Garbage surrounds the planning area of Hue University


HUE - All kinds of waste and animal carcasses are piled up inside the Hue University planning area, near schools and dormitories.

Ghi nhan cua PV Bao Lao Dong, tai khu quy hoach Dai hoc Hue (thuoc phuong An Cuu, quan Phu Xuan) xuat hien nhieu loai rac thai sinh hoat, rac thai ran, rac dang phan thanh tung dong nam ngon ngang.
According to the reporter of Lao Dong Newspaper, at the Hue University planning area (in An Cuu ward, Thuan Hoa district), many types of household waste, solid waste, decomposable waste... have appeared, piled up and lying around.
Theo do, du cac dang rac thai sinh hoat, rac thai xay dung, rac thai tam linh va tham chi la xac chet dong vat duoc tap ket sai quy dinh tren mot truc duong ket noi truong Dai hoc Ngoai ngu Hue voi truong Dai hoc Kinh te Hue va Khoa the chat.
Accordingly, all types of household waste, construction waste, spiritual waste and even animal carcasses were illegally gathered on a road connecting Hue University of Foreign Languages with Hue University of Economics and the Faculty of Physics.
Nhieu rac thai xay dung dang ton tai nhu be tong, cat, soi, gach ngoi vo, thach cao…Ben canh do la cac tam kinh vo vun, ban ghe, bon tam hay ca bon cau cung duoc mang den khu quy hoach Dai hoc Hue vut bo.
Many construction waste still exists such as concrete, sand, gravel, broken bricks, highach... In addition, broken glass panels, tables and chairs, bathtubs or even bridges are also brought to the Hue University planning area to be thrown away.
Vo van dang rac thai tai khuon vien khu quy hoach Dai hoc Hue.
There is countless types of waste at the Hue University Planning Area campus.
 Vo chai nuoc bang thuy tinh tran ngap trong khu quy hoach Dai hoc Hue.
The glass water bottle is flooding the planning area of Hue University.
Nhung bao tai chua day rac thai sinh hoat, nhua, giay, xop, chan, goi...vut tran lan khong chi lam xau di my quan do thi ma con tiem an nhieu nguy co o nhiem moi truong nghiem trong.
The sacks filled with household waste, plastic, paper, foam, blankets, pillows... are thrown everywhere, not only making urban aesthetics worse but also posing many serious environmental pollution risks.
Con duong noi nhieu nguoi qua lai ngap trang rac thai, tran ra long duoc gay can tro giao thong.
The road where many people pass by is flooded with garbage, overflowing, causing traffic obstruction.
Con duong rac ben canh truong Dai hoc Kinh te Hue, anh huong den suc khoe con nguoi va canh quan do thi Hue.
The garbage road next to Hue University of Economics, affects human health and the landscape of Hue city.
 Xac chet cua mot vat bi dot chay dang bi phan huy gay ra mot mui hoi kho chiu. Nhung xac dong vat nay khong chi gay mui hoi thoi nong nac ma con la moi truong thuan loi cho vi khuan va mam benh phat trien.
The remains of a burned object are decomposing, causing an unpleasant odor. These animal carcasses not only cause a strong stench but are also a favorable environment for bacteria and pathogens to grow.
Dieu dang noi, nhung bai rac boc mui nam cach ki tuc xa sinh vien chua day 100m. Ban Phan Toan – mot sinh vien cho biet, mui thoi nong nac thuong xuyen khien ban than cam thay kho chiu va anh huong truc tiep hoc tap. “Hoi truoc em hay di dao quanh truong, doc cac con duong nho o day, nhung thay rac moi ngay cang nhieu, mui lai kho chiu nen ve sau em it khi di dao quanh day lam.” – Toan noi.
It is worth mentioning that the stenchers are less than 100m from student dormitories. Phan Toan - a student said that the frequent strong stench makes him feel uncomfortable and directly affects his studies. Before, I often walked around the school, along the small streets here, but seeing more and more garbage every day and the smell was unpleasant, so after that, I rarely walked around here, Toan said.
Ngay 18.2, trao doi voi Lao Dong, dai dien Dai hoc Hue cho biet, don vi da nam bat duoc thuc trang viec nguoi dan vo y thuc do rac thai ra khu vuc dat quy hoach tren.
On February 18, speaking with Lao Dong, a representative of Hue University said that the unit had grasped the situation of people unconsciously dumping waste into the above planned land area.
“Chung toi da nhieu lan ra quan, huy dong can bo, sinh vien cung don dep ve sinh. The nhung, sau khi don xong, nhieu nguoi vo y thuc lai tiep tuc do rac tro lai. Ngoai ra, viec don dep rac thai xay dung can co thoi gian, bai thai phu hop va ton them chi phi de xu ly. Vi vay, chung toi rat mong chinh quyen va luc luong chuc nang cung vao cuoc, chung tay dua ra phuong an xu ly nhung hanh vi do thai trai phep, nham han che tinh trang o nhiem tai khu vuc nay,” dai dien Dai hoc Hue thong tin.
"We have mobilized staff and students to clean up many times. However, after cleaning up, many people unconsciously continued to dump garbage again. In addition, cleaning up construction waste requires time, appropriate landfills and additional costs for treatment. Therefore, we hope that the government and functional forces will join hands to propose a plan to handle illegal dumping activities, in order to limit pollution in this area" - a representative of Hue University informed.


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