The bank has an interest rate of 4.0% for a 1-month term

Anh Sơn |

With a 1-month term, banks' interest rates range from 3.0 to 3.6%/year. Notably, Kasikornbank (KBank) has an interest rate of 4.0%/year.

Interest rate 4.0 with 1 month term

According to a survey in August, banks' 1-month term interest rates range from 3.0 to 3.6%/year. In particular, Kasikornbank (KBank) has a term deposit interest rate of 4.0%/year. Attractive preferential interest rates from KBank are the "door" to attract investors to invest short-term, preserve capital for quick profits and wait for more ideal opportunities.

According to this bank's introduction, Kasikornbank (KBank) has nearly 80 years of experience and development and has been recognized as "Best Retail Bank in Thailand" for 14 consecutive years.

Establishing a branch in Vietnam in 2021, providing many services for individual and business customers. The highlight is the online savings service with competitive interest rates through the K PLUS Vietnam e-banking application.

Photo: Kasikornbank (KBank), branch in Ho Chi Minh City.
Photo: Kasikornbank (KBank), branch in Ho Chi Minh City.

Experts advise how to spend personal finances appropriately

Understanding the knowledge and smart management of personal finances will help you achieve your goal of financial freedom.

According to observations, there are 3 most common types of personal financial management. Thoroughly cut expenses to save as much as possible, spend first and then save the rest or stick to a clear financial plan. Regardless of your spending style and money management style, understanding the knowledge and smart management of personal finances will help you achieve your goal of financial freedom.

Spend less, save more

With this method, users will always prioritize spending most of their income on savings. They aim to accumulate large assets for long-term needs and can be ready to respond to financial risks at any time.

However, the pressure to spend most of your income causes difficulties and limits your needs in life. The important thing is to find the right spending-saving balance and make sure to use your savings for the best profitable investments. Once they achieve their financial goals, they can enjoy a better quality of life and less stress.

Photo: Kasikornbank (KBank)
Photo: Kasikornbank (KBank)

Spend first, save later

These people prioritize their standard of living to have a comfortable and fulfilling life before other aspects. They are often not too strict when making shopping decisions with a "come here or go there" lifestyle. However, skipping the stage of preparing financial reserves can cause great risks when difficult situations arise such as illness or the need to purchase high-value assets. Consuming more without control will make it more difficult to achieve personal financial goals.

To avoid overspending, this group of people can use instant salary deduction applications. This helps you spend comfortably while still saving a small amount of money. The deducted amount can be deposited in a savings bank or invested to make a profit.

Manage money using the 50-30-20 rule

This is the gold standard ratio in personal financial management. Use 50% of your income for essentials like rent and food, 30% for the remaining expenses, and at least 20% for savings.

A successful financial manager is always a person with a plan and discipline. They understand and control effective savings, make smart decisions, and achieve financial stability in their personal lives. Learn how to put capital into many different asset portfolios and diversify investment forms to have a solid amount of money to achieve your long-term financial goals in the future.

Financial experts - "masters" of saving money

Experts don't care how much money they keep, but how the money works and generates more money. They manage personal cash flow effectively, increase multiple sources of income, manage cash, rotate investment capital and manage risk. There are many popular and highly profitable forms of investment savings such as stocks, real estate, and gold investment. Besides, experts always know how to diversify their portfolios, including high, medium and low risk channels. For example, bank deposits are an indispensable low-risk channel in an effective investment plan.

Photo: Kasikornbank (KBank)
Photo: Kasikornbank (KBank)

Regardless of how you save/spend, in an unpredictable economic climate, you should save a small amount of money for a rainy day, even if the amount saved is not too large. Short-term deposits, are a good option for those wanting to start saving as they are flexible with attractive returns.

Confidently save with outstanding interest rates for 1-month term deposits with an interest rate of 4.0%/year

Learn more here:

Anh Sơn

Miền Trung hướng tới kinh tế xanh, bền vững

Xuân Nhàn |

Cải thiện môi trường đầu tư kinh doanh, hướng tới kinh tế xanh, bền vững là chủ đề hội thảo khu vực miền Trung, ngày 23.8.

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 23.8: Tiếp tục giảm

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 23.8: Dầu thô WTI đạt 72,98 USD/thùng, dầu Brent đạt 77,19 USD thùng.

Viettel ra mắt dịch vụ đầu tiên trong hệ sinh thái 5G “Video chờ meCall”

Mimi Trần |

Thông tin được đưa ra trong thời điểm Viettel vừa công bố triển khai thành công mạng 5G độc lập - 5G Standalone (SA), cho thấy thời điểm thương mại hóa 5G không còn xa.

Đề án thí điểm sắp xếp mô hình tổ chức CĐ trực thuộc CĐ Ngân hàng Việt Nam

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

Hà Nội - Ngày 30.9, Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN họp lần thứ 7, khóa XIII dưới sự chủ trì của đồng chí Nguyễn Đình Khang - Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN. Một trong những nội dung được thảo luận, cho ý kiến là Tờ trình Đề án thí điểm sắp xếp mô hình tổ chức công đoàn trực thuộc Công đoàn Ngân hàng Việt Nam tập trung, xuyên suốt, hiệu quả.

Di dời dân khỏi quả đồi nứt toác ở Thanh Hóa


Thanh Hóa - Sau khi phát hiện quả đồi nứt toác, ngành chức năng đã khẩn trương di dời hơn 20 hộ dân ra khỏi vùng nguy hiểm.

Tọa đàm "Để ô nhiễm môi trường sau bão lũ không còn là nỗi lo"

Nhóm PV |

Bên cạnh những mất mát, đau thương về người và của, một vấn đề khác nhận được rất nhiều sự quan tâm đó chính là vấn ô nhiễm môi trường sau bão lũ. Và một trong những nơi đang phải chịu áp lực từ nguồn rác thải khổng lồ đó chính là Vịnh Hạ Long (Quảng Ninh). Trước tình hình này, Báo Lao Động đã tổ chức buổi tọa đàm "Để ô nhiễm môi trường sau bão lũ không còn là nỗi lo".

Erik ten Hag chưa nghĩ đến chuyện bị Man United sa thải


Huấn luyện viên Erik ten Hag vẫn có những phát biểu cứng rắn, dù Man United phải trải qua trận thua 0-3 trước Tottenham.

Vỡ mộng trung tâm thương mại lớn bậc nhất vùng biên

An Khánh |

Lạng Sơn - Dù mang nhiều kỳ vọng, nhưng Trung tâm thương mại - Chợ Đồng Đăng sớm đóng cửa. Tiểu thương hoặc bỏ nghề hoặc dạt sang xung quanh để buôn bán.

The Central region moves towards a green, sustainable economy

Xuân Nhàn |

Improving the business investment environment, towards a green and sustainable economy is the topic of the conference in the Central region on August 23.

Gasoline prices today August 23: Continue to decrease

Hà Vy |

Gasoline prices today August 23: WTI crude oil reached 72.98 USD/barrel, Brent oil reached 77.19 USD barrel.

Viettel launches the first service in the 5G ecosystem "Video waiting for meCall"

Mimi Trần |

The information was released at a time when Viettel had just announced the successful deployment of an independent 5G network - 5G Standalone (SA), showing that the time of commercialization of 5G is not far away.