Oil traders worry about many price disadvantages

Cường Ngô |

According to the group of petroleum traders, the regulations in the draft decree on petroleum trading discriminate between businesses.

Request to reduce monopoly position in petroleum business

The group of petroleum distributors and retailers has just sent a document to the Prime Minister regarding issues related to amending the Decree on petroleum trading - Draft 04 is being consulted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The new Decree will replace Decree 83 of 2014, Decree 95 of 2021 and Decree 80 of 2023.

In the petition, petroleum distributors and retailers said that the new draft still does not "escape" the old management viewpoints and methods, which have caused consequences in terms of not being able to control prices, causing petroleum crises at some points.

The new draft still discriminates between petroleum businesses, creating business advantages for large businesses with monopoly positions, creating negativity, forming "group interests", and limiting the business rights of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Regarding the mechanism for regulating gasoline prices, the group of gasoline traders expressed their opinion that the 2023 Price Law stipulates that gasoline is on the list of price-stabilized goods but is not priced by the State; gasoline trading enterprises have the right to decide on prices themselves.

However, according to the current mechanism and the draft decree, the State still intervenes administratively in gasoline prices with 6 measures and tools, including setting the selling price formula; setting the business cost level; setting the business profit level; setting the adjustment period, announcing the selling price; exercising the right to announce world gasoline prices; and establishing a mandatory price stabilization fund.

"Does the content of the draft decree on petroleum violate the Law on Prices? In the context of no free and fair competition, distributors and retailers are at a disadvantage because they depend on the price of the main traders. The consequences lead to many small businesses suffering losses and being forced to close down," said the group of petroleum distributors.

Doanh nghiep phan phoi xang dau muon duoc canh tranh binh dang. Anh: Nguyen Phong
Petroleum distribution businesses want to compete equally. Photo: Nguyen Phong

To ensure transparency and competition in the petroleum market, when commenting on the draft decree, many businesses and experts proposed that the Government allow the establishment of a petroleum trading floor.

The Government leader also sent an official dispatch requesting the Ministry of Industry and Trade to preside over research into establishing a petrol trading floor to overcome the shortcomings of the current petrol management mechanism.

To do this, the Ministry of Industry and Trade must review the draft decree in the direction of amending and supplementing regulations on the purchase and sale of petroleum through the Commodity Exchange, in accordance with the provisions of the 2005 Commercial Law.

The group of petroleum traders also requested to amend the draft decree in the direction of allowing distributors to buy petroleum from other distributors as Decree 95 had previously done.

At the same time, it is necessary to abolish the regulations on classifying traders. Instead, the regulation of the decree is that the subjects of regulation are petroleum trading enterprises in general with conditions and technical standards associated with business activities.

Try to design the decree in the most market-oriented way

In response to business recommendations, on the afternoon of October 2, the Ministry of Industry and Trade held a conference to discuss and reach consensus on completing a draft decree to replace the decrees on petroleum trading.

Minister Nguyen Hong Dien said that this is the fourth time the Ministry of Industry and Trade has sought opinions from ministries and branches and also the fourth time it has submitted to the Government a draft Decree on petroleum business to have the most perfect and suitable plan compared to the current situation.

Bo truong Nguyen Hong Dien chu tri hoi nghi. Anh: Lan Phuong
Minister Nguyen Hong Dien chaired the conference. Photo: Lan Phuong

Up to this point, there are still some problems in drafting the decree, however, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has complied with the basic viewpoints in Resolution 55 of the Politburo on Vietnam's Energy Development Strategy to 2030 with a vision to 2050.

That is to implement a management mechanism for petroleum business activities with the aim of contributing to ensuring national energy security, meeting domestic market demand, while operating according to market mechanisms, ensuring fair competition and ensuring State control to contribute to stabilizing the macro economy and economic indicators.

"We are committed to accepting the opinions of the delegates. The Drafting Committee's viewpoint is to comply with the Government's instructions, trying to design the document in the most market-oriented direction and the best State management," said Mr. Dien.

Cường Ngô

Đừng cản trở quyền tự do kinh doanh của doanh nghiệp phân phối xăng dầu

Lê Thanh Phong |

Hàng loạt thương nhân phân phối xăng dầu xin trả lại giấy phép vì họ không đủ chống chọi trên thương trường. Nguyên nhân không phải do họ kinh doanh kém, mà vì mức chiết khấu cho thương nhân phân phối xăng dầu và doanh nghiệp bán lẻ xăng dầu rất thấp, không đủ bù cho chi phí kinh doanh cố định, doanh nghiệp lỗ nặng.

Sửa cơ chế hành chính áp đặt - đảm bảo nguồn cung xăng dầu

Cường Ngô |

Được cạnh tranh bình đẳng là mong muốn của nhiều doanh nghiệp kinh doanh xăng dầu, nhất là những doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ trong thời gian qua. Theo các chuyên gia, việc xây dựng chính sách thời gian tới cần hướng đến sửa đổi cơ chế hành chính áp đặt sang công cụ thị trường để tự điều tiết, tạo sự cạnh tranh, đảm bảo nguồn cung xăng dầu trên thị trường.

Lúc lên hương, khi thảm hại vì "thả nổi" chiết khấu xăng dầu

Cường Ngô |

Nhiều doanh nghiệp bán lẻ, phân phối xăng dầu "đứng ngồi không yên" trước nguy cơ thua lỗ trở lại do bị doanh nghiệp đầu mối "bóp" chiết khấu xăng dầu.

Bắt giam Phó Chủ tịch UBND huyện Hưng Hà, tỉnh Thái Bình


Thái Bình - Ông Vũ Văn Hạnh (54 tuổi), Phó Chủ tịch thường trực UBND huyện Hưng Hà (tỉnh Thái Bình) vừa bị khởi tố, bắt tạm giam.

Mục sở thị phố ẩm thực Hàn Quốc ngay giữa Hà Nội

Linh Boo |

Ghé khu K-Town ở quận Nam Từ Liêm (Hà Nội), du khách có thể thưởng thức ẩm thực tại những quán ăn chuẩn vị Hàn Quốc, và đứng “đâu cũng có ảnh đẹp”.

Tất cả mẫu nước sau vụ vỡ đập thải ở Bắc Kạn đều không đạt

Việt Bắc |

10/10 mẫu nước lấy tại Tuyên Quang xét nghiệm sau vụ vỡ đập bùn thải của Công ty Kim loại màu Bắc Kạn đều không đạt tiêu chuẩn sử dụng cho sinh hoạt.

Thông tin chính thức vụ thân mật trong lớp học ở Long Biên


Hà Nội - Đại diện Sở GDĐT Hà Nội cho biết, cô giáo xuất hiện trong clip ở Long Biên ít kinh nghiệm quản lý lớp học và xử lý các tình huống xảy ra còn non kém.

CLB Hoàng Anh Gia Lai bị Đà Nẵng cầm hòa trên sân khách


Câu lạc bộ Hoàng Anh Gia Lai chỉ có 1 điểm sau trận hòa 1-1 trước SHB Đà Nẵng trên sân Hòa Xuân tại vòng 4 LPBank V.League 2024-2025 tối 3.10.

Do not hinder the freedom of business of petroleum distribution enterprises

Lê Thanh Phong |

A series of petroleum distributors have asked to return their licenses because they are not strong enough to compete in the market. The reason is not because they are doing bad business, but because the discount rate for petroleum distributors and petroleum retailers is very low, not enough to cover fixed business costs, causing heavy losses for the businesses.

Fixing administrative imposition - ensuring gasoline supply

Cường Ngô |

Fair competition is the desire of many petroleum businesses, especially small and medium enterprises in recent times. According to experts, the development of policies in the coming time should aim to amend administrative mechanisms imposed by the market to self-regulate, create competition, and ensure the supply of petroleum in the market.

Sometimes prosperous, sometimes disastrous because of uncontrolled gasoline discounts

Cường Ngô |

Many retail and distribution businesses of gasoline are "on edge" at the risk of losing money again due to the "squeezing" of gasoline discounts by key businesses.