Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 5th nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 5, Hanoi will have scattered rain and light rain; the morning will be cold with the lowest temperature of about 20 - 22 degrees Celsius. Ho Chi Minh City will have sunny days.

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has updated the weather forecast for tomorrow (March 5) in the regions.

Accordingly, due to the influence of the strengthening cold air combined with the strong wind in the high-altitude westerly wind zone, from March 5, the Northern and North Central regions will have scattered rain and light rain.

The Southern region will have sunny days, some places will have hot weather.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 5 for the regions:


Lowest temperature: 20-22 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 24-26 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, scattered rain, light rain, northeast wind level 2-3, cold at night and morning.


Lowest temperature: 19-22 degrees Celsius, some places below 18 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 25-28 degrees Celsius; Northwest region 31-34 degrees Celsius, some places above 35 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, some places have rain at night, sunny during the day, especially in the Northwest, some places have hot sunshine, light wind, cold nights and mornings.


Lowest temperature: 19-22 degrees Celsius, mountainous areas below 18 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 23-26 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, scattered rain, light rain, northeast wind level 2-3, cold at night and morning.

Thanh Hoa to Hue

Lowest temperature: 21-24 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: North 23-26 degrees Celsius, some places above 26 degrees Celsius; South 27-30 degrees Celsius, some places above 30 degrees Celsius.

The North is cloudy, with rain in some places, early morning there is scattered fog and light fog, afternoon and evening there is less cloud and sunshine; the South is cloudy, at night there are showers and thunderstorms in some places, during the day there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.

Da Nang to Binh Thuan

Lowest temperature: 22-25 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 29-32 degrees Celsius, some places above 32 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night, sunny days, light winds, thunderstorms with the possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.

Central Highlands

Lowest temperature: 19-22 degrees Celsius, some places below 19 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 31-34 degrees Celsius, some places above 35 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night, sunny days, light winds, thunderstorms with the possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.

Southern region

Lowest temperature: 23-26 degrees Celsius.

Highest temperature: 31-34 degrees Celsius, some places above 35 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, no rain at night, sunny days, hot weather in some places, light wind.


Weather today 4.3: The North continues to have rain with fog


Weather today 4.3, Northeast region has light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning and at night; cold weather. Sunny days in the South, some places are hot.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, January 4, nationwide


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Weather today 3.3: The North has rain, fog


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Weather today 4.3: The North continues to have rain with fog


Weather today 4.3, Northeast region has light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning and at night; cold weather. Sunny days in the South, some places are hot.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, January 4, nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 4, Hanoi will have light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning; cold weather. Ho Chi Minh City is sunny.

Weather today 3.3: The North has rain, fog


Weather today 3.3, the Northeastern provinces have light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning. Sunny days in the South, some places are hot.