Beautiful 4,300 billion VND road and bridge project connecting Binh Duong with Dong Nai


Binh Duong - The Bac Tan Uyen - Phu Giao - Bau Bang dynamic road project and the Bach Dang 2 bridge project have been completed. These are two important traffic projects promoting trade between Binh Duong and Dong Nai.

48km of beautiful 6-lane road like a highway

In October 2021, immediately after controlling the COVID-19 epidemic, Binh Duong province started implementing the Bac Tan Uyen - Phu Giao - Bau Bang dynamic road project.

Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee said that this is one of the key traffic projects of Binh Duong province connecting 3 important localities in the North: Bac Tan Uyen district, Phu Giao district and Bau Bang district.

The project is approximately 48 km long, has 6 lanes wide, and a designed speed of 80 km/h. The project has a total investment of more than 3,800 billion VND.

Du an ket noi 3 dia phuong phi Bac cua tinh Binh Duong. Anh: Dinh Trong
Project connecting 3 northern localities of Binh Duong province. Photo: Dinh Trong

The starting point of the project is at Tan Thanh intersection with DT746 road in Bac Tan Uyen district and the end point is at Lai Uyen town, Bau Bang district. Of which, the section passing through Bau Bang is about 8.6km long, the section passing through Phu Giao is about 30km, and the remaining section passing through Bac Tan Uyen district is about 10km.

According to the People's Committee of Bau Bang district, the section passing through the district started construction in October 2021. The entire section has an investment capital of about 480 billion VND, with the People's Committee of Bau Bang district (Binh Duong) as the investor.

Du an cung giup viec luu thong o cac huyen phia Bac Binh Duong qua Dong Nai thuan tien hon. Anh: Dinh Trong
The project also makes traffic from the northern districts of Binh Duong to Dong Nai more convenient. Photo: Dinh Trong

The starting point of the road is from the Tam Lap - Tan Hiep - Tan Long intersection (about 200m from DT750 road), the end point is adjacent to the road to residential area 5F, Bau Bang Industrial Park, Binh Duong province.

The section through Bau Bang district has been completed and inaugurated in April 2024. The route put into use contributes to connecting traffic with main roads such as National Highway 13, DH 613... thereby helping to improve the efficiency of exploiting the advantages and potentials in Bau Bang district; shortening the travel distance and transporting goods in the area.

Con duong da xay dung hoan thanh, nguoi dan co the luu thong. Anh: Dinh Trong
The road has been completed and people can travel. Photo: Dinh Trong

Meanwhile, the remaining sections through Phu Giao and Bac Tan Uyen districts are being constructed more slowly due to site clearance issues. However, these two sections have now been basically completed. Vehicles can travel on the straight 6-lane road, with sidewalks and trees on both sides.

According to records, this is one of the widest 6-lane and longest roads in Binh Duong province, which is considered as beautiful as a highway. Notably, the road is invested synchronously and connected smoothly. It is expected to create momentum for socio-economic development in the northern localities of Binh Duong province.

Tuyen duong 6 lan xe dep nhu cao toc. Anh: Dinh Trong
The 6-lane road is as beautiful as a highway. Photo: Dinh Trong

Add bridge connecting Binh Duong with Dong Nai

At the same time as implementing the above project, at the end of 2021, Binh Duong province also started construction of Bach Dang 2 bridge project connecting Binh Duong with Dong Nai province. This is also one of the key traffic projects, connecting provinces in the Southeast region.

According to the construction design, the bridge and the approach roads at both ends of the bridge have a total length of about 2.8km. Of which, the part across the Dong Nai River alone is about 410m long, 17m wide with 4 lanes.

Du an cau Bach Dang 2. Anh: Ha Anh Chien
Bach Dang 2 Bridge Project. Photo: Ha Anh Chien

The Bach Dang 2 Bridge construction project has a total investment of 490 billion VND from the budget of Binh Duong and Dong Nai provinces, with the Binh Duong Provincial Investment and Construction Project Management Board as the investor.

According to records, Binh Duong and Dong Nai are two bordering provinces separated by the Dong Nai River. The need for trade between the two economically vibrant provinces is huge, but so far there are only three bridges.

Cay cau tuyet dep bac qua song Dong Nai da hoan thanh. Anh: Ha Anh Chien
The beautiful bridge across the Dong Nai River has been completed. Photo: Ha Anh Chien

According to records, by early September 2024, the bridge was completed, and people can travel between the two provinces via this bridge.

When put into operation, the bridge will help increase the ability to transport goods and promote the socio-economic development of the two localities. In particular, people and vehicles will no longer have to cross the ferry with many inconveniences and dangers.

Mr. Tran Thanh Son (64 years old), residing in Thanh Phu commune, Vinh Cuu district, Dong Nai province said: "I have lived since I was a child along the Dong Nai river. My family has long dreamed of having a bridge connecting the two banks of the river. Now that Bach Dang 2 bridge is open to traffic, I am very happy."

Nguoi dan vui mung khi cay cau hoan thanh. Anh: Ha Anh Chien
Vehicles on the newly completed Bach Dang 2 Bridge. Photo: Ha Anh Chien

Inauguration of 2 major projects on the occasion of Binh Duong planning announcement

The Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee said that the inauguration ceremony of the two above-mentioned projects was held on September 23. This project was put into use on the occasion of the conference announcing the planning of Binh Duong province for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050.


Đầu tư hoàn thiện con đường "tơ lụa" 62km ở Bình Dương


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Hai dự án lớn ở Bình Dương sẽ khởi động dịp công bố quy hoạch tỉnh


Tỉnh Bình Dương sẽ khởi động 3 dự án lớn trong dịp hội nghị công bố Quy hoạch tỉnh Bình Dương thời kỳ 2021-2030, tầm nhìn năm 2050.

Đường 6 làn xe đẹp như cao tốc ở Bình Dương sắp khánh thành


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Investing in completing the 62km "silk" road in Binh Duong


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Two major projects in Binh Duong will launch on the occasion of the announcement of the provincial planning


Binh Duong province will launch 3 major projects during the conference to announce the Binh Duong Provincial Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050.

Beautiful 6-lane highway-like road in Binh Duong is about to be inaugurated


The 48 km long connecting road project connecting 3 northern districts of Binh Duong is nearing completion and is expected to be inaugurated in September 2024.