Reasons for the Ministry of Public Security 's proposal to leave the fine for traffic violation unpaid

Xuyên Đông |

Ministry of Public Security is currently proposing a regulation to retain the fines collected from traffic violations.

The Ministry of Public Security is submitting a draft decree on the management and use of revenue from fines for administrative violations related to road traffic order and safety, and the auction of vehicle license plates.

Justifying the necessity of this Decree, the Ministry of Public Security stated that on June 27, 2024, at the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly, the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety was passed, which will take effect on January 1, 2025.

According to Article 4, Clause 1 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety, it is stipulated: “Ensure that the state budget, infrastructure, vehicles, modern equipment, and other conditions are ensured and improved to enhance the capacity of the forces directly responsible for ensuring road traffic order and safety. Mobilize and use resources to ensure road traffic order and safety. Allocate corresponding amounts from fines for administrative violations related to road traffic order and safety and revenue from the auction of vehicle license plates after deducting the state budget to strengthen and modernize infrastructure, vehicles, and equipment, and to serve the maintenance of national security, order, and safety in accordance with the regulations of the Government.”

To soon implement the construction of detailed regulations for the implementation of the Law and ensure that the regulations are issued and take effect at the same time as the Law, on July 27, 2024, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 717/QD-TTg on the list and assignment of the lead agency to draft detailed regulations for the implementation of laws and resolutions passed by the 15th National Assembly at the 7th session, in which the Ministry of Public Security was assigned to lead, in coordination with relevant ministries and sectors, to draft a decree on the management and use of revenue from fines for administrative violations related to road traffic order and safety and the auction of vehicle license plates.

In practical terms, the Ministry of Public Security stated that in recent times, the forces responsible for ensuring road traffic order and safety, with the police force as the core, have maximized their forces and equipment, applied a range of measures, particularly the gradual modernization and application of science and technology in ensuring road traffic order and safety, such as: Gradually building a smart traffic command system, building a monitoring system to automatically detect and handle violations; equipping modern professional equipment, connected to the Command Center to serve command and control forces, ensuring road traffic order and safety and public security; implementing checks on driving licenses and vehicle registration on the VneID platform; piloting the application of traffic information on mobile devices to provide information on road traffic order and safety and mobilize the strength of the entire people to provide information on road traffic order and safety and violations…

To ensure the necessary funding for the above requirements, the Ministry of Public Security emphasized that researching and drafting a decree on the management and use of revenue from fines for administrative violations related to road traffic order and safety and the auction of vehicle license plates is extremely necessary.

Xuyên Đông

Bộ Công an trả lời về thủ tục cấp Evisa cho người nước ngoài

Bảo Nguyên |

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Police Department Response Regarding Evisa Procedures for Foreign Nationals

Bảo Nguyên |

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Việt Dũng |

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