Interest rate fluctuations 16.9: Where is the highest deposit interest rate?

Mai Ánh |

Interest Rate September 16: The market recorded the highest savings interest rate in the market at 9.5%/year, listed only at one bank.

According to Lao Dong, since the beginning of September, there have been 6 banks increasing interest rates, including: Techcombank, Dong A Bank, OceanBank, Eximbank, GPBank, VietBank, OCB, NCB; with the increasing trend mainly in short terms.

Which bank offers up to 9.5%/year deposit?

According to records, at the 1-month term, the highest deposit interest rate currently belongs to SeABank with an interest rate of 3.95%/year.

At the 3-month term, the highest interest rate is 4.3%/year currently listed by Eximbank.

At the 6-month term, CBBank jumped to the top with an interest rate of 5.55%/year.

At 9-month term, the highest interest rate is 5.65%/year at NCB.

At the 12-month term, the leading bank with the highest interest rate is Bac A Bank with an interest rate of 5.9%/year.

In addition, many commercial banks currently list special interest rates ranging from 6.0-9.5%/year with different deposit conditions.

The highest interest rate on the market is 9.5%/year listed at PVcomBank. PVcomBank customers will enjoy a special interest rate of 9.5%/year when having a new deposit balance of 2,000 billion VND or more.

HDBank also listed a special interest rate of 7.7%/year for a 12-month term and 8.1%/year for a 13-month term. Applicable to savings of at least VND500 billion/savings card, not applicable to mobilization in the form of interest at the beginning of the term or periodic interest.

Dong A Bank is listing a special interest rate of 7.5%/year for customers depositing for a term of 13 months or more, with interest at the end of the term for deposits of VND 200 billion or more, for a period of 365 days/year.

MSB currently offers a special interest rate of 7.0%/year to customers with newly opened savings books or savings books opened from January 1, 2018, automatically renewed with a deposit term of 12 months, 13 months and a deposit amount of VND 500 billion or more.

Details of deposit interest rates at banks, updated on September 16, 2024

Mai Ánh

Biến động lãi suất 15.9: Lãi suất tiết kiệm bất ngờ vượt 8%

Mai Ánh |

Lãi suất ngày 15.9: Sau loạt ngân hàng lớn nhỏ tăng lãi suất, bất ngờ với loạt lãi suất tiết kiệm đặc biệt trên 8,0%/năm với các điều kiện tiền gửi khác nhau.

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Mai Ánh |

Lãi suất ngày 14.9: Sau hàng loạt 8 ngân hàng lớn nhỏ điều chỉnh lãi suất, bảng xếp hạng lãi suất tại các ngân hàng ghi nhận biến động mạnh.

Biến động lãi suất BIDV, gửi 500 triệu đồng nhận lãi cao

Thuận Hiền |

Lãi suất BIDV tháng 9.2024: BIDV tăng lãi suất, tiền gửi trực tuyến hiện dao động trong khoảng 2,0 - 4,9%/năm.

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Interest rate fluctuations 15.9: Savings Interest Rate unexpectedly exceeds 8%

Mai Ánh |

Interest Rate September 15: After a series of large and small banks increased interest rates, a series of special savings interest rates above 8.0%/year with different deposit conditions were surprising.

Interest rate fluctuations 14.9: 8 banks increase interest rates one after another

Mai Ánh |

Interest Rate September 14: After a series of 8 large and small banks adjusted interest rates, the interest rate rankings at banks recorded strong fluctuations.

BIDV interest rate fluctuations, deposit 500 million VND to receive high interest

Thuận Hiền |

Interest Rate BIDV September 2024: BIDV increases interest rates, online deposits currently fluctuate between 2.0 - 4.9%/year.