Lam Dong is interested in building agencies that meet cultural standards


Lam Dong - "Building an agency that meets cultural standards " will create a civilized, friendly working environment, ensuring legal and legitimate rights and benefits for workers.

On July 27, Vice Chairman of the Lam Dong Provincial Employees' Union - Mr. Ho Van Tan said that the unit had just organized the announcement of the Decision of the Lam Dong Provincial Labor Confederation on recognizing the "Cultural Standards Agency" , "Unit meeting cultural standards" for the period 2022 - 2023.

On this occasion, 104 out of 105 agencies and units with trade unions under the Lam Dong Provincial Employees' Union were recognized as meeting cultural standards for the period 2022 - 2023.

"These are agencies and units that successfully complete their professional tasks, build internal solidarity and fully implement regimes and policies for officials, civil servants, public employees and workers" - Mr. Ho Van Tan said.

Labor unions and leaders of Lam Dong Social Insurance pay attention to taking care of the cultural and spiritual life of union members, officials, and workers. Photo: PHUONG TRA
Lam Dong Provincial Social Insurance Union pays attention to taking care of the cultural and spiritual life of union members, officials and workers. Photo: Phuong Tra

Mr. Nguyen Canh - Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Lam Dong Provincial Social Insurance Agency shared that building agencies and units that meet cultural standards is a practical and effective solution for trade unions to promote their role well. representative role, protecting the rights and taking better care of union members and workers.

According to Mr. Canh, although the Certificate of "Agency meeting cultural standards" and "Unit meeting cultural standards", the criteria and standards are associated with promoting the democratic rights of workers.

Thereby, creating a civilized and friendly working environment. Especially ensuring legal and legitimate rights and interests and taking care of the material and spiritual life of workers.

"Not only that, all problems in professional work are also promptly resolved by the unit. In the unit, everyone is respected, promotes their role, initiatives and has their rights guaranteed... Therefore, Everyone is excited, united, attached and responsible to the agency" - Mr. Nguyen Canh affirmed.


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