Former midfielder - CEO Trieu Quang Ha: "Being handsome and rich is not enough to be confident"

Hiền Hương - Hoàng Huê (thực hiện) |

Generations 7X and 8X will surely remember the years 1997 - 1999, when Vietnamese football with the golden generation of Le Huynh Duc, Hong Son, Quang Ha began to make their mark on the regional arena in the Tiger Cup and SEA Games. At that time, Vietnamese football began to witness victory celebrations with smiles and tears from fans.

After more than 20 years, the midfielder with a scholarly face, Trieu Quang Ha, is now called by a new name, CEO Trieu Quang Ha. Reporter of Lao Dong Newspaper had a conversation with former midfielder, former coach, CEO Trieu Quang Ha about the ups and downs of his journey with football.

Founded in 1954, The Cong used to be the most traditional professional football club in Vietnam. At one time, The Cong was also a symbol of the capital's football. As the 10.10 anniversary approaches, stories about Hanoi are of special interest. As someone who once packed his bags from Thanh Hoa to Hanoi to play for The Cong in its glorious years, can you share your memories of that time?

- In the early 1990s, my father wanted me to audition for The Cong club because this was a team with a long history. There, I could strive to do better, train my will, personality and football skills. My recruitment into The Cong was a source of pride for me and my family.

I remember, at that time, Vietnamese football had not yet integrated with the Southeast Asian region as well as the continent. It was not until 1998 - 1999 that Vietnamese football gradually became more professional but it was still very difficult.

Therefore, I came to football in general or to The Cong team in particular because of the burning passion in people for the round ball, not influenced by many economic or business factors.

When I was still playing, I always tried my best, even staying for extra practice hours. Therefore, my endurance and speed were highly appreciated. That is where the nickname "lungless man" of midfielder number 17 - Trieu Quang Ha came from.

The environment of The Cong always supports us to practice and compete with all our might. The Cong is a military football team, so in addition to professional training, we are also trained in lifestyle, discipline, competitive spirit and desire to live.

I have brothers, teammates, and experienced many memorable moments with The Cong football team.

After a long journey with many ups and downs, what is The Cong team like in your eyes?

- The Cong was truly a symbol of Vietnamese football. I remember, the generation of seniors in the team taught us in every meal, every training session, how to pump the ball properly, how to eat and drink... Whenever the young players had a slightly wavering mindset, the seniors in the team would encourage, confide and correct them right away. Those are the points that make me see The Cong as different from other teams.

At that time, The Cong fans were very numerous. They came to Cot Co stadium and when they got a ticket to watch a match with The Cong playing, it was a great honor and happiness. The Cong competed in many provinces and cities and always received a lot of love.

When we arrived in Hai Phong, fans repeatedly rushed out to watch, shake hands, and hug the players. Those moments made me believe that The Cong is a football icon in the hearts of many generations of Vietnamese fans. Perhaps, when the name The Cong is gone, fans will feel very regretful.

Looking back at your brilliant youth - the time you played for The Cong or the national team, the years you were immersed in the atmosphere of the fans' enthusiastic celebrations of victory, what does that past mean to you?

- Until now, I still love to be called former midfielder number 17 - Trieu Quang Ha or nicknamed "the man without lungs". It was a beautiful past. I played my best for the flag and the national team.

I enjoyed every moment, both the failures and the successes. I went through the emotions of having to try hard to make the best passes and saves.

Until now, when I am a businessman but still have a burning passion for football. Many partners also call the project with me "Football Man", which can be understood as a man of football.

This makes me feel like my youth was spent to the fullest.

Huan luyen vien Trieu Quang Ha. Anh: Nhan vat cung cap
Coach Trieu Quang Ha. Photo: Character provided

After retiring from his career as a player and coach, he turned to business. People always know that Trieu Quang Ha is a businessman who, wherever he is, still wants to invest in sports and football. So, may I ask, does business help him have money to invest in his passion for sports, or is it his passion for sports that helps him make a profit in business?

- I came to business because I was influenced by my family. In the 1980s, my family had a famous brick factory in Thanh Hoa. Whenever you come to Thanh Hoa, ask about Thai Phen brick factory (my parents' name) that produces 20x20 cement tiles and many people will know about it.

At the age of 16, I earned money by casting bricks for my family's factory after school. There were nights when I cast hundreds of bricks. Towards the end of my football career, it was my family's example that inspired me to turn to business.

I have to thank football for giving me a lot of experience, experience and reputation to do business more smoothly. Making money in any industry requires perseverance and effort.

From my reputation as a football player, I made more money and then I invested in football to make a profit. Those two things are linked together. I spent nearly 20 years studying in Japan about how to build, manage and make money for a team. Currently, football depends a lot on business but this is necessary.

Now, is Trieu Quang Ha a rich man investing in sports, or does he hope to become even richer thanks to investing in sports?

- Both ideas are correct. If you dedicate yourself to sports and do sports business to earn money, then when you have achieved your goal of having money, you will return to invest in sports to earn more money. It is a circle.

A person who comes from sports, if he has a name, when he does business related to sports can bring good profits, even a very large number.

Trieu Quang Ha was once loved for being a player with a handsome, scholarly appearance. Now, he is a rich businessman. Is it his handsome appearance or his ability to make money that makes him feel more confident?

- Good looks and the ability to make money do not make me feel confident. Appearance is flashy, and will pass with time.

Soul, will, and effort in work are important. Having money is also important, but in many relationships or dealing with people, if you only think about money or yourself, it will not bring much value. That is what I have learned after many years of being a player, coach, and businessman.

As a successful person, you rarely share about your family, especially your wife. If you ever share about your wife, what will you say when asked about her?

- My wife and I are both from Thanh Hoa. When she was 18, in my eyes, she was the most beautiful girl, very pretty, tall and educated. It was fate that we got together. When I was still playing, my wife didn't want to get to know me deeply because she didn't like famous people. At that time, we rarely met. Later, when I opened a business, my wife realized that my thoughts and personality were not those of a player who only knew how to indulge in fame. At that time, true love between the two of us blossomed.

My wife studied at the University of Law and is now a manager at a bank, so she understands, shares and gives me a lot of advice to improve my work. When I was a coach and often had to go with the football team, she encouraged me and shared my feelings so that I could confidently strive for my career.

Then we had our eldest son and twin girls. They were very affectionate with their father. That was a great happiness for me.

Going through the ups and downs of the years, when I return home, I always have comfort and a solid support, which is my family.

Hiền Hương - Hoàng Huê (thực hiện)

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