Lam Thanh My: I want to escape the shadow of a child actress with the role of Cam

Ngọc Dủ (thực hiện) |

In a conversation with Lao Dong Newspaper, the female lead of the movie "Cam" - Lam Thanh My - shared about her role as well as her expectations for the future.

Want to escape the shadow of a child star

From a child actress in the movie "I see yellow flowers on the green grass", Thanh My has made a breakthrough in more "heavy" psychological films. Do you want to escape the shadow of the child star you used to be?

- Taking on the role of Cam this time is my first wish. I hope to bring the audience an impressive role and make myself feel satisfied with this role.

Besides, I still have a little desire to affirm my maturity through the role of Cam. I am no longer a child actress, more ready for new projects, maybe "heavier".

This film brings to the audience a new image of Lam Thanh My.

Thanh My's decision to act in a horror film surprised the audience because many people still haven't forgotten her pure image in the film "I see yellow flowers on green grass" many years ago...

- The pure image of me many years ago that people remember the most is the role of Man in the movie "I see yellow flowers on green grass".

Besides this film, I have also acted in quite a few horror films. People often ask me, acting in so many horror films, am I afraid of repeating the same role? I think horror films are a genre that I have more experience with than other genres, so I am somewhat confident. Therefore, I think the direction for the horror film genre in the role of Cam this time is not bold at all.

When I accepted the role, I was quite worried. It's not that I didn't trust the crew, but I didn't trust my own abilities. Because this was a very new role.

For me, there were too many difficult scenes, so when I read the script, I hesitated, wondering if I could do it or not, if I could live up to the trust people placed in me or not?

So, choosing the role of Cam is not a bold decision, but it is a step forward because I think it will mark my maturity in acting.

With the role of Cam, you were praised for your good acting, so how hard did you have to work to complete this role?

- First, the preparation process for the Cam project included the time I read the script and had questions to discuss with the director about what I wanted to adjust, what was unreasonable, and what was not suitable.

I asked the director more about the character's tone of voice, walking style, smiling style, speaking style, gestures, and eyes.

All the little things, I have to figure out. I take my time to get the character right.

During the preparation period, I understood the character well enough so that when filming, it saved the crew time. Afterwards, I understood better what adjustments the director needed to make.

Because my character Cam has a very special makeup. First, the team measured my face to cast the appropriate silicone layers for the most natural facial movements.

At first, I was not very used to it, but I tried to practice acting with half of my face. When it came to the filming days, there were many difficulties. For example, the weather at the original location was quite cold, and I had to film in the rain, so I encountered many difficulties.

Later, when filming in Quang Tri, the weather was hot and sunny, and the actors had to wear many layers of clothes, plus my makeup needed to be kept up, so when cutting the scene, everyone had to run in and fan me and hold umbrellas to keep me cool. In addition, I had a sore eye from wearing the mask, so when filming the crying scene, I had to roll my eyes a lot.

Lam Thanh My dam nhan vai nu chinh trong phim “Cam“. Anh: Nhan vat cung cap
Lam Thanh My plays the female lead in the movie "Cam". Photo: Character provided

Hope the role of Cam will be loved by the audience

What do you expect from the role of Cam?

- I think I have a lot of expectations, but the biggest thing is that through the working process, trying and making efforts of myself as well as the crew, I hope that the work of the whole group will be loved and welcomed by the public and spread to everyone.

As for my own expectations for the role, I hope that with my efforts and preparation for the role, the audience will be satisfied and remember me.

Which image or actor do you want to aim for in the future?

- I like the acting of Korean actor Jun Woo in the movie "Reply 1994" who plays the main role. As for the role model I want to aim for in the future, I don't have one, I just want to be myself.

Do you feel pressured by competition in showbiz, especially as an actress?

- For actors, I think they will have more or less pressure. But for me personally, partly because my personality is a bit introverted, I don't want to compete with anyone.

I also don't get any favors when I act in movies. I also have film projects that require casting like everyone else, and I also try to do my best if I'm chosen.

In art, I am happy to be supported by my brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and other actors, so I think when working, solidarity and mutual support are paramount to completing the project, not competition.

I am a pretty carefree person, whatever comes to me will come. Therefore, I don't feel too much pressure to compete with anyone in showbiz.

Is Thanh My afraid of being eliminated?

- Yes! Because I also think what if one day I can no longer be an actor? I also feel lucky to have been attached to this job for 14 years and to be able to pursue the job I love.

Now everything is very developed, the next generations are also very good. People will learn many things so the next generations, I believe they will be more talented. I think I have to really try and make an effort in each project to be able to stay in the hearts of the audience for as long as possible.

In the entertainment industry, there were actors who became famous thanks to a role and then disappeared. Are you afraid that the shadow in the movie "I See Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass" is too big for you to overcome?

- I think from childhood to adulthood, I still consider my previous roles as a valuable journey. And I consider those roles that are known to many people as successes, so I don't feel pressured, but as experiences for myself, as experiences for myself in the next projects.

So I'm not pressured by previous roles. I think the pressure lies in the current projects, I need to prepare what is needed.

For example, when I took on the role of Cam, I only felt pressured about how I would portray this role. Was I good enough? What adjustments did I need to make to better portray my character?

What are Thanh My's future expectations in the film industry?

- I am focusing on promoting the movie "Cam". I shared above, I really hope the role as well as the movie will achieve good results. A version of Tam Cam, a story very familiar to the Vietnamese people and now seen from a more frightening angle.

In the more distant future, I hope my upcoming projects will be loved and welcomed by the audience.

Ngọc Dủ (thực hiện)

Lâm Thanh Mỹ - vai Cám: Không dám nhận là diễn viên thực lực

ĐÔNG DU, ảnh: NVCC. |

Chia sẻ với Báo Lao Động, nữ chính phim Cám cho biết cô không dám nhận mình là diễn viên thực lực nếu được khán giả ưu ái gọi.

Phim kinh dị 18+ "Cám" có đáng xem?

Chí Long |

Chính thức ra rạp từ 20.9, "Cám" đang là tác phẩm điện ảnh được quan tâm, dẫn đầu doanh thu phòng vé Việt trong những ngày qua.

Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc trong thế đối nghịch của vai Cám

Bình An |

Khi phim “Cám” với diễn xuất của Lâm Thanh Mỹ tạo được ấn tượng ngoài phòng vé, bộ phim “Tấm Cám chuyện chưa kể” có Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc được nhắc lại.

Dự báo diễn biến không khí lạnh sắp bao trùm miền Bắc


Trung tâm Dự báo Khí tượng Thủy văn Quốc gia đã dự báo diễn biến không khí lạnh trong 24 giờ đến 48 giờ tới.

Chưa rõ nguyên nhân hơn 40 người ở chung cư nghi ngộ độc


Nghệ An – Cơ quan chức năng đang tiếp tục xác minh nguyên nhân vụ hơn 40 người ở chung cư Golden City 3 (Nghi Phú, TP Vinh) có biểu hiện ngộ độc.

Thanh niên tử vong khi livestream cảnh báo sạt lở QL2

Lam Thanh |

Hà Giang - Vụ sạt lở trên QL2 đoạn qua xã Việt Vinh (huyện Bắc Quang) đã vùi lấp nhiều người và phương tiện.

Quy định là khung, việc ký phối hợp sẽ dựa trên thực tế

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

Hà Nội – Ngày 30.9, tại kỳ họp thứ 7, khóa XIII Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN dưới sự chủ trì của Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN Nguyễn Đình Khang, các đại biểu đã cho ý kiến vào Tờ trình dự thảo Quy định về mối quan hệ phối hợp công tác giữa Công đoàn ngành Trung ương và tương đương với các LĐLĐ tỉnh, thành phố.

1 tài xế ôtô đưa đón học sinh dùng giấy phép lái xe giả

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Một tài xế ôtô đưa đón học sinh dùng giấy phép lái xe giả bị phát hiện và xử phạt.

Lam Thanh My - role of Cam: I dare not admit that she is a talented actress

ĐÔNG DU, ảnh: NVCC. |

Sharing with Lao Dong Newspaper, the female lead of the movie Cam said she did not dare to admit that she was a talented actress if the audience affectionately called her that.

Is the 18+ horror movie "Cam" worth watching?

Chí Long |

Officially released in theaters since September 20, "Cam" is a film that is receiving attention, leading the Vietnamese box office revenue in recent days.

Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc in the opposite role of Cam

Bình An |

When the movie "Cam" with Lam Thanh My's performance made an impression at the box office, the movie "Tam Cam: The Untold Story" with Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc was mentioned again.