Minister of Industry and Trade: Managing gasoline prices is very stable

Cường Ngô |

The evolution of petroleum supply and prices at the end of the year is predicted by businesses that there may be many unpredictable fluctuations affecting the world petroleum market. However, answering questions before the National Assembly, the Minister of Industry and Trade affirmed that in recent times, the issue of managing gasoline prices has been very stable.

Scenario for operating gasoline prices from now until the end of the year

During the domestic gasoline price adjustment period on August 22, many businesses predicted that gasoline prices would decline. According to forecasts of some major petroleum enterprises, domestic gasoline prices may decrease early this week, the expected decrease is about 480-550 VND/liter, while diesel may decrease by a similar level of about 400-550 VND/liter. 500 VND/liter. In case the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Finance allocates a Stabilization Fund , gasoline prices may decrease less.

Thus, from the beginning of the year until now, gasoline prices have increased 16 times and decreased 14 times. Oil increased 14 times and decreased 16 times. Since the beginning of the year, each liter of RON 95 gasoline has increased by 690 VND, while diesel oil has increased by 510 VND.

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thang - Director of Hai Au Phat Petroleum Company Limited - said that it is difficult to predict how petroleum prices will increase at the end of the year, this depends on the State's management. Vietnam's gasoline prices depend greatly on geopolitical fluctuations and world gasoline prices, so gasoline prices are constantly changing. From a business perspective in the petroleum sector, Mr. Thang said that the price situation tends to increase towards the end of the year.

Talking to Lao Dong, Mr. Duong Duc Quang - Deputy General Director of Vietnam Commodity Exchange - MXV - said that in the current period, supply and demand factors will support prices in the short term, world oil prices have may continue to move around 80 USD/barrel. However, pressure may return to dominate the market after the peak consumption season passes and OPEC+ gradually pumps more supply into the market.

With the developments in the political situation in the Middle East, a representative of MXV said that with a series of leading crude oil producers and exporters, the scenario of conflict escalation will be the factor pushing oil prices to the 85-point mark. 90 USD/barrel, or even reaching the 3-digit mark.

World gasoline prices account for 64-72% of the price structure, leading to domestic prices completely depending on international prices, so, according to Mr. Quang, there are still many factors affecting domestic gasoline prices. in the last months of the year surrounding geopolitical factors and the FED's interest rate management moves...

The Ministry of Industry and Trade also said that there has been a directive to improve efficiency in petroleum management and ensure petroleum supply. Including requiring 36 key traders to ensure supply in the last 6 months of the year, strictly reporting on production, import, and purchasing plans of petroleum refineries and circulation reserves; Absolutely do not interrupt the supply in the system (from wholesalers, distributors, to retail businesses).

In particular, the authorities will closely monitor the implementation of the minimum total resources of key traders, especially those with low performance in recent times. This is to avoid the situation where imports and purchases of domestically produced petroleum by traders are uneven like in the first half of the year, affecting the implementation of the country's total resources.

Many adjustments to the price mechanism

Responding to questions at the National Assembly Standing Committee on thematic supervision and questions from the beginning of the 15th National Assembly term on August 21, Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien said, about gasoline consumption and reserves. Currently, the Government has approved a project to double the level of petroleum reserves, from a 7-day reserve to half a month.

In addition to finished petroleum reserves, crude oil reserves for refineries have also been increased, ensuring 15-20 days of oil import.

Talking about the management of the petroleum market recently, Minister Nguyen Hong Dien affirmed that it was "very good". This is because the management agency has adjusted the price mechanism and operating time for gasoline prices from 10 days to 7 days. Since then, the fluctuation range between domestic and world gasoline prices is no longer as large as before.

In addition, the executive agency has also adjusted the actual costs incurred for businesses in the petroleum business, from 6 months to 3 months. Even when there are major fluctuations, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance propose that the Government allow adjustments to update actual costs incurred for businesses, ensuring that businesses do not lose money.

Cường Ngô

Giá xăng dầu trong nước đã bám sát giá thế giới

Lan Nhi |

Tổng Thư ký Quốc hội - Chủ nhiệm Văn phòng Quốc hội Bùi Văn Cường cho rằng, giá xăng dầu trong nước đã cơ bản bám sát giá thế giới.

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 21.8: Tiếp đà giảm mạnh

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 21.8 tiếp đà giảm mạnh: Dầu thô WTI đạt 73,03 USD/thùng, dầu Brent đạt 77,08 USD thùng.

Giá xăng dầu được dự báo đồng loạt giảm mạnh

Anh Tuấn |

Giá xăng trong nước tại kỳ điều hành ngày mai (22.8) có khả năng quay đầu giảm theo xu hướng thế giới, mức giảm dự báo từ 500-580 đồng/lít.

Người dân Hà Nội chen chân trên phố Hàng Mã chơi Trung thu


Tối 16.9 (tức 14.8 Âm lịch), hàng ngàn người dân đổ về khu vực phố Hàng Mã (Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội) để vui chơi Trung thu khiến tuyến phố trở nên ùn tắc.

Kịch bản đường đi khi áp thấp nhiệt đới mạnh lên bão số 4


Đại diện cơ quan khí tượng nhận định áp thấp nhiệt đới có thể mạnh thành bão số 4 và khả năng tác động đất liền nước ta.

Tạm giữ lái xe ô tô cán học sinh tử vong trong sân trường


Đắk Lắk - Cơ quan chức năng đã tạm giữ hình sự người lái xe ô tô bán tải cán tử vong em học sinh lớp 2 ngay trong sân trường.

Lô đất trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở Hà Nội bị bỏ cọc


Dù đã hết thời gian nộp tiền nhưng đến nay lô đất có giá trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở huyện Thanh Oai (Hà Nội) vẫn chưa đóng tiền.

Hà Nội tắc đường cả cây số, người dân ì ạch di chuyển

Nhóm PV |

Tối 16.9, nhiều tuyến đường tại Hà Nội tắc cứng do giờ tan tầm và lượng người đổ ra đường đi chơi Trung thu.