200 trade union officials were informed about policies on female workers


Lam Dong - Bao Loc City Labor Confederation has just disseminated legal policies on female workers to more than 200 union officials.

On August 26, Chairman of Bao Loc City Labor Confederation Nguyen Van Manh said that the unit had just organized training for more than 200 grassroots Trade Union officials.

This training class is part of the program to implement the Resolution of the 13th Congress of Vietnam Trade Unions, term 2023 - 2028.

“The training is aimed at implementing a breakthrough in implementing the Trade Union Resolution for the 2023 - 2028 term and fostering and improving the quality of Trade Union officials. To do a good job of representing and protecting workers , trade union officials must firmly grasp legal policies" - Mr. Nguyen Van Manh said.

Ms. Dao Thi Hong Hieu - President of the Trade Union of SCAVI Bao Loc Joint Stock Company - said that during this training, union officials were informed about many related legal policies. Including content about labor, social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance...

More than 200 union officials were informed about policies on female workers. Photo: H.THANH
More than 200 union officials were informed about policies on female workers. Photo: H.THANH

Along with that are legal policies on female labor. Disseminate the rights of female workers such as working hours and rest hours for pregnant female workers and raising children under 12 months old.

In addition, periodic health examinations, obstetric examinations, prenatal examinations, maternity leave and job security for female workers after maternity leave...

“These legal policies aim to protect and take care of female workers. This is the basis for us to monitor implementation at the enterprise. Moreover, this is also a condition to negotiate with employers and take care of employees" - Ms. Dao Thi Hong Hieu affirmed.

On this occasion, Trade Union officials were also able to popularize and thoroughly grasp the Politburo's regulations (No. 144-QD/TW, dated May 9, 2024) on "revolutionary ethical standards of officials and Party members during the new paragraph".


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Ngành Đường sắt không có tranh chấp lao động

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Xuất hiện sạt lở nguy hiểm tại bờ sông Cầu, Thái Nguyên

Ngọc Minh |

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