The female President of the Muong Trade Union is devoted to union members

Vân Anh |

Ms. Bui Thi Hoai Kim Ngan (born in 1976), President of the Trade Union of Ha Bi Primary and Secondary School, Kim Boi District, Hoa Binh Province , always works with enthusiasm and passion, making many contributions to improving the lives of union members and workers.

Effort to contribute

Ms. Bui Thi Hoai Kim Ngan (Muong ethnic group) was born and raised in Kim Boi district, Hoa Binh province. With a passion since her school days, Ms. Ngan nurtured her dream of studying physical education. After graduating in 1998, she worked as an educator at Ha Bi Primary and Secondary School.

Sharing about her work process, Ms. Ngan confided: “When I first started working, I encountered many difficulties due to limited expertise and experience. In addition, the school's facilities were also lacking, not meeting the teaching needs of the subjects. However, the teacher and students always tried to overcome these challenges to achieve many high achievements for the school and the district's education sector."

According to Ms. Ngan, before each sports competition season for students in Hoa Binh province, despite many difficulties and shortcomings in school equipment and weather conditions, thanks to the constant efforts of the students, along with the warm feelings and sharing from colleagues, she has successfully completed the assigned tasks.

Not only enthusiastic in her work, Ms. Ngan also has many initiatives that are recognized and highly appreciated. These include: Exercises to develop strength in the sitting long jump technique, applied to students of Ha Bi Primary and Secondary School who achieved high results in the district and provincial athletics competitions; Some methods to organize training for the Aerobic team to practice optional exercises of 8 people...

Light up the competitive spirit

During her work, Ms. Ngan was trusted by union members in the unit to be elected to the Executive Committee of the Union, holding the position of Union President from 2012 to present.

Sharing about the difficulties and challenges during her time working in the union, Ms. Ngan expressed: “Because I have to take on concurrent jobs, sometimes I have to face certain challenges. There are times when work from superiors comes in so quickly that I cannot visit and encourage union members in a timely and appropriate manner.”

However, over time, with experience and solidarity efforts of the union executive committee and union members, the activities have gradually become more regular and developed.

Currently, in her role as Union President, Ms. Ngan, together with the Ha Bi Primary and Secondary School Union, has performed well the role of caring for and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of union members, helping union members feel secure in their work, making the school's Union stronger and stronger.

Not only devoted to the Union activities, Ms. Ngan is also a person who is devoted to her professional work, creating many good ways of doing things that are recognized and highly appreciated by competent authorities. Up to now, the Union of Ha Bi Primary and Secondary School has over 100% of its members recognized as Excellent Union members, 96% of its female members recognized as Good at public affairs - Good at housework.

Ms. Nguyen Thanh Ha, President of the Kim Boi District Labor Federation, commented: “Comrade Bui Thi Hoai Kim Ngan is an enthusiastic and dedicated cadre, always completing all assigned tasks excellently. She has many outstanding contributions to work and union activities, is always sociable and cares about the lives of union members as well as workers in the unit.”

With her continuous efforts, Ms. Bui Thi Hoai Kim Ngan has achieved the title of Emulation Fighter at the grassroots level for 3 years; excellently completed her tasks from 2021-2023, and received a Certificate of Merit twice from the Chairman of the People's Committee of Hoa Binh province.

Vân Anh

Kiến nghị xác đáng của nữ Chủ tịch công đoàn cơ sở


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Văn Trực |

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Quy hoạch xây dựng nhà mới cho 37 hộ dân Làng Nủ

Đinh Đại |

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Công đoàn hỗ trợ hàng trăm lao động thắng kiện

Tường Minh |

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Nước lũ rút, nhiều bệnh đã hiện hữu

Lệ Hà |

Vệ sinh môi trường, phòng, chống dịch bệnh sau mưa bão là một trong những việc cần làm sau khi mưa rút. Bệnh người dân vùng mưa lũ dễ mắc phải là đau mắt, bệnh ngoài da và tiêu hóa.