
Weather forecast for the next 3 days from February 23 to February 25 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast for the next 3 days in the North is affected by the influence of increased cold air causing rain and cooling down.

Forecast of rain and cold air from now until mid-March


According to the meteorological agency, from now until March 20, the Central and Southern regions are forecast to have some days of scattered showers and thunderstorms; the North will have many days of light rain.

Developments and the end of widespread rain in the South


According to the Southern Hydrometeorological Station, after about the next 2-3 days, thunderstorms will gradually decrease in area and volume.

Forecast of the time when cold air will increase and cause widespread rain


From February 23, the cold air is forecast to strengthen and affect the North and North Central regions.

Workers dredging sludge under To Lich River


On February 22, dozens of workers dredged the sludge under the To Lich River to prepare to receive additional water from the Red River.

Weather today 9/29: Some places in the North have very heavy rain


Weather today 9/29, the North has localized heavy rain. Thunderstorms are likely to have tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind.

Morning news: The North is about to welcome cold air


Morning news 9/29: The North is about to welcome cold air; Parents are upset because the teacher asked for laptop support; Forecast of the possibility of a super typhoon hitting the Philippines early next week;…

Weather Forecast for the next 10 days from September 28 to October 8 in all three regions


The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting forecasts the weather for the next 10 days (from the night of September 28 to October 8) in regions across the country.

Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 9/29


Latest Weather Forecast 9/29: The North has scattered showers and thunderstorms, with some heavy rain in some places. Thunderstorms are likely to cause tornadoes, lightning, and strong gusts of wind.

Weather Forecast tomorrow 9/29 nationwide


Weather Forecast for tomorrow, September 29, the North and Thanh Hoa will have moderate rain, heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms, locally very heavy rain.

Convective clouds develop strongly, forecasting heavy rain in Hanoi


The meteorological agency warned that Hanoi is about to have thunderstorms due to developing convective clouds.

Heavy rain forecast for the South


The Southern Hydrometeorological Station said that thunderstorms will mainly occur in the afternoon and evening. Rain is likely to increase in the next 2-3 days.

Forecast of when cold air will return, causing rain and reducing temperature


A representative of the meteorological agency said that from October 1, due to the impact of cold air, the temperature in the North will decrease rapidly with the highest temperature around 26-27 degrees Celsius.

Forecast of storms and tropical depressions in the next 6 months


The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has updated information on the forecast for the next developments of the storm season.

Forecast of when the North will have thunderstorms


The meteorological agency said that tonight, September 28, some areas in the North will have thunderstorms.

Will the East Sea welcome storms and tropical depressions in the next 10 days?


Weather Forecast for the next 10 days, a representative of the meteorological agency said that storms active in the Northwest Pacific will not move into the East Sea.

Time of cold air appearing, dispelling the heat


A representative of the meteorological agency said that cold air is forecast to cause temperatures to drop rapidly in the first days of October.

In the North, there are places about to have heavy rain exceeding 70mm


The meteorological agency said that tonight, September 28, the North will have heavy rain in the midlands and mountainous areas.

Weather today 9/28: Forecast for thunderstorms in the South


Weather today September 28, Southern region sunny day; showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and night.

Weather Forecast tomorrow 9/28 nationwide


Weather Forecast for tomorrow, September 28, Hanoi will be sunny with the highest temperature around 32 - 34 degrees Celsius. Ho Chi Minh City will have showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night.