

The Faculty of Engineering and Technology recruits 85 additional positions. The Faculty of International Affairs recruits 10 additional positions. The Faculty of Physical Education recruits 1 additional position and the Hue University Branch in Quang Tri recruits 146 additional positions.

The common point for these schools and faculties is to apply 2 admission methods using academic transcripts and high school graduation exam scores in 2024.

Online registration time is from August 30 to 5:00 p.m. September 9. The announcement of the results of the first round of additional admission is expected at 5:00 p.m. September 12.

Vân Trang

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