Binh Duong announces planning: sets big goals, opens new development phase


On September 26, Binh Duong province held a conference to announce the planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended and presented the decision approving the planning.

Binh Duong always has great aspirations

Speaking at the conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh assessed that Binh Duong's innovation has achieved high results. Although the population is not large (2.8 million people), the labor force accounts for a high proportion (64% of the population). The trend of labor migration to Binh Duong is very large, this is considered a "promising land for birds to nest".

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh assessed that Binh Duong always has great aspirations, is relentless, is not satisfied with what has been achieved and always wants to surpass itself. This is a precious heritage, forged through the ages...

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the conference. Photo: Van Thuan

The Prime Minister requested Binh Duong to continue studying and supplementing the Binh Duong planning according to the Planning Law. Regarding the priority development orientation, the Prime Minister emphasized the building of a dynamic and effective investment and business environment, building a harmonious, humane and sustainable society, focusing on people, and building a creative and honest local government. This is a new point compared to the planning in other provinces.

The Prime Minister requested Binh Duong province to take three pioneering steps. The first is to connect the economy with the region, the country and the world. Especially the digital green transport connection between Binh Duong and Cambodia via Tay Ninh, with the Central Highlands via Binh Phuoc, with the Southwest via Ho Chi Minh City and with the world and the country via Long Thanh airport and Cai Mep Thi Vai port.

Dai bieu du hoi nghi cong bo quy hoach tinh Binh Duong thoi ky 2021-2030, tam nhin den nam 2050. Anh: Huu Thuan
Delegates attending the conference announcing Binh Duong province's planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. Photo: Huu Thuan

The second pioneer is to proactively develop the digital economy, green economy, circular economy, sharing economy, and knowledge economy. In particular, digitizing and greening the economy for rapid and sustainable development.

The third pioneer is to proactively and actively build new-generation industrial parks and industrial clusters (green - digital - high-tech - smart), focusing on innovation, application of 4.0 science and technology and training of high-quality human resources.

After this conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested Binh Duong to develop a specific plan to implement the planning. Mobilize diverse resources for implementation from people, businesses, investors... Create new development space from developing transport infrastructure.

Nghi thuc khoi dong cac cong trinh trong diem tai Binh Duong. Anh: Van Thuan
Kick-off ceremony of key projects in Binh Duong. Photo: Van Thuan

Set big goals, open new development stages

Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Permanent Vice Chairman of Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee said that this planning of Binh Duong province will remove many bottlenecks of the previous development model. Binh Duong aims to become a centrally-governed city by 2030, with new breakthroughs. Binh Duong will be one of the dynamic and comprehensive development centers of Southeast Asia.

Ong MA
Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Permanent Vice Chairman of Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee. Photo: Dinh Trong

Binh Duong also strives to be a leader in science, technology and innovation, a modern industrial and service center. Developing a synchronous, smart, sustainable economic-social infrastructure system and urban system according to the green growth model, adapting to climate change, protecting the ecological environment. Improving the quality of life of the people, building a prosperous society...

According to Mr. Mai Hung Dung, the announced planning opens a new development path. This path has many challenges and the whole province must strive to overcome them.

Unite to realize great aspirations

At the conference announcing the planning, Mr. Nguyen Van Loi - Secretary of Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee said: "The Party Committee, government and people of Binh Duong seriously accept the Prime Minister's direction. We promise to unite, inherit the achievements of previous generations, continue to promote the spirit of self-reliance, determination to turn aspirations into reality, and build Binh Duong into a smart, civilized, modern, and humane city, a place worth living".

Ong Mai Hung Dung - Pho Chu tich Thuong truc UBND tinh Binh Duong
Mr. Nguyen Van Loi - Secretary of Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee. Photo: Dinh Trong

Thủ tướng đề nghị Bình Dương thực hiện 3 mũi tiên phong


Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính dự hội nghị công bố quy hoạch tỉnh Bình Dương và đề nghị tỉnh thực hiện 3 mũi tiên phong.

Thủ tướng kiểm tra dự án cao tốc qua Bình Dương


Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính kiểm tra tiến độ dự án đường cao tốc TPHCM - Thủ Dầu Một - Chơn Thành, đoạn qua tỉnh Bình Dương.

Dự án đường và cầu 4.300 tỉ đồng tuyệt đẹp kết nối Bình Dương với Đồng Nai


Bình Dương - Dự án đường tạo lực Bắc Tân Uyên - Phú Giáo - Bàu Bàng và dự án cầu Bạch Đằng 2 đã xây dựng xong. Đây là 2 công trình giao thông quan trọng thúc đẩy giao thương Bình Dương với Đồng Nai.

PGS Đặng Bích Hà an nghỉ bên Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến


Quảng Bình - Sáng 29.9, lễ an táng PGS Đặng Bích Hà - Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp được tổ chức tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến.

Đà tăng giá vàng phá vỡ "lời nguyền tháng 9"

Khương Duy (Theo Kitco) |

Giới chuyên gia nhận định tháng 9 thường là "điểm trũng" của giá vàng thế giới. Tuy nhiên năm nay, quan niệm này không còn chính xác.

Số người bị vùi lấp vụ sạt lở trên QL2 có thể gia tăng

Lam Thanh |

Hà Giang - Vụ sạt lở trên QL2 đoạn Km51 khiến 1 người tử vong, nhiều phương tiện và nhà dân bị vùi lấp.

Bà chủ Xuyên Việt Oil và những chiếc Patek Philippe đem biếu

Việt Dũng |

Ngoài những khoản tiền tỉ chi ra để hối lộ các cựu quan chức, Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh - bà chủ Xuyên Việt Oil còn biếu những chiếc đồng hồ hiệu Patek Philippe.

Hồ thủy điện lớn nhất miền Nam giảm xả lũ


Đồng Nai - Công ty Thủy điện Trị An giảm xả lũ do lưu lượng nước về hồ đang có xu hướng giảm.

Prime Minister requests Binh Duong to implement 3 pioneering measures


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the conference to announce the planning of Binh Duong province and requested the province to implement 3 pioneering projects.

Prime Minister inspects expressway project through Binh Duong


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh inspected the progress of the Ho Chi Minh City - Thu Dau Mot - Chon Thanh expressway project, the section passing through Binh Duong province.

Beautiful 4,300 billion VND road and bridge project connecting Binh Duong with Dong Nai


Binh Duong - The Bac Tan Uyen - Phu Giao - Bau Bang dynamic road project and the Bach Dang 2 bridge project have been completed. These are two important traffic projects promoting trade between Binh Duong and Dong Nai.