Vietnam General Confederation of Labor conducts survey in Bac Giang province

Quyết Chiến |

Morning of July 30, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor surveyed, evaluated the organizational model and activities of grassroots trade unions in enterprises with a large number of members in Bac Giang.

Mr. Nguyễn Xuân Hùng - Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor - led the survey team and chaired the meeting.

Co-chairing the meeting was Mr. Nguyễn Văn Cảnh - President of the Bắc Giang Provincial Labor Federation.

The survey and evaluation aim to serve the summary of Resolution 4a/NQ-TLĐ dated June 24, 2014, of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor on enhancing the effectiveness of the activities of the direct superior trade unions to meet the requirements of the workers' movement and trade union activities in the new situation and the pilot project of the organization and activities model of grassroots trade unions with a large number of members.

Implementing Resolution 4a, the Standing Committee of the Bắc Giang Provincial Labor Federation issued Plan No. 53/KH-LĐLĐ on August 27, 2014, which set specific targets to strive for by 2018; at the same time, organized conferences to thoroughly grasp and implement directives to all levels of trade unions. On that basis, 100% of the direct superior trade unions have developed plans and organized the implementation of Resolution 4a at their level.

Annually, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Labor Federation has concretized the implementation of Resolution 4a in monthly, quarterly, and yearly work programs and plans; regularly urged and inspected the organization of implementation at all levels of trade unions. The Provincial Labor Federation has actively advised and proposed to the General Confederation, the Provincial Party Committee, coordinated with district party committees, city party committees, and party committees to consolidate and strengthen the organization and staff of the direct superior trade unions to meet task requirements. Proactively coordinated with sectors and affiliated agencies to build and sign coordination programs to implement the contents of Resolution 4a.

At the meeting, representatives of grassroots trade unions from enterprises with a large number of members contributed many opinions on the organization and activities of trade unions at their units.

Mr. Hoàng Văn Quân - Vice President of the Trade Union of Si Flex Co., Ltd. (Trade Union of Industrial Zones in Bắc Giang Province) said that the company is a foreign-invested enterprise with 6,256 trade union members. The grassroots trade union has 36 trade union groups with 13 executive committee members; 100% of grassroots trade union officials work part-time. The trade union has done well in dialogue, collective labor agreements, bringing additional benefits to members and workers...

Mr. Hoàng Văn Quân suggested organizing more training sessions on soft skills, group skills alongside propagating legal regulations; building cultural zones, organizing more off-hour programs for workers to avoid social evils.

Mr. Nguyễn Xuân Hùng - Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor - stated that the opinions at the meeting are the basis for the working group to research and complete projects and reports before submitting them to the Presidium of the General Confederation for consideration and decision.

Mr. Nguyễn Xuân Hùng hopes that in the coming time, the Provincial Labor Federation will continue to gather related opinions and send them to the General Confederation for research and absorption.

Quyết Chiến

Khảo sát việc thực hiện Nghị quyết về xây dựng giai cấp công nhân

Nam Dương |

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Kiều Vũ |

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Kiều Vũ |

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Nguyễn Tùng |

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Phương Anh |

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Giờ thứ 9: Trả về nguyên quán - Phần 2

Nhóm PV |

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Minh Nguyễn |

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Nhật Minh |

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