6 units in Emulation Cluster No. 4 include the Labor Federations of the districts: Phuc Tho, Ba Vi, Hoai Duc, Dan Phuong, Thach That, Quoc Oai, which are directly managing over 1,360 grassroots unions with 52,459 union members. In 2024, the socio-economic situation of the districts in the Cluster will have positive changes, achieving a fairly high growth rate, the lives of workers and civil servants will be stable and improved... creating favorable conditions for the activities of the unions at all levels in the area.
With the motto of working towards the grassroots and union members, in 2024, the District Union will continue to promote the "Welfare Program for Union Members and Workers", sign cooperation agreements with businesses on incentive programs and discounts for union members in the area. Coordinate to organize free health check-ups and direct the grassroots Union to organize periodic health check-ups for over 2,000 union members, workers and employees.
In particular, the District Trade Unions pay attention to the legal targets of the Trade Union organization, making efforts and determination to complete and exceed the targets of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions. 6/6 units have completed the target of establishing grassroots trade unions, reaching from 100% - 280%; 4/6 units have completed and exceeded the target of developing new union members, from 100% - 110.5%.
To achieve this result, the Trade Unions of the districts have made great efforts and made breakthroughs to complete the target by participating closely, resolutely and responsibly from the leaders to the specialized Trade Union officials.