Weather forecast for the next 10 days from February 22 to March 3 in all three regions
The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting forecasts the weather for the next 10 days (from the night of February 21 to March 3) in areas across the country.
Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 22 nationwide
Weather forecast for tomorrow, February 22, Hanoi will have light rain, drizzle and fog. Cold weather with the lowest temperature around 16-18 degrees Celsius.
Dien Bien suddenly has hail
On the afternoon of February 21, some localities in Dien Bien province had widespread thunderstorms, many areas experienced hail.
Weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, February 22
Latest weather forecast 22.2: The North has light rain, drizzle and fog. Heavy rain in the Central region, some places have heavy to very heavy rain and thunderstorms.
Forecast of the cold air mass about to strengthen in the North
The meteorological agency warns that the cold air will soon strengthen, causing prolonged rain in the North.
Following the footsteps of people wading through mud to regenerate coastal protection forests in Soc Trang
Soc Trang has an area of coastal protection forest of over 6,788 hectares, mainly concentrated in Cu Lao Dung, Tran De districts and Vinh Chau town. Recognizing the importance of forests, in recent years the province has implemented many programs and projects to restore and protect forests. In particular, focusing on new planting combined with care and protection of protective forests.