People in difficult areas talk about the bridge supported by the Trade Union


The bridge has mobilized resources from philanthropists, union members and people to contribute and build.

Recently, the Kien Giang Provincial Federation of Labor, Chau Thanh District Federation of Labor coordinated with the Party Committee - People's Committee of Giuc Tuong Commune and the Red Cross Society of Mong Tho A Commune to organize the inauguration ceremony and signboard installation of the traffic bridge project.

This is also a project registered to be implemented according to the Plan of the Standing Committee of the Kien Giang Provincial Federation of Labor on launching a special emulation campaign to achieve achievements in celebration of holidays and important events of the country during the year and the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union (July 28, 1929 - July 28, 2024).

According to the Chau Thanh District Labor Federation, the project "Traffic bridge connecting Group 1 and 2 in Tan Dien Hamlet, Giuc Tuong Commune, Chau Thanh District" was surveyed and implemented by the District Labor Federation in coordination with the Party Committee - People's Committee of Giuc Tuong Commune and the Red Cross Society of Mong Tho A Commune.

The project started on April 15, 2024 and was completed on August 10, 2024. The bridge is 17m long, 3.5m wide, and the total value of the project is 170 million VND. Of which, the cost of materials is 120 million VND and 125 working days worth 50 million VND. Dozens of union members and workers participated in helping to pour columns and concrete for the project.

The bridge was inaugurated and put into use before the September 2nd holiday. Mr. Pham Quoc Viet, a resident of Tan Dien Hamlet, Giuc Tuong Commune, said that the hamlet still has difficulties in terms of traffic infrastructure, especially the degraded rural bridge system, which cannot meet the needs of transporting goods and traveling of the people in the hamlet. In particular, students face many difficulties going to school during the rainy and stormy season.

“Today, the new bridge is in use, we can travel easily, students do not have to worry about difficulties going to school during the rainy season, people are very happy and thank the authorities at all levels, the Trade Union, and the benefactors who helped build the bridge,” Mr. Viet shared.

Mr. Danh Xa Oanh - Vice Chairman of Tan Dien Commune People's Committee - said that the locality is a rural area where people mainly live on agriculture. The rate of poor and near-poor households is still high, so mobilizing funds to invest in building a bridge is very difficult, especially building a bridge with reinforced concrete.

Although in recent years, Party Committees and Governments at all levels have invested in building bridges using budget funds and mobilized contributions from philanthropists inside and outside the province, it has not yet met the travel needs of the people.

“Today, the new bridge makes it easier for people to travel, especially students who are no longer afraid of crossing the makeshift wooden bridge. This September 2nd holiday, people travel more, it is busier than usual, everyone is happy,” Mr. Oanh shared.

Pham Van Dang, Standing Vice President of the Kien Giang Provincial Federation of Labor, commented: The completion of this project is not only a simple construction project, but also has great social significance. The bridge has contributed to connecting traffic between residential areas, creating favorable conditions for travel, transporting goods, and promoting local socio-economic development.

This is a vivid demonstration of the strength of national solidarity, of the spirit of "Mutual Love and Support", contributing to enhancing the position of the Trade Union organization in society and the cause of homeland construction.

“The success of this project is the result of the continuous efforts of the Party Committees at all levels, local authorities, the consensus of benefactors, construction units, the District Labor Federation and the enthusiastic participation of union members. With the spirit of solidarity and creativity, we can completely turn ideas into reality, contributing to bringing a better life to the people,” Mr. Dang emphasized.


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