On the full moon day of July, we go through the rain to look for snails

Bài và ảnh Hải aN |

In the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the rains filled with the sadness of difficult love fell on Nam Dinh - my still sleeping city. During that time gap of yin and yang meeting, faint drops of Ngau landed on people's lips, suddenly evoking a craving for something salty: Snails.

Snail sucking pepper sorrow in the month of the year

Sucking snails or sucking snails are best during the 11th month of the lunar calendar , however, the half-sunny, half-rainy, half-lunar, half-solar weather of the seventh lunar month always makes people hesitantly brave the rain to look for goods. sucking snail. It's located somewhere, under an awning at the beginning of an alley or hidden in the middle of the afternoon market.

Ngau's tears, along with a slight bit of autumn air, made her feelings about the long love and farewell of each other make her tongue want to immerse herself in the warm yet bitter taste. Eyes suddenly blur due to flying snail smoke or Bokeh effect from thousands of drops of Ngu.

Nowadays, few people know about Ngau rain. It is the type of rain formed from the convergence of two bands of Northeast wind and Southwest wind, as well as the reunion of Nguu and Nguu, creating Ngau rains on days from July 3 to July 7, July 13 - July 17. and July 23 - July 27, the timelines for Loan Thuy coincide.

It's so exquisite that Heaven - Earth - Humanity can harmonize. Maybe from the weather phenomenon a story arises, or from the story the weather phenomenon becomes a tangible token of a couple's love. Anyway, between the coldness of the earth, sky and thoughts, only the eight snails have the ability to absolutely eliminate them.

Snails live in the sea, so their nature from the outside in is salty and rich. Snails are rich in flavor, different from snails such as jackfruit snails, stone snails, and stuffed snails. Snail sucker meat is not much, but when you eat a piece, you know that piece.

Snails are highly addictive. The strange taste of sucking snails lies in its bitter taste. The tastier the snail, the more pronounced the taste. The snail's sucker meat is not much, because the snail is only about the size of a pencil, at most it is as big as a little finger. If the sucker snail is allowed to grow, it will get larger in size.

At Me Cung Cave in Ha Long Bay, there are piles of sucker snail shells as big as those of wool snails. They lie on top of each other, calcify and form strange rocks. This proves that these sucker snails were eaten by the ancient people living here.

And the sucking snail of the Full Moon of July is very slim. The snail's head is only tiny, crunchy like other snails but much more flavorful. The intestines of sucking snails are not only opaque white or yellow like jackfruit snails and stone snails, but also come in many colors: black, blue, red, yellow... they look a bit disgusting, but when they lie on the tongue, they bring a strangely delicious taste. hard to describe.

Because they are marine species, sucker snails do not need dipping sauce like freshwater snails. Just boil it with a little water and a few grapefruit leaves and it's delicious. Nowadays, people are more sophisticated when using boiled water that is sour, spicy, salty, sweet, ground chili, and thinly sliced ​​lemongrass to add a different flavor to the snails.

In the past, on the full moon day of the seventh lunar month, my mother often boiled sucking snails so that the whole family could suck on them "chi cha chi chi bit" as the nursery rhyme read in the primer: "Find the little snail. I put it in the basket. I put it in the pot. It boiled. It was boiling. I poured it out. I suck my father's lice. It's a little father. Lead, lead, lead...”.

Snails are boiled with a few old green pomelo leaves. This grapefruit leaf contains a lot of essential oils. When boiled, the heat squeezes out the essential oils, making the snail pot more fragrant. After boiling, the snails are poured onto a tray lined with large, thick sheets of paper to wrap the snails in to keep the flavor and heat of the snails for a long time.

When everyone was crowded, the package of snails was opened, and the tray of snails emitted the sweet scent of grapefruit leaves. Immediately, whoever had a coin hole used a coin hole, whoever had a key hole used a key hole. If he didn't have one, my father would cut square pieces of corrugated iron, then use a punch to punch a round hole just to break the screw. Having weapons, everyone busily picked up snails, cracked them, and sucked on them, creating an extremely cozy and delicious harmony.

Now, my mother is old and her eyes are no longer sharp enough to buy and boil snails. If you want to eat snails, you have to brave the rain and go to the street or market to find them. Snails now are also "more sophisticated and stylish" than before when steamed or stir-fried with sour tamarind or coconut milk and garlic - chili - butter sauce.

The eaters also no longer use coin holes, but cut them with pliers to strip the wire. The black pliers, covered in plastic on the handle, cut the snail's butt smoothly. Much easier, and doesn't create crumbs. With pliers in hand, looking at the scene of eating snails is now quite exciting.

Next to the 60mm aluminum tray holding a bowl of snails, a bowl of figs and salt, and a bowl of red chili sauce, snail addicts use pliers to break the snail's butt and then gently put it in their mouths to suck with a loud sound. If the breath is not strong enough, the snail will not be able to suck it all out, so it will have to suck again to not waste the delicious part at the end of the snail's body.

The hot and spicy taste of ginger and chili will make the bitter taste of sucking snails more seductive, making people unable to stop, temporarily forgetting everything, just focusing on sucking snails. Take another sip of Kien Lao wine as clear as a cat's eye and it will be perfect, forgetting all your sadness or that of the Nguu - Ngau couple.

Snail sucker in July.
Snail sucker in July.

Snacks of school days

In the past, sucking snails were a popular snack among us green-nosed students. Just a few miles away, there is a sucking snail funnel, contained in a paper box, oblong in shape, looking exactly like a sucking snail. Ancient paper baskets were also often used to wrap roasted peanuts with basil, roasted corn, roasted chestnuts or pickled apples.

These pots containing suckling snails are often rolled with pages of school books smeared with purple ink. Just walk and pick up snails, put the ass into the round hole in the middle of the 5-cent coin, break off the snail's ass, then put it in your mouth and suck on it. If you don't have a 5-cent coin, you can use the hole in the house key to break it.

Many days when it rained, Ngau's hands were slightly cold and he clumsily dropped the snail on the road. It didn't matter, I picked it up again, blew on it to remove all the sand, then broke it again and sucked it deliciously. I really miss that sacred 5 cent coin, always in my pocket, whenever I see a snail, I always pull it out to attack.

And remember the fabric key chains too. If you look closely, there are probably a few tiny sucker snail scales stuck in the fabric. Many times, when I crave a snail and can't buy it or don't have the money, I turn the key chain to find those dry, sticky snail scales to suck on to relieve my cravings. It's truly a tragic scene for an amorous guest.

Break the glass and find the ball

Gather the remains of your clothes, save your breath.

That scale is also very strange. Because it is small and thin, when eating it, no one opens it like a screw or jackfruit. Just suck all the snail scales and meat into your mouth, then use your tongue to pull the snail scales out. However, due to having to suck hard, sometimes snail scales fly up to the palate in the mouth and stick to it.

It is very difficult to remove that part of the snail's scale because it is so thin that it cannot be used with your hands or a toothpick. Therefore, you have to curl the tip of your tongue up to trick the snail scales into falling, but it's also very difficult. Sometimes the snail's scales fall off the frog's jaw for no reason, but we are freed from the uncomfortable feeling of something that is too bulky to grab.

Therefore, just look at your friends in class, whoever keeps their mouths full of water, they are definitely eating snails during class and have snail scales stuck to their frog jaws. Almost everyone who has ever eaten a sucking snail has fallen into this situation, and that tiny snail scale turns out to be an unforgettable seal of the sucking snail experience.

The men and women who sell sucking snails are no longer lurking around outside schools, because today's students do not know what sucking snails are. However, on the checkerboard streets of Thanh Nam, there are still rows of small, hidden and humble snails somewhere. But if you have the heart to search, you will still find it. Snail scales as thin as paper and as small as duckweed wings often stick somewhere in the mind.

Bài và ảnh Hải aN

Mỳ “Phượng Sồ” trứ danh phố Hàng Bồ

Bài và ảnh HẢI AN |

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Bài và ảnh HẢI AN |

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