Soc Trang commended 90 grassroots union officials


90 Presidents of trade unions , grassroots unions, and outstanding female workers of the Communist Party of Soc Trang province were praised.

On the afternoon of August 2, the Standing Committee of the Confederation of Labor of Soc Trang province organized a conference to meet trade union officials and praise outstanding union officials on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnamese trade union.

Ms. Ho Thi Cam Dao - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Council - attended and directed the Conference.

Ms. Ho Thi Cam Dao - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the People's Council of Soc Trang province spoke at the conference. Photo: Phuong Anh
Ms. Ho Thi Cam Dao - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the People's Council of Soc Trang province - spoke at the conference. Photo: Phuong Anh

According to the Confederation of Labor of Soc Trang province, after 32 years of growth and development, through 7 congresses, the Soc Trang Trade Union team has continuously grown, performing well its role and function of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the union. members and workers, contributing to the successful implementation of local political tasks.

From the beginning of 2024 until now, the building of the trade union organization model has been carried out in an open and flexible direction, with a focus on non-state and informal sectors, expanding the network. Unions are workers who share the same profession .

Under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the direction of the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, trade union activities in the province have been strongly oriented towards the grassroots, focusing deeply on representative activities, taking care of and protecting legitimate rights and interests. law of union members and workers. Tet reunion programs, Trade Union Tet Market, Zero VND Market, Workers' Month, Continuing Children's Steps to School, Trade Union Meal... are continuously organized on an increasingly larger scale, creating strength. more diffuse.

Trade unions at all levels have signed union member welfare programs with agencies, units and businesses, and tens of thousands of union members have benefited. In the past 5 years, 324 Trade Union Shelters have been implemented with an amount of over 13.8 billion VND, contributing to helping union members stabilize their lives, feel secure in labor, production, work,...

Since 2023, the Provincial Labor Confederation has coordinated with the Provincial National Assembly Delegation to organize voter contact conferences between National Assembly delegates and workers. Thereby, union members and workers directly expressed their thoughts and aspirations and made recommendations and suggestions from the reality of labor and production to leaders at all levels. Emulation movements have been responded to by a large number of union members and workers with practical actions. On average, nearly 10,000 topics and initiatives are recognized every year.

Speaking at the conference, Ms. Ho Thi Cam Dao - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Soc Trang province - highly appreciated the contributions and outstanding achievements of all levels of Trade Unions that have contributed to the Provincial Party Committee. achieve and exceed important socio-economic targets.

The Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee requested all levels of Trade Unions to continue to perform well the task of representing, taking care of, and protecting the legal and legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers. Proactively and promptly grasp the ideological situation, thoughts, and legitimate aspirations of union members and employees regarding employment, housing, wages, income, working conditions, social insurance, and medical insurance economic... create harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations in the new situation.

At the same time, advise the Party Committee at all levels and coordinate closely with the government, professional agencies at the same level, and business owners to organize and launch emulation movements among workers, officials, and employees.

Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and Confederation of Labor of Soc Trang province awarded medals for the cause of trade union organization to individuals. Photo: Phuong Anh
Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and Confederation of Labor of Soc Trang province awarded medals for the cause of trade union organization to individuals. Photo: Phuong Anh

On this occasion, there were 78 individuals receiving Medals for the cause of trade union organization from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and Confederation of Labor of Soc Trang province awarded certificates of merit to Communist Party officials with outstanding achievements. Photo: Phuong Anh
Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and Confederation of Labor of Soc Trang province awarded certificates of merit to Communist Party officials with outstanding achievements. Photo: Phuong Anh

Praising 90 officers of the Communist Party of Vietnam, grassroots trade unions, and female workers of the Communist Party of Vietnam for their outstanding achievements in the workers' movement, civil servants and laborers who have made many contributions in the process of establishment, operation and development of the Company. Soc Trang province union in particular. Vietnam trade union in general.


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"Phông bạt" trên Facebook là căn bệnh và cần thuốc chữa


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Promoting the spirit of continuous innovation and creativity of union officials

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