Ministry of Transport responds about upgrading Dinh Vu port

Xuyên Đông |

On July 15, the Ministry of Transport responded to Hai Phong voters about upgrading Hai Phong navigation channel from upstream of Nam Hai Dinh Vu port to upstream of Dinh Vu port .

Previously, voters in Hai Phong city proposed the Ministry of Transport to approve the policy of allowing Hai Phong Port Joint Stock Company to inspect the service of receiving ships with a tonnage of up to 40,000DWT to reduce loading and unloading cargo at the port. Chua Ve port and moving the turning basin in front of Hoang Dieu port downstream of May Chai bridge.

Voters also proposed that the Ministry of Transport approve the policy allowing Hai Phong Port Joint Stock Company to upgrade Hai Phong navigation channel from upstream of Nam Hai Dinh Vu port to upstream of Dinh Vu port and inspect and upgrade Providing and receiving ships with a tonnage of up to 55,000DWT, with a length of up to 250m, entering and exiting to handle cargo at Dinh Vu port and Tan Vu Port Branch - Hai Phong Port Joint Stock Company.

Responding to this issue, on July 15, the Ministry of Transport said that it had a working session with Hai Phong Port Joint Stock Company. At the meeting, the Ministry of Transport responded to the Company's recommendations and issued Conclusion Notice No. 125/TB-BGTVT.

Accordingly, regarding the proposal to expand and move the turning basin downstream of May Chai bridge, the Ministry of Transport supports the business's proposal. Currently, the Ministry of Transport has assigned the Vietnam Maritime Administration to support and guide businesses to proactively research and select the optimal location of the turning basin to organize convenient and appropriate relocation.

Regarding the proposal to approve the policy of allowing Hai Phong Port Joint Stock Company to inspect the service of receiving ships with a tonnage of up to 40,000DWT to reduce loading and unloading cargo at Chua Ve port; inspecting, upgrading, receiving ships with tonnage up to 55,000DWT with reduced load, length up to 250m, entering and exiting to handle cargo at Dinh Vu port and Tan Vu Port Branch - Hai Phong Port Joint Stock Company.

Currently, the Vietnam Maritime Administration is synthesizing data and completing a research project to improve the ability to exploit public maritime infrastructure and existing port infrastructure nationwide.

The Ministry of Transport will consider and handle the above suggestions of businesses after the Vietnam Maritime Administration completes the Project and compiles a report to the Ministry of Transport to organize the implementation to ensure safety and efficiency in transport. exploitation and operation of ports.

Regarding upgrading Hai Phong navigation channel from upstream of Nam Hai Dinh Vu port to upstream of Dinh Vu port.

The Ministry of Transport supports the business's proposal to upgrade the channel to increase the ability to receive incoming and outgoing ships.

Currently, the Government has issued Decree No. 57/2024/ND-CP dated May 20, 2024 on the management of dredging activities in seaport waters and inland waterway waters, Hai Phong Port Joint Stock Company has Responsible for proactively researching and organizing implementation according to prescribed order and procedures.

During the implementation process, Hai Phong Port Joint Stock Company needs to research and calculate the impact of dredging and lowering the depth of the bottom of the navigation channel on flow changes and sedimentation in the area, and assess cargo throughput needs. The size and size of operating vessels of Hai Phong port and of seaport operators on the channel route, ensuring the effectiveness of investment in port operations and harmonizing interests between businesses.

Xuyên Đông

Thiếu đất đắp, đường ra cảng Vạn Ninh tạm dừng thi công một số hạng mục

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Đoàn Hưng |

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