EVNHANOI increases human resources to handle incidents after storm No. 3


Hanoi Electricity Corporation (EVNHANOI) has mobilized all resources to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3.

Faced with the complicated developments of storm No. 3, EVNHANOI has proactively made early response plans, increased human resources and materials to promptly handle the incident.

EVNHANOI has prioritized the rapid restoration of power to important pumping stations in vulnerable areas after the storm has passed, ensuring effective drainage and pumping, minimizing damage caused by flooding.

Many areas in Hanoi have suffered severe damage from fallen trees and factory roofs. As a result, the power grid has also been damaged by fallen trees and foreign objects flying into power lines and transformer stations.

During the time of storm No. 3, EVNHANOI urgently deployed response plans, focusing on repairing power lines, transformer stations and damaged electrical equipment.

Thousands of officers and employees of EVNHANOI's affiliated units immediately arrived at the scene, focusing on repairing and overcoming the consequences of the natural disaster.

Cac luc luong ung truc 24/24 de san sang khoi phuc he thong dien sau khi nuoc rut. Anh: EVNHANOI.
Forces are on duty 24/7 to be ready to restore the power system after the water recedes. Photo: EVNHANOI.

In the early morning of September 10, 2024, in Van Binh commune, Thuong Tin district, heavy rains caused this area to be submerged in water. Accordingly, the 110kV Thuong Tin transformer station was also completely isolated, the water rose very quickly, inundating over 1 meter deep.

Faced with that situation, to ensure safety, EVNHANOI has deployed emergency response plans, separating the transformer station from operation.

The on-duty force deploys plans to prevent short circuits from occurring in the station, ensuring the operation of the diesel pumping system...

Immediately after the 110kV Thuong Tin transformer station stopped operating due to deep flooding, EVNHANOI brought 9 medium voltage lines supplied with electricity from neighboring transformer stations such as Tia, Ngoc Hoi, and Van Dien to basically ensure electricity supply in the area.

Tram bien ap 110kV Thuong Tin cung bi co lap hoan toan do ngap lut. Anh: EVNHANOI.
Thuong Tin 110kV transformer station was also completely isolated due to flooding. Photo: EVNHANOI.

Emergency crews are urgently repairing damage caused by flooding to restore power as soon as the water recedes.

In the coming days, it is forecasted that the circulation of storm No. 3 will continue to cause floods and rains. EVNHANOI will continue to maintain on-site forces on duty and increase shock forces to be ready to restore the power grid as soon as possible to ensure production and daily life of people in Hanoi.


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Ngày 14.9, Công an thành phố Dĩ An, tỉnh Bình Dương đã bàn giao thi thể người phụ nữ đi xe bán tải bị nước cuốn, để gia đình lo hậu sự.