The 3,800 billion VND traffic project is "put on hold", people are tired of waiting

Mai Dung |

For more than a year now, the investment project to build a coastal road through Hai Phong City and Thai Binh province has been under construction and had to be "covered", causing traffic and people's activities to be affected.

The reason for the project is left open

Investment project to build a coastal road section through Hai Phong city and 9km in Thai Binh province in the form of public-private partnership with the starting point at the intersection of provincial road 353 at Dong Neo junction area (km11 +800 provincial road 353) in Do Son district, Hai Phong; The end point on the new National Highway 37 connects with the section of the coastal road project through Thai Binh province, in Thai Thuy district. Total length of the route is 29.7km, of which the section passing through Hai Phong is 20.782km; The section through Thai Binh province is 8,925km. Total investment capital of the project is 3,758,600 million VND from BOT capital and State capital.

Started in 2017, expected to be completed in 2019, but after many extensions, up to now, the project is still not completed and has been "under construction" for more than a year.

Latest information from Hai Phong City Traffic Construction Investment Project Management Board (management of coastal road expansion investment project), the completed volume value is about 72.11% of the price. contract value. Among them, many basic items have been completed such as Lach Throat bridge and Van Uc bridge. As for Van Uc bridge, it was completed in May 2023 but has not yet been put into use.

According to a representative of the Project Management Board, the objective reasons are due to the scarcity of construction materials supply, the "storm" in prices of main materials, difficulties in recruitment and fluctuations in labor costs. Along with that, the project has problems related to the ability to continue to mobilize loan capital because the actual loan interest rate is significantly different from the interest rate specified in the signed contract, leading to difficulties for investors. difficulties in continuing to implement the remaining items of the signed contract.

The People's Committee of Hai Phong City has issued a written report and requested the Prime Minister to agree in principle on adjusting the project's BOT Contract loan interest rate and is awaiting central direction.

The Hai Phong - Thai Binh coastal road project is being implemented slowly, affecting people's lives. Photo: Hoang Khoi
The Hai Phong - Thai Binh coastal road project is being implemented slowly, affecting people's lives. Photo: Hoang Khoi

People are tired of waiting

The project was "covered up" and had a significant impact on people's lives, especially people in Minh Duc ward, Do Son district.

Talking to Labor, Mr. Nguyen Manh Ninh - Vice Chairman of Minh Duc Ward People's Committee - said: The 2.9km coastal road project is located in Minh Duc ward, passing through 5 residential groups: Nguyen Hue, Quang Trung, Ngo Quyen, De Tham and Dan Tien. The route is expected to be a lifeline for economic development of both Do Son district as well as Minh Duc ward. Therefore, as soon as the project was implemented, the local government actively implemented it, the people supported it, and completed site clearance in mid-2020, basically on schedule.

However, after handing over the site, the construction project was slower than planned. Up to now, the section passing through Minh Duc ward still has many unfinished items such as street lights, curbs, and sidewalks.

“At the end of 2022, early 2023, the project stopped construction, contractors withdrew machinery and equipment. The project has been going on for many years, but now it has temporarily stopped implementation, making people frustrated and making many petitions" - a representative of the Ward People's Committee said.

Not only that, the road is not complete, but many people travel, leading to many unfortunate traffic accidents. We must mention the accident on July 1, 2023 that left one shift worker dead and another injured. Immediately after this accident, the investor and local authorities barricaded the intersection with Pham Van Dong street in the ward with large concrete panels.

Recently, on July 18, forces continued to stretch ropes and barricade the route. However, in reality there is still a situation where some workers and people ride motorbikes across the unfinished route.

"The government and people of Minh Duc ward are looking forward to the project soon removing difficulties, continuing construction and soon putting into use, meeting the people's travel needs" - Vice Chairman of Ward People's Committee Nguyen Manh Ninh share.

Mai Dung

3 dự án giao thông 2.670 tỉ đồng ở Đồng Nai sắp hết niên độ


Đồng Nai - 3 dự án Đường trục trung tâm TP Biên Hòa, Hương lộ 2 và cầu Vàm Cái Sứt (có tổng mức đầu tư 2.670 tỉ đồng) sắp hết niên độ.

Dân chưa đồng thuận, dự án giao thông ở Quảng Ngãi gặp khó


Quảng Ngãi - Cho rằng phương án bồi thường chưa thoả đáng, nhiều người dân không bàn giao mặt bằng để thi công các dự án giao thông.

Gỡ khó cho địa phương cấp phép khai thác cát cho dự án giao thông trọng điểm

Thành Nhân |

Sau khi Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ Trần Hồng Hà chỉ đạo làm việc tại Bến Tre, Tổ công tác liên ngành đã vào làm việc với 2 địa phương Bến Tre và Tiền Giang để tháo gỡ các vướng mắc, khó khăn của địa phương trong việc cung cấp cát cho các dự án giao thông trọng điểm khu vực phía Nam.

Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Một đối tượng nghi sử dụng ma túy đã cướp ô tô tải gây tai nạn liên hoàn tại khu vực trước cổng Khu Công nghiệp Trà Nóc, quận Bình Thủy, TP Cần Thơ.

Biểu tượng tâm linh 70 tỉ đồng đang thi công ở Lào Cai

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Sau khoảng 10 tháng thi công, dự án Tháp Kim Thành ở tỉnh biên giới Lào Cai đã thành hình.

Cục Thuế Bình Định cưỡng chế nợ thuế đối với Bamboo Airways

Hoài Phương |

Theo Cục Thuế tỉnh Bình Định, trường hợp Bamboo Airways không nộp đủ số tiền thuế nợ, Cục sẽ cưỡng chế ngừng sử dụng hóa đơn đối với công ty này.

Thêm một thi thể mất tích tại Làng Nủ được tìm thấy

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Sau hơn 2 tuần tìm kiếm, lực lượng chức năng đã tìm thấy một thi thể mất tích do lũ quét xảy ra tại thôn Làng Nủ, xã Phúc Khánh, huyện Bảo Yên.

Cho thôi Đại biểu Quốc hội đối với Phó Bí thư Lâm Đồng

Lan Nhi |

Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội đã ban hành Nghị quyết về việc cho thôi làm nhiệm vụ Đại biểu Quốc hội khóa XV đối với ông Trần Đình Văn.

3 traffic projects worth 2,670 billion VND in Dong Nai are about to expire


Dong Nai - 3 projects of Bien Hoa City Center Road , Huong Lo 2 and Vam Cai Sat Bridge (with a total investment of 2,670 billion VND) are about to end their years.

People do not agree, the traffic project in Quang Ngai faces difficulties


Quang Ngai - Thinking that the compensation plan is not satisfactory, many people do not hand over the site for construction of traffic projects .

Gỡ khó cho địa phương cấp phép khai thác cát cho dự án giao thông trọng điểm

Thành Nhân |

Sau khi Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ Trần Hồng Hà chỉ đạo làm việc tại Bến Tre, Tổ công tác liên ngành đã vào làm việc với 2 địa phương Bến Tre và Tiền Giang để tháo gỡ các vướng mắc, khó khăn của địa phương trong việc cung cấp cát cho các dự án giao thông trọng điểm khu vực phía Nam.