Trade Union's mark at the 15th anniversary ceremony of Tan Chau town

Võ Điền |

At the event celebrating the 15th anniversary of Tan Chau town ( An Giang ), the Trade Union organization made a mark by mobilizing more than 2,000 union members to participate in the sports festival.

On August 30-31, more than 2,000 union members, workers and laborers participated in sports activities organized by the Tan Chau Town Labor Federation.

This is a practical activity of the Trade Union organization and union members, workers of Tan Chau town to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Tan Chau district being recognized as a town.

More than 2,000 union members, workers and laborers participated in the campaign content, creating a mark for the Union at the event celebrating the 15th anniversary of Tan Chau town's establishment. Photo: Vo Dien
More than 2,000 union members, workers and laborers participated in the campaign content, creating a mark for the Union at the event celebrating the 15th anniversary of Tan Chau town's establishment. Photo: Vo Dien

Accordingly, more than 1,500 union members and workers from administrative agencies, public service agencies, wards, communes, etc. in the town participated in the walking program. With the theme: "Walking for health", the athletes walked on a 1.5km route through large, densely populated centers of the town center, creating a positive effect for the local commemorative activities and the movement for the whole population to exercise in the coming time.

The health walking activity attracted more than 1,500 athletes. Photo: Vo Dien
The health walking activity attracted more than 1,500 athletes. Photo: Vo Dien

The remaining 567 athletes are union members, workers, and laborers who are participating in trade union activities at grassroots trade unions throughout the town. They participated in 4 exciting folk game events, attracting thousands of cheers from teammates and residents. Accordingly, in the mixed men's and women's tug of war, there were 45 teams with 225 athletes competing.

Tug of war activity. Photo: Vo Dien
Tug of war activity. Photo: Vo Dien

The sack jumping event had 42 teams with 84 athletes participating; the pole pushing event for men and women had 78 athletes participating and the sack jumping event had 84 athletes from 42 teams competing. The blindfolded pot smashing game had 147 athletes participating. All created a joyful and exciting atmosphere, contributing to the success of the event celebrating the 15th anniversary of the founding of Tan Chau town.

As a result, the Organizing Committee awarded 66 prizes and many other meaningful rewards such as souvenir flags, award certificates, etc.

The clay pot smashing game attracts cheers from a large audience. Photo: Vo Dien
The clay pot smashing game attracts cheers from a large audience. Photo: Vo Dien

Mr. Phan Ngoc Que - Chairman of Tan Chau Town Labor Federation commented that the sports activities not only created a joyful and exciting atmosphere for the locality in the event celebrating the 15th anniversary of Tan Chau town's establishment, but also created a playground for union members, workers, and laborers to participate in healthy recreational activities...".

Chairman of Tan Chau Town Labor Federation Phan Ngoc Que awarded prizes to collectives and individuals with high achievements in the competitions. Photo: Vo Dien
Chairman of Tan Chau Town Labor Federation Phan Ngoc Que awarded prizes to collectives and individuals with high achievements in the competitions. Photo: Vo Dien

This helps to improve health and enrich cultural and spiritual life. This is the premise and motivation to encourage union members and workers to actively respond to patriotic emulation movements launched by the Trade Union and agencies and units in the coming time.

Võ Điền

Đoàn viên tỉnh An Giang tham gia hiến máu tình nguyện

Lâm Điền |

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Quang Long |

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Bế mạc Liên hoan Tiếng hát Công nhân tỉnh An Giang

Lâm Điền |

Ban tổ chức đã trao 81 giải thưởng tại Hội thi Tiếng hát Công nhân, viên chức, lao động tỉnh An Giang lần thứ 16 năm 2024.

Quy hoạch xây dựng nhà mới cho 37 hộ dân Làng Nủ

Đinh Đại |

Câu chuyện 2 gia đình với 8 nhân khẩu vẫn an toàn sau vụ lũ quét tại Làng Nủ, xã Phúc Khánh, huyện Bảo Yên, tỉnh Lào Cai tựa như một phép màu, bừng sáng niềm hy vọng tìm kiếm 39 người còn mất tích.

Du khách nói gì việc giá vé thăm quan Ga Đà Lạt sẽ tăng gấp 10 lần?


Rất nhiều du khách cảm thấy chưa hài lòng, thậm chí chê đắt trước thông tin di tích quốc gia Ga Đà Lạt (Lâm Đồng) sẽ tăng giá vé gấp 10 lần.

Giãn nợ, giảm lãi suất để hỗ trợ người dân, doanh nghiệp ổn định sản xuất

Tuyết Lan - Kim Khánh |

Nhằm hỗ trợ người dân, doanh nghiệp bị ảnh hưởng do bão số 3, ngành ngân hàng đã có nhiều chính sách như giảm lãi suất vay, giãn - hoãn nợ, để thể hiện trách nhiệm chia sẻ, tạo điều kiện cho doanh nghiệp phục hồi.

Công đoàn hỗ trợ hàng trăm lao động thắng kiện

Tường Minh |

Được 62 lao động ủy quyền, LĐLĐ thành phố Đà Nẵng khởi kiện và thắng kiện Công ty CP Dệt Hòa Khánh. Vụ việc đã mang đến sự tự tin hơn cho tổ chức Công đoàn trong nỗ lực đồng hành, bảo vệ người lao động.

Đường 6 làn xe ở Tân Sơn Nhất nguy cơ trễ hẹn vì mặt bằng


TPHCM – Đường nối Trần Quốc Hoàn - Cộng Hòa ở cửa ngõ sân bay Tân Sơn Nhất đối diện nguy cơ trễ hẹn do vướng mặt bằng 67 hộ dân và đất quốc phòng.