Weather forecast for the next 10 days from March 12 to March 21 in all three regions


The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting forecasts the weather for the next 10 days (from the night of March 11 to March 21) in areas across the country.

Weather forecast for the next 24 to 48 hours

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting said that in the next 24 to 48 hours, the weather in all three regions will not fluctuate significantly.

Bieu do nhiet trong 10 ngay toi o Ha Noi cap nhat vao 16h ngay 11.3. Anh: Trung tam Du bao Khi tuong Thuy van Quoc gia
Temperature chart for the next 10 days in Hanoi updated at 4:00 p.m. on March 11. Photo: National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting

The Northwest will have rain in some places, early morning there will be scattered fog and light fog, sunny afternoon; on March 12 - 13, there will be showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night. Cold at night and morning.

The Northeast will have light rain, scattered drizzle and fog at night and in the morning. Cold at night and morning.

The area from Thanh Hoa to Hue will have rain in some places, early morning there will be scattered fog and light fog; on the evening of March 12 - 13, there will be scattered showers and thunderstorms. Cold at night and morning.

The area from Da Nang to Binh Thuan will have scattered showers.

The Central Highlands and the South will have showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night; sunny during the day, with some places in the South experiencing hot weather. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind.

Weather forecast from the night of March 13 to March 21

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has made a statement on notable weather trends in some areas from the night of March 13 to March 21.

Bieu do nhiet trong 10 ngay toi o TPHCM cap nhat vao 16h ngay 11.3. Anh: Trung tam Du bao Khi tuong Thuy van Quoc gia
Temperature chart for the next 10 days in Ho Chi Minh City updated at 4:00 p.m. on March 11. Photo: National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting

In the Northwest from the night of March 13 to March 15, there is a forecast of rain in some places, early morning there will be scattered fog and light fog.

From the night of March 15 to 16, the Northwest will have scattered rain, showers and thunderstorms, then there will be rain in some places. From the night of March 13 to the night of March 15, the night and morning will be cold.

From around March 16, the Northwest is likely to turn cold.

The Northeast region will have light rain, scattered drizzle and fog from March 13 to 14. Around March 15, this area will have scattered showers and thunderstorms in some places.

From March 16 to March 21, there is forecast to be rain in some places. From March 13 to March 15, the night and morning will be cold. From around the night of March 15, the weather is likely to turn cold.

The area from Thanh Hoa to Hue from March 14 to March 15, sunny days, showers and thunderstorms in some places in the late afternoon and night.

From around the night of March 15 to 19, the above area will have scattered showers and thunderstorms in some places.

From the night of March 13 to March 15, Thanh Hoa to Hue will have cold nights and early mornings. From around March 16, the weather is likely to turn cold.

The area from Da Nang to Khanh Hoa from the night of March 13 to March 15, sunny days, showers and thunderstorms in some places in the late afternoon and night.

From around the night of March 15 to 19, the above area will have scattered showers and thunderstorms in some places.

Other areas during the night of March 13 - March 21 are forecast to have sunny days, some places are hot; showers and thunderstorms in some places in the late afternoon and night. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind.


Weather today 11.3: foggy in the North, hot in the South


Weather today 11.3, Northeast region has light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning. Sunny days in the South, some places are hot.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 11 nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 11, Hanoi will have light rain, scattered drizzle and fog at night and in the morning; cold weather. Ho Chi Minh City is sunny.

Weather today 9.3: Forecast for rain in the North and South


Weather today 9.3, the plains and coastal areas of the North will have light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning and at night. The South has scattered showers and thunderstorms in the evening.

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Weather today 11.3: foggy in the North, hot in the South


Weather today 11.3, Northeast region has light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning. Sunny days in the South, some places are hot.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 11 nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 11, Hanoi will have light rain, scattered drizzle and fog at night and in the morning; cold weather. Ho Chi Minh City is sunny.

Weather today 9.3: Forecast for rain in the North and South


Weather today 9.3, the plains and coastal areas of the North will have light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning and at night. The South has scattered showers and thunderstorms in the evening.