Bac A Bank creates priority "leverage" for young businesses

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With no minimum establishment time requirement when reviewing loan applications, Bac A Bank's "Working capital supplement loan for Corporate Customers" product is considered an effective solution to the problem of short-term capital supplementation for young businesses.

Preparing for the year-end season to meet the increased demand, Ms. LTThuy (Ha Tinh), Director of a small-scale handicraft production company, is looking for additional capital to import raw materials for production and business. She shared: "Although many banks are currently offering attractive credit packages, for newly established companies or companies that have just started from the Household Business model and have only been operating for 1 year like us, accessing loans is not always easy" . Young businesses often encounter difficulties in the process of appraising documents such as not meeting the requirements on collateral, length of operation, ...

Photo: Bac A Bank
Photo: Bac A Bank

Grasping this reality, Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank has launched the product "Additional working capital loan for corporate customers" as a short-term credit solution, providing timely capital for business cycles. This product supports businesses in their efforts to stabilize their finances to effectively implement their operating plans with conditions that are quite suitable for most businesses such as no minimum establishment time requirement, only a good credit history is required.

In addition to the customer conditions suitable for young businesses; this product is also very attractive to other businesses because of its outstanding features in terms of maximum loan ratio or unsecured loan amount. The Bank representative said: “We are confident that the Working Capital Supplement Loan product for Corporate Customers is one of the competitive products in the current market with an unsecured loan amount of up to 10 billion VND - equivalent to a maximum of 20% of the loan value. The maximum loan ratio on the appraised value is up to 80% for real estate as collateral. With capital from Bac A Bank, we expect businesses to have more leverage to be proactive in capital, seize opportunities, and improve business efficiency” .

Photo: Bac A Bank
Photo: Bac A Bank

Entering the third quarter, the capital demand of businesses is increasing, so banks are focusing on promoting relatively competitive credit incentive products and programs, not only focusing on attractive interest rates but also simplifying the appraisal process, diversifying loan methods and repayment methods. These are also important factors worth considering when many businesses want to learn about suitable loan packages that are close to business reality. "During the appraisal process, Bac A Bank's experts advised and supported us very dedicatedly and professionally. I found the diverse and flexible loan methods and repayment methods quite suitable for the company's financial plan. Currently, our application has been approved and is waiting for disbursement," Ms. LT Thuy happily shared.

Bac A Bank's new credit product for Corporate Customers is also applied simultaneously with the "30-year - Enhancing Vietnamese Enterprises" credit program with short-term loan interest rates from only 5%/year. To optimize the benefits of loan customers, from now until December 31, 2024, this Bank also applies free domestic and interbank money transfers, electronic banking services, SMS banking, opening beautiful account numbers, and early repayment. At the same time, Bac A Bank also applies a maximum reduction of 50% on guarantee fees, international payment fees, trade finance fees, and many preferential policies for businesses when paying salaries through Bac A Bank accounts.

To learn more about Bac A Bank's "Working capital loan for Corporate Customers" product, please contact Customer Care Center 1800.588.828 or visit the website

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