Lam Dong farmers are restless because of diseased silkworms


Lam Dong - Recently, many farmers have been restless because silkworms are infected with diseases, affecting productivity.

According to the feedback of many farmers in Lam Ha district (Lam Dong), recently many households have recorded the situation of silkworms suffering from diarrhea and pus (silkworms have swollen bodies and pus).

In recent days, the family of Ms. Vong Thanh Lan, residing in Tan Van commune (Lam Ha district), has had to use medicine to treat diarrhea in silkworms.

According to Ms. Lan, in the rainy season, silkworms often get infected with pus and diarrhea. The number of silkworms infected this year in Ms. Lan’s family is higher than in previous years. Currently, Ms. Lan’s family is facing many difficulties in preventing the disease.

Tam nhiem benh khien nong dan lo lang. Anh: Bao Lam
Diseased silkworms have farmers worried about productivity and reduced income. Photo: Hoai Thanh

According to Ms. Lan, silkworm disease affects the quality of cocoons and reduces cocoon productivity. This year, the price of cocoons is over 200,000 VND/kg. This price is higher than many previous years. However, farmers' income is low because silkworms are sick.

Mr. Chu A Hai, resident of Tan Van commune (Lam Ha district) said that the last batch of silkworms was about to enter the cocoon making stage when they got diarrhea, causing serious damage.

According to Mr. Hai, at first the silkworms grew quickly and beautifully. But just a week before the harvest, all the silkworms got diarrhea. Mr. Hai bought medicine to treat them but the silkworms did not recover.

Not only the above households, many other people in Gia Lam commune (Lam Ha district) said that when sick, silkworms stop eating, crawl onto mulberry leaves and excrete yellow watery feces. Silkworms with diarrhea will grow slowly, spin cocoons poorly, or even not spin cocoons at all...

Tam nhiem benh anh huong nhieu den nang suat. Anh: Bao Lam
Infected silkworms have greatly affected the cocoon yield. Photo: Bao Lam

Mr. Pham Phi Long, Manager of the Branch of Livestock, Veterinary and Aquaculture of Lam Dong province, said that the unit is currently coordinating with functional agencies and people to grasp information about the disease situation on silkworms to have a treatment plan.

According to Mr. Long, in recent years, silkworms have mainly been infected with scurvy, pus, fungus, poisoning, and diarrhea. Limiting these diseases mainly relies on disease prevention right from the start of production.

In particular, it is necessary to choose a breed structure suitable for climatic conditions, ensure environmental hygiene, organize disinfection of farming areas...


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